Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

“Many on your home planet must be dominant then,” Adelina said, echoing Joslynn’s own thoughts.

The pair stopped a few meters away and Nadyah stopped Joslynn, pointing at one of the males readying for the Games. It looked like the most natural movement in the universe, but Joslynn knew it was to stay within listening distance of the princess, still close enough to protect Adelina if need be. It really was impressive how subtle Nadyah was. Joslynn doubted anyone even really saw the courtesan unless she wanted them to.

Adelina took a step closer to Stefano, close enough her breast brushed against his arm. His entire body tensed as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Then I suppose you will need this for good luck,” she said. The glittering black scarf hidden in her pocket caught the light and looked like the night sky. Her fingers trailed over Stefano’s arm as she took her time tying it around his bicep.

Joslynn couldn’t look away. This was the girl she saw in private, and it worried her that Adelina planned to put herself in the spotlight more and more. At least for now it did. What Raena might see as a threat would be anyone’s guess.

Stefano bowed low and the tips of his ears were a bit red, but he seemed rather pleased with the princess’s token. He took her hand and kissed Adelina’s golden palm. “Any Game I win will be in your name.”

“Thank you Stefano, it pleases me you will wear my token. They’re about to start the Games, don’t be late,” Adelina teased.

The male actually grinned at her before he jogged towards the massive open field. Nadyah smiled into her tea, sparkles of amusement in her eyes. Joslynn was amused as well. The princess had the poor male wrapped around her tiny finger.

The courtesan led Joslynn towards Adelina and they stood on the edge of the happy chaos, watching the blue-haired male take his place in the line-up. “Very well done,” Nadyah said. Her elbow touched Adelina’s as they both watched the players ready for the Games to finally start. “I do believe he’d take on the dragons for you if you asked.”

Adelina laughed good-naturedly, but then Joslynn watched her face turn serious. “Lucky for him I will not have to command his life.”

Joslynn shuddered at the intensity in those words. After the request Adelina had made that morning, she had no doubt the princess planned to send many males to take on the dragons for her.

Nadyah released Joslynn and the three of them walked towards the raised platform with the king and queen as friends would. For the first time Joslynn felt she had comrades on Draga Terra, she did not feel as though she had to constantly be on guard, or guess at the thousand different meanings behind every word and touch. She sighed happily. Despite the taint of the Neprijat King, the sadness she felt at no child in her womb, and Sirus’s absence she felt like she was where she needed to be, doing what her people and the Draga galaxy needed her to do.

The king and queen sat in their thrones, smiling at their youngest daughter as she approached.

“Will Prince Ian be joining in?” Nadyah asked the princess.

Adelina gave her courtesan a sharp look and Joslynn wondered what she missed under the surface. “Hopefully he will join us; Ian needs to take a break from his endless work. He’s already created a vaccine they now have in the testing phase, though he won’t stop until he can find a cure to hypomalarya.” Adelina shrugged. “But he’s never enjoyed a Hunt.”

The king beckoned them all onto the raised platform when Joslynn hesitated. Adelina ran up the small steps to kiss her father on the cheek in greeting. “How are you feeling today, Papa?” she asked.

The way she studied his face for any sign of his condition worsening or improving made Joslynn’s heart ache. King Orion would be missed by them all.

“Not any worse than yesterday,” the king replied, patting her cheek. “Come here, lady,” he told Joslynn, moving his daughter aside.

Adelina gave her mother a kiss and then stood in between his throne and Raena’s, leaning against the wooden arm as she surveyed the fields. The king took Adelina’s hand in his as he faced Joslynn.

She quickly dropped a curtsey and kept her eyes on the floor. She’d hosted the royal family during their tours so she was familiar with them, but not close. It was strange to be on Draga Terra and treated like family.

“It’s nice to see you again, Joslynn. Adelina told me about your engagement to Sirus, and I believe congratulations are in order.”

Joslynn nodded and smiled up at the king. “Thank you, your majesty. It means much coming from you.”

The king gave her a small, sad smile. “I apologize I will not be able to see it, or any little ones. I know you’ve been alone for a long time. Though Colin loves you like a daughter.”

Adelina sat in her usual spot, and the king indicated Joslynn should sit next to her. Joslynn gingerly sat next to the princess, feeling odd about taking one of the royal chairs. “I appreciate the kindness, your majesty. Colin has been a wonderful father.”

With the niceties out of the way, Nadyah sat behind them both with Elara, the king’s mistress. Joslynn felt nervous as the recorders noticed her presence on the royal dais and only hoped it wouldn’t cause her problems later.

“I saw you speaking to that young man from Priea,” the king said, leaning towards Adelina.

King Orion missed nothing it seemed.

“He is a lovely male,” Adelina admitted. “I gave him my token.”

King Orion chuckled. “I’m sure Leo and Jayden are rather put out about it.”

Adelina gave her father a look and the king merely shrugged. “They are the only two you would bother with.”

Joslynn was surprised, but she wasn’t sure about what exactly. The king was far more easy-going when he was with Adelina than he was around any others. She supposed favoritism could be a problem. There were six royal children, and Joslynn didn’t doubt the dominance fights were spectacular. Alone, he didn’t have to worry about upsetting any of his other children.

The king made it sound like Adelina was being picky with her choice of males for the recorders, but they all knew the real reason. Any others could be ones Raena considered for a husband, and any sign of competition from Adelina would not be wise with her marriage rights held by the crown princess.

As if she heard them speaking about her, Raena strode towards them from the field and she looked glorious.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books