Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

“Yes, it’s been difficult to learn, but I’ve enjoyed it,” she told Joslynn, ignoring the itchy feeling under her skin. “I’ve always hoped I’d be the first from the Draga galaxy to actually speak with them.”

Joslynn smiled and tugged on her diamond encrusted necklace. “You’ll have to tell me everything when you get back. Imagine the jewels they might have…Khara has a few I could never find on Pedranus or anywhere in the Draga galaxy, they have this pink stone called morganite. It’s really very lovely.”

Adelina was about to ask her about the other gems, but she was interrupted by Veri’s sharp voice clear as a bell across the fields.

“I nominate Princess Adelina!”

Adelina whipped her head to the grounds before the palace and saw every single person’s eyes shift to her. The recorders closed in tight to catch the reaction on her face. She couldn’t help the surprised look, or the way her lips parted to politely refuse.

“I nominate Princess Adelina!” Raena’s teasing voice echoed.

Then her name was a roar on the lips of the people waiting to see her flounder and fail.

There was no way she could refuse now. Adelina glanced at Queen Adele, who had an encouraging smile, but the flicker of fear in her eyes was real. Elara looked outright terrified for her.

Adelina couldn’t decline, not with Raena’s blessing.

Even Joslynn grew pale; the red of her lips a stark contrast.

Shakily Adelina stood from her seat. Alpha came up to the raised platform and offered his hand. With trembling fingers she reached out, knowing the recorders could see the way her hand shook as she held onto Alpha. His hands held her waist as she jumped down, setting her on the grass softly.

“Be careful,” he warned, lips unmoving with his whispered words.

Adelina smiled wide at him when she wanted to run away and hide, hoping it would calm him as well as herself. Then she took a step away from Alpha, a step away from the safety of his presence and spread her hands out, hands palm up in supplication, keeping that smile plastered on her face as her heart thundered in her chest. “I would be honored to play the Wolf.”

Cheers rattled in her ears. Never had she played in the Game of the Wolf, never had she been a Wolf. Adelina was always so careful to keep those instincts buried and hidden.

Earlier she had wanted to see if she could play, and she supposed she’d gotten her wish. Adelina cursed her own stupidity. She took another step forward and she thought she would vomit as the staff came towards her.

What would happen when she played the Wolf? Or when she turned on her prey, what would the recorders capture that she couldn’t explain away?

All the players waited for her in the center of the grass, ready to come closer when she chose a number. Veri’s wide grin made Adelina shiver. Raena watched her with those hawk-like eyes, sharp and predatory. Something inside her sister had to suspect, had to recognize another predator out of some deep-seated instinct Raena did not understand.

Adelina had been so careful to keep it deep and buried.

The housekeeper approached first and he bowed, waiting for her to nod. When she did he reached up and tied the mask around her face. The face of the Wolf covered her forehead, eyes, and nose. The fur tickled her skin and she could see through the eyeholes just enough to know catching her prey would be no easy task.

They couldn’t shift from skin to pelt, from two legs to four. Not like some of the legends said. But they could shift from human to animal in an entirely different manner, in instinct and mentality; utter savagery with no thoughts to delicate human sensibilities.

With sweaty palms she reached to her waist and removed the skirts from her top, handing them over to whoever was closest as she studied each of the players. Some of the nobles and courtiers smirked and laughed, knowing it would be easy to best her. Others looked contemplative, probably realizing they’d never seen her do any physical activity other than dancing.

Then there were the ones like Veri, Asher, Raena, and Stefano who looked ready to flee just in case—just in case the wolf inside her came out to play.

No weapons were allowed. Only claws and teeth and cunning. She had to catch her prey – the royals, nobles, and guests behind her – with her bare hands and make them submit. Adelina had to mark her prey with a bite. Once she did, her round would be over and another could begin.

A second staff member Adelina didn’t recognize came up with a small bowl filled with red, thick liquid. Viscous and pungent; instantly she knew what it was and her mouth watered. “Diventa il lupa,” he said.

Become the wolf.

Somehow the recorders caught the whispered words and they echoed back on the display of the livestream, reverberating through the galaxy; through Adelina’s very bones.

A vicious game based on the beloved nursery rhyme. Adelina stared into the eyes of the male in front of her. The words had changed over the millennia but it still brought a chill to her skin.

Who’s afraid of the wolf?

Little wolf, little wolf

Something deep inside Adelina stirred at the scent coming from the bowl, at the sound of the drums as they beat faster in time to the words in her head. Her hands were surprisingly steady as she took the bowl and brought it to her lips.

Are you afraid of the little wolf?

When the clock strikes three

The wolf takes your teeth

The taste of rabbit blood filled her mouth, hot and spiced. She swallowed, fighting her gag reflex against the texture. Another swallow and she handed the bowl back to the servant. It was whisked away.

The warm red liquid dripped from her lips and the drums beat faster and faster. Adelina didn’t bother to wipe away the blood as she turned her back on all the players, on her prey she had to catch – eyes on the Obsidian Mountains as she succumbed to her baser senses.

Little wolf, little wolf

The wolf makes you weep

What time is it little wolf?

The Game of the Wolf was a dangerous one, a game that taunted them to shed that flawless human skin and give in to instinct. It was a child’s game, one that had evolved into something else.

Better run, it’s half past five

The little wolf wants your hide

“Tell me little Wolf, what time is it?” Raena’s voice slithered and taunted her, the figurative hackles rising on Adelina’s neck as the creature within recognized this one was not prey at all.

Her prey was so far behind her. “It’s the seventh hour,” Adelina whispered, picking a number that would bring them a little closer, but not too close.

The recorders caught her every word. The sound of her own voice was nearly unrecognizable as Adelina heard it on the display. Footsteps behind her made her focus razor sharp as they all came seven steps closer, closing the distance between them. She closed her eyes.

Become the wolf

And you might survive

“Little Wolf, little Wolf,” Asher teased, echoing the nursery rhyme. “What time is it?”

The blood on her tongue tasted delicious and she wanted more of it.

“It’s the thirteenth hour,” Adelina responded.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books