Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

Her raven hair was braided to enhance the small, golden crown atop her head that glittered with black opals. She wore black pants with her supple, well-worn riding boots. They looked recently polished and told everyone who could read the signs she wasn’t just a stuffy princess. Raena rode in the forest regularly. There were no skirts as Adelina had, Joslynn noticed. The top of her outfit was fashioned like one of the military jackets, but instead of the normal trim there was gold embroidery. Golden roses glittered under the summer sun, bringing attention to her tiny waist and the slim muscles on Raena’s body.

It was a bold statement, one that said she could handle what was about to come. That Raena knew how to get dirty when need be, and she could be relatable to the people. Though Joslynn didn’t think an outfit would make much of a difference after that morning. Perhaps the Games would help Raena’s reputation among the people.

Those dark amethyst eyes swept over Adelina and instantly the younger princess dropped her eyes, inclining her head in a small bow. Joslynn bowed lower, taking her cues from Adelina. This was the last place she wanted to be with the crown princess still in a mood after the council meeting.

Raena greeted the king and sat in the empty throne next to him.

Carefully Adelina crossed her legs and placed her hands on the arms of the small throne. She kept her eyes down, but her spine was straight, and her head held high. Joslynn could see how difficult it was for Adelina to keep that submissive mask on at times, but Adelina also knew how precarious her freedom was with Raena.

Joslynn watched the two sisters in her peripheral but kept her gaze forward on the events.

“No Games today?” Raena asked, turning to Adelina.

Joslynn’s muscles tensed between her shoulders as that predatory attention swept over her.

“No, sister,” Adelina murmured. “I will enjoy watching you win though.” A sweet, soft smile as she kept her eyes down on Raena’s lips so as not to challenge her.

Joslynn had never admired Adelina as much as she did in that moment. It took a lot of hidden strength not to wilt under someone like Raena. Even Joslynn had difficulty and she was only one level below Raena in the dominance spectrum.

“I see you gave a token,” Raena teased her younger sister, playfully tapping the top of Adelina’s hand. “Wish me luck, dear sister.” A kiss on Adelina’s cheek and Raena was up and striding across the field with purpose.

When the crown princess was out of earshot, Joslynn heard Adelina slowly let out a breath. This was a dangerous game, and she could see how hard it was for the princess to pretend Adelina and Raena were as close as they’d once been.

Relief flooded Joslynn. For the first time she was grateful Princess Adelina had chosen not to participate in the Games.

Chapter Seven


Palace Grounds

Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Adelina watched as the staff directed each player to their designated target. Archery would be the first Game and Raena had always excelled at the sport. They watched in companionable silence as Raena won the Game of Archery, then Asher won the Game of Mounted Archery on the galinas. Raena came in a close second.

She and Joslynn chatted about nothing really as they watched, smiling when a recorder came by to check the reactions of the king and queen. It was no surprise royals had won but the livestream had to feed the masses.

Ian was still absent from the Games and the events, no doubt he lost track of the time in the labs. Adelina found it interesting Nadyah thought so fondly of Ian. The two couldn’t be more opposite, but they’d become friends over the weeks and Adelina loved that. Her brother needed someone like Nadyah to pull him out of his tiny little world.

William was wisely on patrol, wearing his Army uniform and standing with the other soldiers guarding the people and the palace with all the new strangers roaming about. He also didn’t like competing against their more dominant siblings. He, like Adelina, didn’t think it was a good idea and had kept out of the recent activities as much as possible.

Stefano actually won the galina race with Lady Veri hot on his heels. Adelina laughed and cheered with the other spectators when Stefano leapt over the finish line after bursting out of the forest. Veri and her galina had pounced from the trees, the massive paws outstretched and those claws gleamed in the bright sun. For a heartbeat Adelina thought she would take down the male with brute force, but she pulled up right after Stefano with no harm done.

Her galina pranced around as she laughed with the male commoner, talking about some race on Priea and the various techniques each had used. Veri even saluted him as she rode, picking up speed. When she reached the hostlers, she jumped from the back of the galina and with eerie grace she rolled and then managed to walk right out of the roll, back towards the playing field. One of her servants rushed up with a soft towel and iced water.

Those aquamarine eyes shifted and found Adelina staring. For a split second she debated dropping her gaze, but something about this female intrigued her. The turquoise hair was up in a tight ponytail, contrasting with the cobalt blue of her riding outfit. She wore pants as well and the cognac boots looked well-worn. A sea-foam green shirt fluttered in the wind, so thin and see-through under the open jacket.

Veri raised an eyebrow at her inspection and Adelina merely smiled. The Lady Veri blew her a kiss.

Adelina outright laughed at the show.

Then Asher prowled towards Veri after delivering his own galina to the hostler. He glanced between the two of them and gave Adelina a tiny quirk of his lips in his version of a smile before turning to the lady. His body language practically screamed his possession and desire of her, but he kept it leashed and Adelina doubted many could see it when he slipped his hands in his pockets and put on that bored expression he favored so much.

If Asher saw something in the female, then maybe there was more to her than Adelina first thought. Veri didn’t like many of the nobles per the rumors and from what Adelina could see. For whatever reason, Veri liked Adelina. It made her wonder what the lady saw in her.

Stefano approached on his galina, slow enough not to set off the guards but he looked sure and confident, as if he were born in the saddle. He bowed to the king and queen first from the waist down while the galina pulled on the reins. A quick yank and the beast settled. Adelina couldn’t help but feel impressed. “Princess Adelina, I’d like to present the prize I won in your name.” He tossed the piece of gold toward her in a gamble.

Out of instinct she plucked it out of the air. Adelina inspected the piece. It was small, but solid gold. A magnificent work of art and a beautiful depiction of one of the fierce galinas. She looked at her father and he only smirked, so un-kingly. Despite staying out of the competition, she’d still managed to win through Stefano.

“Are you going to thank the boy?” her father demanded.

Adelina slid a sideways glance to the king and kept her playful snarl to herself. Her father chuckled anyways, knowing her too well.

“Go,” Joslynn teased, her fiery red hair shaking with her repressed laughter.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books