FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“I’m sorry. It’s just… do you have any idea what ran through my mind when I saw them drag you away from me? I crumbled, Kaleb. I told you one of the days at the hospital how I went ballistic and held a gun to Harris’ head. I wasn’t in the right state of mind. All I could think about was you and how much I’ve fallen in love with you. I thought my life was going according to plan when all along my plan was you. I was waiting for you. I used to be as hard on the inside as I am on the outside, and in ways I still am, but not with you. I’m weak when it comes to you, Kaleb. I’m weak because you make me crazy and the thought of ever losing you terrifies me. You make me happy and I don’t ever want to lose… “

“Come here,” I interrupt her as her words hit home. She couldn’t have described our mutual feelings any better. I’m weak when it comes to her, just as she is to me. I’m no expert on love, this is the first and only time I will ever experience it. Jade is it for me. Where I’m about to go could end in a way I’m not prepared to admit, but I have to go into this knowing she is safe, even if it makes her angry.

Reality is a crazy bitch. She’ll knock at your doorstep whenever she pleases. Maybe Jade saying what she did was the dose of reality I needed. I need to leave without her knowing. Because the last thing I want to do before I leave is fight with her over this; and that is what we will do if I tell her a damn thing.

I grab her by the waist when she closes in on me and push her up against the wall, allowing my entire body to cover hers again. My hard cock presses into her flat stomach, while we both breathe each other’s air again. I lower my face to hers and look straight into her eyes. Feel me, Jade. Feel everything I can’t say and know I’m doing this all for you. For me. I’d lose my fucking mind without you, and there’s no way I’m chancing your life for this specific mission. He’ll make it personal, and that’s something I can’t take a gamble on.

“I’m so sorry.” Her words are a strangled whisper, and her soft hands grip my face. I feel her chest heaving up and down as it brushes against mine with every breath. She begins to run her fingers up and down through my beard, tugging on it just before she lets her hands slide down my arms.

“I know you are, but Jade, let me make one thing clear before I take care of you all night long. I want you to know that every single fucking thing I’ve done since I met you was only done after I thought of how it would affect you. I would never do a goddamn thing to intentionally hurt you. I fucking love you. Do you get me?”

“Yes. I get you. But don’t you,” she tugs hard on my beard until she has my face within an inch of hers, “ever manhandle me again. You fucking scared me, driving like a lunatic and slamming your fist on the dash. There’s a time and a place for taking out your aggression.”

“Is that an invitation, Captain?” I bite her bottom lip.

“You bet your sweet ass it is. I happen to like it a little rough if you haven’t noticed.”

“Now you're challenging me to go again? Jade, baby. I’m sorry too. The last thing I want to do is bring you any more pain. We’ll talk about it, just not tonight. Tonight, I need to feel you. To taste you again. To make you forget the hurt and only think about me.” Her lips curl up in the naughty way I like. What comes out of her mouth next would have been sufficient enough, but fuck it. I’m a guy. I’ll take all I can get, especially from her.

One of her tempting little hands trails down my chest, and she grips a hold of my cock through my jeans, squeezing and teasing. She wants to play again? Hell, I’ll always be up for more playtime with her.

“Come on.” I grab her hand. My cock is twitching, and jerking, and aching again to come out so quickly. Fuck, I hate fighting with her. Thank god it’s done and over.

“Strip.” This time, my tone is powerful, demanding as I urge her to take that sexy little outfit off. Jade in her tight camouflage that showcases her tight ass is one thing, but Jade in a tight little shirt and shorts that hug every sinful curve in her body is a tempting sin that she’s had me begging to commit all day. She thought the look on my face today when I was stalking toward her after my meeting had to do with the news I heard. She couldn’t be more wrong. It had everything to do with her standing on my porch, looking like the sin she is, waiting for me.

I can feel her eyes on me through the darkness, her eager hands rustling around as she slips out of her clothes again. I do the same with my clothes, letting them fall to the floor at my feet.

“Kaleb, take a shower with me.” God, I will never get sick of hearing her say my name and hell, yes, I’ll shower with her.

“Come here.” I don’t wait for her. I reach out, grab her wrist, and lead her to her shower. We take our usual quiet shower, all the while using our hands to show our love for one another. She drops to her knees, and before I have time to think, she has me hard and fully erect again. I want us to spend time in bed together, so I shut off the water and lead her to the bed.

Our bodies are soaking wet, but neither of us cares in the slightest. I lie back on her bed and pull her on top of me. My mouth goes to her neck, and I nibble her freshly cleaned skin. I quickly feel her rapid pulse below her ear while she’s panting in mine, her noises driving me insane. I’m forgetting, yet memorizing every part of her I can.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books