Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

Nadyah was off speaking with Caspian and gathering supplies. For the first time in her life, Adelina wasn’t being escorted and she felt a strange sense of freedom.

“He’s going to be all right,” she heard Asher say, soothing Veri as she hardly touched her food. The female was too skinny, and the servants complained how picky she was.

Veri said nothing in response and Adelina crossed her arms, slowly making her way towards her brother and his new love interest. When had Asher ever had someone he openly cared about? She didn’t think he’d ever courted someone before. That alone told her how he felt.

“Hayden will pay,” Veri said quietly, so very, very quietly. If Adelina hadn’t been focused on her and watched her lips move she’d doubt the female had said anything at all.

“He will,” Asher promised.

“At the very least he will not be king,” Adelina said, sliding into a chair next to her brother.

Asher glanced at her and nodded. “I would never allow it.” As the only other royal child with the rosanera dominance he could challenge Raena unlike the rest of them.

“What do you think of Raena’s choice?” Veri asked, that sharp gaze pinning her to her chair.

Adelina shrugged. She remembered very little about the council meeting after the Neprijat King’s transmission. “I don’t know much about Lord Alock, but I do believe he is honorable and for now that is enough.”

Based on what they knew about the lord from their visits and the livestream he was loyal and strong. He would make a good king consort, but Adelina worried what Raena would do to him, how he would change under her presence and direction.

Veri nodded and shoved the food on her plate around.

“If you try the vegetable sandwiches, they are quite satisfying,” Adelina told her, watching the way she ignored all the meat.

Those aquamarine eyes looked up and the sheer relief Adelina found there was surprising. “I’ve been hesitant to try much I couldn’t identify,” Veri admitted.

“There is no meat or fish in those,” Adelina said, pointing at the tray stacked with sandwiches.

Veri took four and devoured them. It had been almost a week and she must have been starving. “Why won’t you play?” Veri asked Adelina, jerking her head towards the setup for the Games.

Adelina shared a look with Asher. Perhaps if she were male…but, no it would be too dangerous. “I am too submissive,” she said instead.

Veri snorted and reached for a fifth sandwich. “So what? That doesn’t change your skill with a weapon. We have plenty of submissive warriors on Priea; they can slaughter a monster just as well as any dominant.”

The comment and brazen openness shocked Adelina and she sat back in her chair, studying the woman across from her. It was the same conversation she’d had with Nash. Had she really been so na?ve her whole life? Adelina was a Draga, and she had a wolf just like Asher did. And now she knew she could be dominant if she wished.

“I do not like to anger my sister,” she said, wondering if being so truthful was a good idea, but Adelina needed to feel Veri out. If Asher planned to wed her one day Adelina wanted to know who the female was underneath her beautiful exterior.

Veri raised a delicate, turquoise eyebrow. “Seems unfair, and if you’re better at something than she, shouldn’t she know it so she can properly use your skills?”

Adelina crossed her arms, uncomfortable with the truth of Veri’s words. Asher saved her from a response.

“Adelina…doesn’t like violence.”

Veri leaned forward, not moving that intense gaze from Adelina’s face. She hardly even blinked. “You don’t like violence, or you don’t like how good at it you are? There is a difference. I don’t like the need for violence, but on my planet my skill saves lives.”

“My skill is negotiation,” Adelina snapped. Veri was too astute. “I will not be fighting in this war. My submissive nature would detract too much from the battle, and our warriors would feel the need to protect me. It could cost their lives unnecessarily.”

Veri leaned back and slowly ate a sixth sandwich. “Ah, that makes more sense. But surely you can play the Wolf? You would not be competing in that Game.”

Asher looked alarmed. “Adelina has never played the Wolf, it is too dangerous. She could be ripped to shreds.” Instinctively he leaned closer to Adelina and she felt grateful for her brother.

Until recently it had been too dangerous for her to play the Wolf, but now…she wanted to see if she could.

“Asher, how do you know? Adelina is the only one who can say for sure.”

Those words and slight challenge to her brother made Adelina smile, she had to hide it with a cough. “I think it would be best to watch the Games with the queen,” Adelina said. “Perhaps next time.”

It wouldn’t be long before the Game of the Wolf started and then it would be the Hunt. At least she could ride along in that. Adelina looked up to see Elara and the queen step gingerly down the stone steps from the palace. It seemed the king had stayed inside. It concerned her how quickly he grew tired now. Adelina stood from her chair and kissed Asher on the cheek.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to speak with Mother.” Adelina took a path that would intersect with the queen and her father’s mistress.

Adelina didn’t want to talk to Adele; she wanted to talk to Elara.

Queen Adele smiled at Adelina as she approached. “Have you been enjoying the events?” Adele asked.

Adelina smiled softly, eyes down as was expected of her. “It’s been a nice distraction.”

Her mother stumbled at the veiled words. “Yes,” she managed. “I hope our king or queen of the Hunt catches us something delicious.”

Adelina wondered if the reason her mother never truly made an effort to bond with her was because of her complicated parentage. Or perhaps she feared there was too much of Elara in Adelina, and worried someone would notice. But if she was truly a child of love, shouldn’t her mother at least like her a little bit?

“As do I, Mother.” Adelina looked up at Elara and caught the courtesan’s eye. “May I speak to you in private?”

Both females glanced at Adelina in alarm. She stopped before the platform with their thrones and her mother hesitated.

“It’s all right Adele, I won’t be far,” Elara promised.

The queen stepped onto the raised platform and took her seat. Adelina pulled Elara a few steps farther from the platform, just enough Adele couldn’t hear their conversation, but still close enough to clearly see any threat that could harm the queen.

She glanced at Alpha standing guard on the other side of the platform. Adelina didn’t want anyone else to hear these words.

“I know,” she said, keeping her voice low. “I’ve seen the genetic scan.”

Elara’s face grew deathly pale, but she said nothing. She glanced at Adele and then back to Adelina. Did the courtesan think she meant the mating bond? Adelina tilted her head in question.

“Yes, I know about that as well, but also that Ian and I have a lot more in common than I thought.” It was difficult to keep her words subtle, cloaked, and vague enough to confuse anyone who might overhear.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books