FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“No. He just cut me here, I have rope burns from the restraints, and he pulled my hair.” She points to her chest and then looks over at me. “Other than that, it was just threats and a forceful kiss.” He fucking kissed her. I work hard to hide my fury, but I know I’m not succeeding. Remember, Kaleb, he’s dead. He can’t hurt her ever again.

“Alright, we’ll get this cleaned up. You won’t be needing stitches on this. You’re a very lucky woman. I’ve seen some terrible cases come through here. When I heard we had a kidnapping victim headed our way, I was worried what I’d see today.”

“Thank you, doctor. Can I see my friend Mallory? I need to see what he did to her.”

“Sure thing. Let me just say, we’re very lucky today on both cases. Let us get you cleaned up, but why don’t I keep you overnight for observation. That’ll give you a room to stay next to your friend. I told her I’d keep her in here until the guy she came in with was released. I shouldn’t share anything with you legally, but I want you to know he’s going to be just fine. The bullet is being removed now, and it looks like he’ll have full use of his shoulder if everything goes as planned during surgery.” We both welcome the information, knowing he wasn’t supposed to share anything. I can imagine he’s trying to calm Jade and bring some peace to her torn-up demeanor.

“Thank you, doctor. I needed that information.”

“Absolutely. Now, be patient for me and we’ll get you taken care of.” Patience is something neither of us is good at but lately we’ve been forced into. I look at Jade and wonder if I’m more impatient about what she’s not saying, or if I need to see the other two are good with my own two eyes.

“Please, stop looking at me like I’m killing you slowly.”

“Are you sure you’re not?”

“Kaleb. I can’t do this shit. I can’t feel like I’m dying inside because you’re in danger. I can’t feel like I’m inferior because you shut me out.” I hear that last sentence, and my heart drops. I’ve done this to her. In all my focus of protecting her, I never once considered what it would look like on her end of it. I wanted her safe. Period.

I move to her instantly and stop just in front of her. She’s sitting on the bed with her shirt still open, but she’s covered. I struggle for the right words, knowing I have to do this right. I have to make her understand that everything I did was because of my love for her.

“Jade. I’m sorry if I made you feel inferior, but that is in no way how I feel. In fact, to me, you’re so far above my level of importance I can’t even consider the thought of losing you. It terrifies me that you expose me the way you do. You leave me open and raw with just one frown on your face. I love you with my entire being, and I can’t comprehend my life without you. Please, don’t entertain any thoughts of trying to leave me, because I can’t live with that.”

“Kaleb, I can’t live like this. The way you treated me the past few days is unacceptable, and you know me better than that. I’ve worked my ass off to be treated with the respect I deserve. If I can’t get that from the man I love, then how do I expect my fellow soldiers to give it to me?” I want to pull her against my chest and hold her against me. If I could just communicate with my body, I know she’d understand me, but I know this isn’t the time or the place.

“I’m sorry. I do respect you more than you’ll ever know. In fact, I’d step into hell if it meant you’d be safe.”

“I know you would. I’m not doubting your desire to protect me. I’m doubting your ability to differentiate when you’re protecting me and when you’re simply shutting me out because you don’t want me on a mission that might go wrong. They could all go wrong, Kaleb.” She stands on the step at the end of the bed, allowing our faces to be even closer. Looking straight into my eyes, she continues. “I doubt my own ability to be calm when you’re away for work. I don’t know how you’ll react when I’m gone on my own missions. How will we ever deal with the chaos that surrounds our jobs?” I can’t suggest what I want to. I’d never ask her to change her career for me, but I wish like hell I could have her next to me every day of my life.

“We’ll learn to adjust, because there’s no other fucking option, Jade.”




“Get your sexy ass out here.” I pound on the bathroom door in the villa we rented for two weeks in Bali.

It’s been a long three months to get here. Paperwork up the ass when we flew back to Florida after a brief hospital stay with Mallory. Jade’s scars on her wrist are finally healed.

Harris is still off of active duty while he pisses and moans every damn day about the rigorous physical therapy he has to go through. I can imagine how fucking bored and eager he is to get back out on missions. I understand completely where he’s coming from. I’d be out of my mind too if all I did was shuffle papers around on a desk all day long.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books