FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

The rest of the ride is quiet, and I begin to get in the mindset that I’ll need to be in whenever I come face-to-face with my brother. I hope like hell he’s here in the States. I’d love nothing more than to meet him in my territory, where I can make the rules.

The early morning phone call from Kase has my head exploding. One minute, we're waiting for clearance to head back to Mexico; then the next, we’re not. Fucking scared the piss out of me when I saw his name flashing on my screen. Good thing I was awake and she was passed out from exhaustion. I hopped out of her bed as quickly as I could before answering, and then shut myself in the bathroom like some school kid hiding out.

I’ll hold on to the memories of having everything to do with her being so exhausted. I just wish I could’ve woken up with her in my arms. Then it all hits me. There’s a possibility I’ll never see her again. She may never let me touch her again. I swallow hard with the realization and try to focus on the positive.

I should be relieved we aren’t heading to Mexico and that I don’t have to leave Jade behind while I go back there and relive my nightmare all over again on top of worrying about her back here.

But fuck, when Kase said the Mexican authorities would handle it and under no circumstances did they want the United States government involved, that shit worries me even more. Then he drops the bomb that my brother has been spotted near the US border and I need to get back to headquarters immediately.

There is no way in hell Ty would be there when they go in, whenever that will be. Assholes like him have people on the inside. I bet anything he has several of them on his payroll. The fucker is long gone by now.

That’s why I immediately called Harris the second I hung up with Kase. He’s the only one I trust to keep her safe. I told him to talk her into going to the ranch. It’s the safest place for her right now. This whole thing is out of my control, and it’s making me fucking crazy. Control is my middle name. I have to have it, and when I don’t, I get shitty.

I reach for my phone on the floor as we pull into the gates of the compound. Fucking Jackson and his crazy-ass driving. Swerving all over the place like an asshole.

I glance at the screen one more time, just in case I missed a call or message from her when I was off in my own little world, only to find nothing. Fuck.

My phone starts to vibrate in my hand, and I quickly see that it’s my mom.

“Hi, mom. What’s up?”

“Your brother called, Kaleb.” Her words are barely audible through the sobs I can hear and the pain flowing from her. My heart instantly freezes.

“How did he get through? Your number was changed years ago, mom.” God. I need her here with me. The sounds of her sobbing achingly are killing me. I can’t imagine what’s running through her mind right now.

“He called the neighbor. He took a message and just brought it over. What do you want me to do?”

“Mom. I need you to calm down, please. I know this is a shock to you after all this time. Please trust me when I tell you Ty is a dangerous man. I need you focused right now. Tell me what he said, mom?” I’m about to lose my shit as I think about that motherfucker getting anywhere near my family. I should’ve forced her to move to the compound. Fuck.

My hands start shaking as I glance over to Jackson, whose expression is pinched. Worry is creasing his features and his fists are clenched while he begins to shake too.

“He said he’ll be coming to visit soon and wanted to make sure I had his number. My neighbor, Rick, wrote it out. I have it if you want me to call him.”

“Fuck, no, mom. Don’t you dare call and talk to his ass. I’ll have you and Amelie moved immediately. Ty is into some deep shit, and I can’t chance he’ll bring it to your fucking door.”

“Kaleb Maverick. Quick saying ‘fuck’ to your mother. Is this what you were not telling me the other day? Do you have more information on Ty I need to know about?” Yeah, mom. I have a lot of information about your son. I’m not about to tell her that though.

“We’ll talk as soon as you get here. Grab a bag and get a few things. I’ll have a flight arranged in about five minutes. My security guys will get you from the house. Mom. I need you to move fast. Leave everything as it is and get the hell out of there.”

“Alright. I’m moving.” Now her voice turns panicky. “Where’s Amelie?” I close my eyes, hoping to god she’s called her already.

“She’s here.” Thank you, god.

“One more thing. The only word they are going to say to you is ‘Fire’ when they come to the door. They won’t say anything else. If they don’t, then you tell Amelie to take that shotgun and blow their heads off, do you understand me? I have to go. I’ll see you soon. Text me the number he left you.” I hang up on her, knowing I need to get them out of there now. My heart is panicked, and I’m pissed I let her convince me he’d leave her alone. This could just be a threat to me, because he knows she’ll call me with the information if he contacts her. This is him playing games. Well, game on, motherfucker.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books