FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“You’re not ready for that, and you know it.”

“Well, Harris. I’m not going to just sit around and play housewife. That’s not who I am. He obviously wants that from me.” I leave the bedroom to get the last of my stuff gathered. I want Harris to get me out of here before I break down and cry again.

Throwing the last of my stuff in my bag, I flip the lights off and start past him to the door. He steps in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.

“Stop. I’m not going to let you make any rash decisions until we know exactly what’s going on. I’m taking you to the ranch for a few days, so you can chill the fuck out. I’ve already told our superior where we’ll be. He agreed on the extended R&R for both of us. You have to call him yourself and let him know your whereabouts.” I look at his chest, because honestly, my eyes can’t look into his. His caring demeanor is something that’s easy for me to pull toward when I’m hurting like this. He’s been through so much with me, and I continue to send him on a ride from hell with the chaos in my life. I know him well enough to know he wouldn’t have it any other way, but hell, I need to feel some sense of normalcy soon before I lose my mind.

“I have Mallory packing her bag at my house. She’s coming with us.” I look up. His eyes are soft, and he grins just slightly when I start quizzing him.

“You fucking my friend, Harris? Because I swear I can’t deal with her heart being broken when I’m dealing with my own shattered mess.”

“We’re just having fun. Now, give me your bag. Call your superior and tell him where you're going.” He reaches for my single bag just like the gentleman he is.

“Fun, huh. So I’m about to be a third wheel on a fuck fest weekend with the two of you.”

“No, I’ll keep it to a minimum just for you. Now, get your ass in my truck. You need a few days to truly relax, and I’m going to make that happen for you if I have to strap you to a lounge chair myself.” I follow his large stature as I hit the last light in the house. Closing my eyes as I do doesn’t help the hurt. Breathing slowly as I walk the path Harris is leading, I whisper, “Goodbye, Kaleb,” as I close the door to my apartment and any possibility of a future with him.



Fuck. I throw my phone on the floor in front of the passenger seat in frustration. She’s leaving me. I could hear it in her fucking voice. This is something I can’t compromise on, so I’m left with only one choice. Deal with the fate of us once I get back. I’d rather know I have a for sure chance to have that conversation by keeping her safe over taking her with me and chancing my brother torturing me by ruining her. I could never live with myself if that happened.

Her words echo through my head as I reach the airport and they don’t stop replaying the entire flight to the compound. It’s the longest flight of my life.

I know her well enough to know the end of that conversation was her way of making me feel like there’s going to be something to come back to. Well, I hate to tell her stubborn ass I’m not letting this end us. She can try to walk away from me all she wants, but I will find her with the tracker in her damn leg, and when I do, I know how she’ll react to me. Just like how I’m pulled to her, she’s drawn to me, no matter how hard she tries to fight it. She may as well not even try it. It didn’t work in the desert and it won't work now.

I land, and I’m still pissed off in more ways than one. She hasn’t messaged me, but I didn’t expect her to. I’m desperately fighting the urge to fly right back to her and just tell her everything, but I won’t.

“That was a quick trip. Great plan to get Jade out of here, my friend. How’d she take you leaving her behind?” Jackson must’ve drawn the short stick, because he’s the one here to pick me up.

“Not good.” His fucking laughter fills the cab, so I give him a death glare to show him I’m not in the mood to deal with any laughter or jokes today.

“I bet she didn’t.” He pulls the truck out of the pick-up lane before he starts in on me again.

“You know. She’s changed you.” I cross my arms, knowing he’s right, but not wanting to hear anything right now except the sound of my brother’s last breath.

“Jackson. Not today. Today, I need you to work and not talk. I need to get this done so I can get my ass back to her asap.”

“10-4 ,big guy. I read you loud and clear.” I hate to be a dick to him. He’s one hell of a guy. He’s just one to joke all the time, and right now, I’m not feeling like being poked at.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books