Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

Hayden stood, his legs trembling. They both ignored him as he walked out stiffly, no doubt getting lost in the maze again. He’d been stupid enough to get caught and marked. Hayden had moments before the others scented his new weakness, before they turned on him.

Adelina laughed as she ran from her sister, feeling free and wild for the first time in her life.

“Little Wolf, little Wolf,” Asher called out to Raena, catching Adelina when she burst out of the maze. Her brother grinned at her, pride shining in his eyes. She grinned up at Asher, and then Veri. Silently she thanked the female for taunting her, teasing her to come out and play.

The three of them cocked an ear as the drums started to pound slow and steady once again.

“What time is it little Wolf?”

Chapter Nine


Royal Forest

Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Veri couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. Hayden got exactly what he deserved after what he did to Alock.

She was giddy with delight at how right she’d been about the princess Adelina. Like called to like, and she knew a mask when she saw one – the girl was a master. No one had even guessed what was under that pretty, empty smile.

Oh, Hayden’s face was worth the risk and more. Asher had been furious with her at first, but when he saw the glorious wolf Adelina had been hiding all these cycles his mouth had dropped open in shock and his face had lit up in a way Veri didn’t think anyone had ever seen before.

She felt like it was the morning of Winter Solstice, and all the presents were hidden throughout the Seat. All she had to do was find and unwrap them.

The galinas’ gait was easy and slow as the hunters all let their beasts lead the way through the forest. The participants of the Hunt had a few animals on the radar. Once they’d been sighted all tech had been banned, and the same with advanced weaponry. Only bows, spears, and swords were allowed – without the plasma.

It wouldn’t be easy, but Veri always loved a challenge.

She caught sight of Adelina’s gold-trimmed hair and then the red-haired countess. Adelina reached out and the woman shied away. Instantly Veri felt bad for the girl. She of all people knew what it was like to have people fear her. She kicked her galina into a trot until she pulled up alongside the princess.

The countess made some excuse, a poor apology – and went up to the front of the hunting party with the royal guards.

“I knew you had it in you,” she told Adelina, pretending she hadn’t seen the awkward exchange.

“You seem to be the only one,” Adelina snapped. Then she sighed and shook her head. When she looked at Veri the sunlight streaming through the trees glinted off the purple in her eyes, like an animal’s at night.

Veri frowned. “Was that the first time you let your wolf out?” she asked.

Adelina nodded and stared straight ahead, refusing to meet Veri’s gaze.

Oh goddess, well that explained the twitchy way Adelina listened to the sounds in the forest. The first time was always difficult after. Shedding the weight of humanity was freeing and when it was slipped back on it felt like an ill-fitting dress – too tight and uncomfortable.

“You’ll have to do it more often,” she told Adelina. “It gets easier over time.”

Adelina ducked under a low-hanging branch and Veri went around.

“There is no reason for me to,” Adelina said with a shrug. “My training is not for battle, and I avoid confrontations. It’s not like your homeworld. Your wolf has kept you safe and alive. Here, I am coddled and protected. This is my first Hunt,” she confessed.

Veri shuddered. She would loathe that kind of life. It would drive her utterly mad until she lashed out and destroyed everything around her. As she eyed the princess next to her, she wondered if that might happen to Adelina. At least the princess would be able to escape soon.

“If you need any help – with anything…let me know,” Veri said quietly, carefully. She kept her eyes on the hunters around them, noticing the way Asher stayed within range.

He rode slightly ahead and to the side. Not close enough to overhear their conversation and invade their privacy, but still nearby in case he had to protect them. Asher trusted her with his submissive sister, and Veri felt her heart swell.

Adelina’s eyes darted to her and back. “I don’t need help.”

“After this morning I simply feel I should offer. I apologize if I ruined anything by nominating you for the Wolf. I only wanted to give you the opportunity no one else wanted you to have. We need these moments of fun and peace to deal with what comes next.”

Veri knew what it felt like to be constantly on edge, to fear for her life. During the height of summer the beasts multiplied when their young were born and they were vicious. Deaths rose when the young needed to be fed. Humans were easier prey than the other animals on her planet and she hardly slept for weeks.

Winter was the only time she was able to get a good night’s rest. It was strange to think she would miss Winter Solstice on her planet. Veri sighed wistfully and glanced up at the warm afternoon light. At least the nights were cool and reminded her of home.

“You didn’t ruin anything,” Adelina whispered, tilting her head as a rabbit ran across their path. Her knuckles went white as the galina tried to chase. The cat grumbled and shook its head, but obeyed. “I actually appreciated it. It was my first time playing, and Hayden needed to be taught a lesson. I only wish I hadn’t frightened my only friend away.”

Veri didn’t care what Adelina smelled like, a submissive simply didn’t handle the giant cats that easily. It wasn’t her place to say anything though. If Adelina could challenge Raena…that would be useful. Giselle never would. It simply wasn’t in her nature, not when she preferred to follow orders as a soldier. Raena though, she was on the edge of a ravine, her control on the galaxy so fine and tenuous. Veri’s people would have revolted if she’d tried to offer Alock to the monstrous creatures for peace.

“Well, I am glad you were able to join regardless of the outcome, the rest of them who are fearful will come around. Or they won’t and you know where they stand,” Veri said. “I only wanted to let you know you and Asher have my loyalty.”

The sharp look the princess gave her made Veri smile. She squeezed her galina with her knees and urged him on with a ‘ya!’ towards Asher. Adelina could somehow tell Veri had only meant Asher and Adelina. The princess had been kind to Stefano; she’d spoken with him as if she’d talked with commoners often. It was enough to tell Veri the princess was close with her people, she cared about them.

It didn’t matter how the livestream portrayed Adelina. There was a cunning mind and sharp claws under all that fluff.

“Did you enjoy talks about shoes and jewels?” Asher teased.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books