Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

Those steps came ever closer, but still so far away. How much closer would she bring them before deciding to turn on them?

“What time is it, Wolf?” Veri demanded.

The voice was so much closer than before. Adelina lifted her nose, scenting all the prey behind her, waiting and taunting.

“It’s only the second hour,” Adelina answered, a real smile on her face this time, showing her teeth. Gasps as the spectators all saw the blood coating her teeth, displayed on the massive viewer for everyone to see. She licked the rest of the blood from her lips.

Grass rustled. Two steps closer.

Their hearts started to beat faster as the distance closed. How close would they dare to go? How close would she make them get?

Hayden’s voice reached her through the sound of the rushing blood in her veins, and Adelina saw red. “Beautiful Wolf, what time is it?” This one had a debt to pay.

Become the wolf.

Her smile turned into a grin and the sharp canines of her teeth glinted, sharp and deadly on the viewer. “I’m hungry,” she snarled, whipping around.

They all scattered, running from the Wolf.

Her prey ran from her – for the maze, the woods, the palace. Those instincts deep inside her roared to life, taking over. Adelina let her careful control, that leash she always held on to so tightly; she let it go. Instinct pushed her to chase. Who would taste the best?

Asher held Veri’s hand and they both laughed, breathless and wild as they ran. Those two were smart. They headed for the forest where logic told Adelina they would climb the trees. She prowled forward, not yet running as she scented them all. Her fingers curled and her nails lengthened, the canines in her mouth felt sharper, and her vision clearer.

Stefano’s scent was sharp like grass, mixed in with his lilac scent. Adelina watched as some of her prey ran into the maze, and the scents were submissive enough her mouth watered.

A massive, toothy grin warned them all the Wolf inside her was ready to play. Adelina had designed that maze, knew every path and dead end.

She took off, fast as the wind and her prey screamed in fear and delight as they ran. She ignored the ones smart enough to run into the palace and the forest. Too many ran for the maze. A recorder whizzed by her, managing to keep up. Through the haze of bloodlust she snarled again, swiping at the annoying, hovering tech. Metal and glass shattered and fell to the ground. The others stayed out of reach after that.

The scents on the wind tantalized, promising such sweet tastes when she found her delicious prey. All the training she’d done with Alpha and Nadyah kicked in and her footsteps became silent, she became nothing more than a shadow as she stalked through the maze.

Where was the one she sought, the one who smelled like orange-blossom and citrus?

Adelina ran the tips of her nails over the shrubbery, knowing a few were close enough to hear the leaves rattle and shake. Multiple heartbeats ratcheted up, pounding so hard and loud they might actually give out.

There, there was the one she sought. Adelina looked up to gauge the height of the walls, her hearing telling her exactly where her prey was. They ran and ran, not knowing the path they took was a dead end where there would be no escape, another leading them into a trap. She decided to give chase.

Jumping over the walls wouldn’t make it very fun.

Her legs pumped and she was fast, so much faster than any of them had expected. Adelina snapped her teeth at a few as she passed. They screamed and jumped out of her way. The taste of their fear was like a fine wine but she kept going, knowing they all wanted a game. Through the haze of her anger and instincts she still had the presence of mind to recognize who she chased.

A turn and they both were stuck in the dead end. One was laughing, breathless and glittering. Adelina turned from Raena and focused all her attention on the male beside her.

His back pressed into the wall of leaves, roses, and thorns behind him. His blood perfumed the air and Adelina’s nostrils flared delicately as she caught the scent. There was nowhere for him to run. Wisely Raena went still, noting the way Adelina moved—hunted the lord at her side. The smile disappeared from his face and then his fear reached her.

Become the wolf.

Oh, Adelina was the wolf, and she was done playing.

He actually jumped and grasped the thorns and vines and started to climb up the wall, the scent of his blood blossomed on the air as the thorns ripped into his hands. Adelina snarled and pounced. Her nails caught hold of his calves and she yanked. He hadn’t expected her strength, or speed. He yelped and she hooked the nails of one hand into his belt and dragged him down to the ground.

Utter silence except the beat of the drums that pounded faster and faster, a vicious song that called to the chaos inside. It made her want to sway and dance, but something more delicious waited for her.

Hayden sought to throw Adelina off of him, he kicked at her but she dodged. Those nails of hers hooked into his ribs and flipped him onto his stomach. He scrambled, trying to crawl away, but he hadn’t expected her strength. Hayden had underestimated Adelina.

Quick as lightning she straddled him, one knee pressed his face into the grass and the other dug between his shoulders. “Hayden,” Adelina whispered, a low growl deep in her throat made the lord instantly still.

The drums went silent.

Her lips were pressed to his ear, so close he flinched when her hot breath brushed against his skin. “You’ve lost.” Adelina opened her mouth wide, feeling the ache in her teeth, the need and desire. Those sharp canines reached the tender skin of his throat and she bit down, hard.

Blood rushed into her mouth and the taste was exquisite.

Despite Hayden’s obvious skill and strength, he’d underestimated her; he’d allowed Raena – a wolf in sheep’s clothing – to lead him here. Such foolish prey.

And as quickly as she’d let loose her control, Adelina reigned it back in. She released Hayden and stood. Her eyes found Raena’s. She couldn’t help the wide grin at her sister as blood dribbled down her chin. The adrenaline coursed through her and Adelina felt invincible.

Raena grinned right back, that dark sparkle in her eyes saying she knew exactly why Hayden had been Adelina’s prey. With such irreverence Adelina stepped over him, untying the mask from her face.

“I nominate my future queen,” Adelina said. The rippling growl lingering in her voice made the male on the ground tremble. She tied the mask around her eldest sister’s face. “I nominate Raena.”

The call was taken up by the rest of them and a new round began.

Raena grinned and delicately wiped the blood off Adelina’s bottom lip and licked every drop from her finger. “Delicious.”

Adelina shuddered in appreciation at the flawless predator before her.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books