Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

“Colin told me Lord Greyson abandoned his family after Alock was born, too afraid to face the monsters as he was born on Deytis. It was put to Veri to raise Alock since their mother had to rule Priea. It’s made her rather…protective of him.” Joslynn adjusted her skirts and leaned back, watching the fights and flinching every time someone was injured.

The third ring of fighters had Hayden against Jayden. It was only a matter of minutes before he’d struck the younger lord three times. The burns from the plasma blades branded on the skin of the Seprilles male. Referee’s declared Hayden the winner and a physician ran over to the heir of Seprilles with a tin of their best healing salve. The rueful smile on the Lord Jayden’s face won over the crowd.

Stefano then lost to Alock and it wasn’t long before the victors were paired with the remaining fighters.

Adelina looked back at Elara and Nadyah. Her courtesan had a grim look on her face, perhaps she hadn’t known about the true reason Lord Greyson stayed on Draga Terra for so many cycles.

“Is Veri…loyal?” Adelina carefully asked Joslynn. The only time the royal family went to Priea was on the tour during the winter when the creatures hibernated. All nobles were on their best behavior during the tour. So it could be difficult to really see behind their good manners and protocol.

Joslynn looked uncomfortable. “The Marquess is loyal. Veri is the heir and she is…not disloyal. But I’ve heard she has no qualms about doing what she must for her people and her family – whatever it takes.”

“I appreciate your honesty,” she murmured, studying the way Veri watched Alock, wincing when he was burned.

The crowd screamed for Hayden as he fought with admirable skill. Watching him, Adelina could see why her family had avoided conflict with his for so many centuries. They’d kept the alliance strong. Because Adelina knew if all in the Avvis army fought like Hayden, the Draga Army might actually lose.

Dragans were normally peaceful. Her family would rather settle conflict without physical confrontation. The power of their genes and dominance kept the peace among their own people for centuries, but they’d married into the Avvis family more than a few times over the centuries. It wouldn’t surprise Adelina if one of the Avvis Sons or Daughters were born with enough of the Draga genes to challenge a royal for dominance.

If that day ever occurred, Adelina hoped they were ready for it.

The plasma blades were incredibly deadly, almost too deadly for the Games in Adelina’s opinion. All it took was one wrong move, one slight or accident and one of the fighters could end up very, very dead.

There was a glint in Hayden’s eyes Adelina didn’t like. A hard gleam the moment he was paired with Alock. As soon as the horns sounded to begin he’d attacked with a brutality that made her flinch. Nadyah gasped when the blades crackled against each other. Hayden used his significant strength to bear down on Alock, pushing the blades towards his face.

The Priea lord had to allow a strike or lose his eyes.

Adelina’s hand went to her throat and she watched in fear for Alock’s life. Veri screamed for her brother as the smell of burning hair permeated the field. She yelled at him to do something. Adelina watched Veri pace along the edge of the ring, snarling and looking ready to rip Hayden to shreds.

Finally, Alock released and tried to twist away from the blue light, but a massive slice went down his back and he stumbled. There was a moment when everyone held their breath, a moment when Adelina felt bile rise. Then Alock collapsed to the ground and Veri leapt over the fence.

Physicians were already at the young lord’s side. Adelina hadn’t realized she’d stood until Joslynn was next to her, clutching her arm. Adelina glanced back at her father. His face was grim as they shared a look.

The recorders showed the wound up close, displayed for all to see. Asher had to hold Veri back as she turned on Hayden, snarling and screaming obscenities. For once, Adelina completely understood the female. If that had been William, Hayden would already have his throat ripped out.

That Asher was able to hold her back at all spoke volumes – she would not hurt the prince no matter how badly she wanted vengeance.

Hayden turned to the spectators with a triumphant smile before he faced Raena. Wisely her sister’s face was blank as she watched the wound slowly knit back together, covering the white bone of Alock’s spine as they all watched. A bandage was placed carefully before the physicians had Alock moved to the temporary hospital tent.

There was never any illusion to these Games. They all knew how dangerous they were, how nasty their ancestors were to create them. And they all could feel that kernel of brutal, snarling strength inside, commanding them to succeed and triumph. To make the others submit…it was the wolf deep inside.

The genetic map they’d followed allowed for that vicious creature to take hold of them from time to time and no one was under any illusion they were anything but creatures of chaos and survival underneath their flawless human skin.

“Looks like you should have picked me as your champion,” Hayden stated. His words were loud as the recorders caught them and displayed them for the entire galaxy to see and hear.

After Raena’s declaration that Alock would be her husband, it seemed the Avvis lord was sour about the decision, hoping to sway the crown princess back to him. Adelina felt her lip curl up in a silent snarl. She hoped Raena would rip that grin off his cula’ting face with her claws.

Raena simply smiled; that terrifying smile full of sharp, white teeth. “There is still the Hunt and the Game of the Wolf, Lord Hayden. We will see what fate decides.” Her kiss on his cheek was almost violent, as though she’d thought about taking a bite out of his face, but decided otherwise at the last moment.

Her sister signaled the staff and the horn sounded thrice. Lunch and the midday rest would take place early after that deplorable display. Adelina didn’t move as her sister breezed past her to help King Orion to his feet. The crown princess escorted their father towards the pavilion where an infinite number of tables were set up, servants already pouring out of the palace with trays of food. Adelina didn’t dare take a step until Raena was a good bit ahead of her.

Joslynn pressed into her side, and Adelina could smell her fear. She slipped her arm around Joslynn’s waist and then smelled Nadyah at her back. It settled her enough to breathe and calm down…

That creature of chaos and survival roiled under her skin, trying to remind her how delicious violence could be.

Chapter Eight


Palace Grounds

Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Joslynn went off to nap after the lunch hour and Adelina had decided her time would be better spent awake. It didn’t matter that she would most likely be up all night to see Varan at the Ladrole. She was too jumpy and on edge. She’d spent most of the lunch with Joslynn, but the female was understandably tired and emotionally exhausted.

Adelina hoped for her friend’s sake Giselle and Sirus would return soon.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books