FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“Jesus, Kaleb,” she moans.

“Turn around. Take my cock and let me taste your *, Jade.” The instant she slides herself around, I grip her ass and tug her down onto my face, licking up her center. I fucking growl. Her wet lips start licking the base of my cock, up and down the entire shaft, while I continue to stroke her with my tongue, coaxing her intoxicating smell to impale my senses.

“Fuck.” I can’t hold back when she swirls her tongue across the tip. She’s teasing me, and I can’t say I don’t love it. I pump my hips up. I want her mouth on me now. I want my come down her throat. I want her all over my cock.

My balls tighten when she slides her wet mouth down my shaft. One of her hands takes over, and she sucks and pumps me hard. She’s working me, while I’m working her. I bring her tiny bud in between my teeth and bite down gently, while my fingers move from her ass, spreading her wide, my tongue having the same effect on her as hers does on me. Those noises. Goddamn, those sexy gasps coming out of her have me on the verge of exploding. I lose my shit when she grinds her * onto my face. Her taste explodes in my mouth, and there’s no way I’m letting that be the way this night ends.

Fucking hell. Welcome to my heaven.

My cock is aching to be inside of her again. I flip her over onto her stomach. “What are you doing?” she asks, her voice raspy and dripping with need.

“I’m going to fuck you, Jade.” I use my hand to place her head and shoulders down on the crumpled-up bedding and lift her tight little ass in the air while I listen to her quick breaths and heavy breathing before I slam my cock into her.

“Is this what you wanted? My cock hard, fast, and deep, Jade?” God, she’s feels incredible. “Answer me.” I fist her hair in my hand and use my other one for support as I rock into her more. Her head snaps up. Her warm breath is right there, begging for me to take her mouth. Not yet. Not until she caves and I rail the shit out of her body. I want to fuck us both into next week.

“I’ve wanted you since the first time you asked me to get on my knees.” Fuck me.

“You better come one more time, baby. I’m going to explode inside of you.” My hips move my cock in and out of her while she clamps down on me, and I know she’s close. God, I’d give anything to see the hunger in her eyes right now.



I wake with a jolt; a deep rush of panic has me feeling alone. “Kaleb.” My hands reach behind me to feel his empty, cold side of the bed. Where is he?

We fell asleep with him holding me tightly. It was startling at first, the way he hauled me into his hard body as if he was afraid to let me go. His heart was beating out of control, and I know damn well it had nothing to do with the way he fucked me with such passion and aggression both on the dirt road and in my bed. He’s torn up inside, and it’s killing me that he won’t let me help him.

He woke me a few hours later with nothing but tenderness in his touch. His fingers grazed across my nipple as he whispered in my ear how much he loved me.

Kaleb does love me, but he does not make love. He fucks, and he does it hard. I wouldn’t want it any other way with him. I love it when he’s rough and takes what is his. He’s only made love to me nice and slow a few times, and that was after Afghanistan and before we left for Mexico. I tried not to dwell on it last night. Instead, I felt. I felt his love pouring into me with each passionate thrust, with each desperate kiss. He was trying to get as close to me as he possibly could. The best way he could think of was to be inside of me.

The crazy, dominant, wild Kaleb, who doesn’t take no for an answer, took charge when he fucked me twice last night before we went to sleep. Then, as fast as one of my speeding bullets, he flipped and turned on the romance. Romance he swore up and down he doesn’t do.

With every deep penetration something followed out of his mouth.

“I’m obsessed with you, Jade.” Thrust.

“I could do this with you forever.” Thrust.

“I love the way you taste.” Thrust.

“Smell.” Thrust.

“Feel.” Thrust.

It carried on and I loved every minute of it. I became so enamored with his words and his gentle touch the way he stroked me until I felt like I was floating, and then when he kissed my collarbone and buried his head in my neck as he came inside of me, I knew. I fucking knew that whatever he was told in his meeting wasn’t good.

And now I’m concerned.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books