FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“Fuck you.” His voice is raspy and rough speaking through the damage Jade caused on his throat. I can only imagine the force she used on him until we got here. The rage on her face told me what I needed to know.

“I told you to leave mom and Amelie alone, but you just couldn't listen. Tell me, Ty… Why the fuck would you get into all the shit you're into? A fucking drug cartel. Terrorist hiding. International sex trade operation. Not to mention providing illegal weapons of mass destruction to criminals all over the world.”

I lean forward again, giving him a chance to answer.

“She tasted so fuckin sweet, brother. Next time you put your dick inside that *… Just know I've been there.” My hand instantly grips his neck in anger, and I squeeze and draw the life out of him with my bare hand, while I watch his eyes stare into mine. He's testing me and trying to get a rise out of me.

“It's an honor to rid the world of your disgusting, vile ass. Say hello to your friends in hell. I'll be sending you a few more every chance I get.” He closes his eyes, and for a brief second, he looks like my father did. I grip tighter and twirl the knife in my other hand, waiting for the perfect time to stop. Once he's about to go, I release his throat. “Stay with me, brother…. I have so much more to do to you before you go.” I open-palm slap him in the face, and his head snaps back. A loud, guttural sound breaks free from his throat, allowing his deceitful eyes to bolt wide open.

“You call this torture,” he taunts. “I call this you being the *-ass motherfucker I always knew you were. You could never control me, could you, Kaleb. Not like you did mom. Anything Kaleb wanted, Kaleb got. And Amelie, all you did was coddle her. Protected her. Turned her into who you wanted her to be. And then you left them, just like our father, you fucking left.” His voice is so damn raspy, so low, but I hear him. Every shitty, jealous word.

“So you decide to what? Get even with me by fucking your life up, by becoming some big drug-dealing scumbag who betrays his family, his country, and our mom out of jealousy? Is that what you're saying? You're blaming me because I did right by my life, by my country. You’re so fucking warped and way off base. I fucking loved you,” I roar. “I drug you home after you had your ass beat. I paid your debts to keep those measly go-betweens from killing you. I tried to get you help. So don’t blame me for the fucked-up life you created for yourself. You're delusional if you think I’ll buy into any of this. You fucking promised me when I left that you would stay clean. That your last stint in rehab made you realize you wanted more out of your life. You fucked up, not me. Not our father. YOU.” I flip the knife around in my hand. I’ve got a woman waiting for me. I’ve got a mother who I’m going to have to tell that her son really is dead. I’ve got time, which is a hell of a lot more than he does.

“You remember this when your soul and your mind are being tortured for eternity in hell, brother. Remember that I’m the one who sent you there. But you’re the one who put yourself there. I could’ve dealt with the shit you’ve done to me, but I’ll never let you live after you’ve threatened Jade. Take these words to hell with you.” He squirms in Kase’s arms when he sees the knife lodged against the center of his chest. I hesitate, only to make sure I look him in the eyes as I plunge it into his flesh and twist and gut the hell out of him. He sputters as his warm blood drips all over my hand. I turn, rotate, and drag the knife down the center of his chest. I watch the blood trickle out of the corners of his mouth and his eyes begin to glass over. I just killed my brother.

“Get the hell out of here, man. Let me finish this.” Kase looks at me like a true brother would. One who defends and honors the other. One who has your back. One who helps you clean up your mess. One who loves you.

I clean the blood off my hands, using the sink in the bathroom. The rusty water mixed with the bright-red blood turns a hazy, deep orange. I’ve killed him. It’s over. No more wondering what the hell he’s doing, where he is, or if he’s even breathing. I’ve worried about him for years. Ty was unreachable. He was too far gone.

He was never my brother, not like the men who are all standing outside. Jackson is standing with his arm around my woman, protecting and comforting her. No. Blood doesn’t mean family. Loyalty makes a brother.

“You good, baby?” I ask Jade when I reach her, bringing her into my arms, where she belongs.

“Yes. Are you?” I nod. There’s nothing left to be said about what happened in that room. Not here, not ever again. I’ll figure out how to tell my mom and sister he’s gone, but right now, I need to get her checked out and find out about Harris and Mallory.

“Anyone hear from Pierce?” I place my arm around her shoulders and guide her to the passenger side of the truck.

“They’ve taken Harris to the hospital. He was shot in the shoulder,” Jackson tells me. No humor in his words. No joking.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books