FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“You do. Now, let’s make it official. Marry me, Jade.” She pulls her smile into a serious facial expression, looking for any sign I’m kidding here. She won’t find one. I’m dead serious. I want her in my life forever.

“Jade. You’re my forever. With or without a shiny fucking ring, you’re mine and I’m yours. I don’t want some bullshit piece of gold to wear to commit my love to you. I want it permanently on my body to last forever. Just like we will.” She starts to slowly smile while she continues to study my face.

She pulls me down into a passionate kiss before she says the words I hoped she’d say.

“Yes, Sir.” Fuck. That’s it. I’m done forever.

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Coming this Summer in the Elite Forces Series… Harris’ story!

Acknowledgements by Hilary

I read my acknowledgements from ICE and can’t think of one single word I’d change for this book! It was the same crew bringing it together for this one and the same amazing people supporting us. So please don’t get mad at me, but I feel I said it best in ICE! So here are my acknowledgements!

Kathy Coopmans is an amazing woman and it has been an absolute pleasure beginning this journey with her. I know this series will be epic because every single time we talk…. We enhance it. The story unfolded beautifully as we both allowed the creative words to flow. The lineup we have in mind is going to blow people away and I can’t wait to stand proud as fuck right next to you! (Yes I’m the one that says fuck mostly through the book if you haven’t guessed lol.)

My husband and kids are my life. Without their love and support I could never do any of this. It is through them that I have learned to love, live, and take chances. My heart is full because of these four.

Golden… My furious man! You have been amazing to work with over the past two years! This series will provide new ventures for us both and I know we’ll stand stronger for it in the end! Lots of love my friend!

Dylan and Tessi. My two fav hotties right now! How in the world do you two plan to deal with us? You’re stuck with us on this journey and I couldn’t be prouder! Everything happens for a reason and I know deep in my heart this collaboration is just the beginning of careers that will flourish! It’s through the love and support as a team that we will all conquer great things!

Julia-You made us look good in this! Thanks for your cooperation in making this happen! We’re so please to have you on board!

Betas… I want to thank you all for pointing out the imperfections! We loved hearing from each of you and appreciate you taking the time to help make this possible!

SE Hall and Victoria Ashley-My loves! I’m so glad you love Kaleb! We can maybe work out some sort of trade with your guys if you really think you’re going to claim him! He’s a hot one so bring your best to the table! I know you both have them!

Our loyal followers who will love this and share it like crazy, just like they always do. It is because of you that we keep writing with the urgency we do. We can’t wait to share our stories with you so we can see how you react. Thank you for always allowing us to be a part of your lives through our words.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books