FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

She finally wraps her hands around my neck, pulls me in and aggressively kisses me. It ignites a fire within me that has been stale for far too long. I need her right now. Leaning down just slightly, I lift her so that she’s in my arms with her legs around my waist. She continues to kiss me with a hunger and passion that I’ve missed so much from her. This is my Jade. The woman I first fell for in the desert.

“I’m going to fuck you Jade. I’m not going to think about one fucking thing until I’m done with you.” I lean her against the front of my Jeep and sit her on the bull bar before I lift her shirt off of her. This bar makes her perfectly aligned with me and I moan in anticipation of burying myself deep inside of her.

“I’ve told you once before not to fucking walk away from me. We stand together and fucking face the issue head on.” I speak close to her lips and watch her take me in. I’ve got to her, just like she’s got to me. I’ve never had the intensity I have with her.

She doesn’t say another word as she slides her pants off and welcomes my hold on her body as I enter her swiftly. We both adjust with the forcefulness of my thrusts and she grips tight to my body while I hold her close. Two people couldn’t be closer than we are right now. This position allows for me to be incredibly deep and it helps that she’s practically climbing my body trying to get closer.

I feel her nails scrape across my back while I continue to fuck her in ways I’ve missed more than I knew. This is the fire I’ve missed between us. Her passionate kiss causes so many emotions to explode as I transform from a man who’s fucking because he’s pissed, to a man who can’t get enough of the woman in his arms.

“Fuck, Jade. I love how you feel.” I stop moving to cherish her in this moment. The night sky is dark all around us, and the sound of cars in the distance. The warmth of the engine making this all even hotter than it usually is between us. I’m sweating my ass off while I continue to fulfill my need of her.

“Please. Don’t stop.” She moves into my arms and holds herself up with hers around my neck. I grab her hips and slide her easily on and off of me at a fast pace until I’m releasing into her. She follows shortly after. “It’s so hot inside.” Her words are interrupted as she finishes her orgasm in my arms.

She’s so fucking beautiful and I know right now in this moment, I can’t let anything happen to her. She’s too important for me to risk in any way.

The road leading to her apartment approaches quickly, I’m glad we didn’t continue to drive while I was pissed off. These corners would’ve been a bitch.

“Kaleb.” Jade whispers as she meets me in the front of the Jeep once I get out. We didn’t actually accomplish anything before we fucked on that dirt road. I know there’s still a conversation to be had and I dread every second of it.

She splays her hands wide across my chest while I feel the beating of my heart in my head. I knew she was going to be pissed and act all crazy before. I knew she’d start demanding information wanting to know what the hell is going on, but never in my life did I think she would say something to hurt me. My only focus is keeping her safe, why the fuck would she need protection from me?

“Let's go inside, Jade.” She lifts her hands off my chest and moves to the side. I pass her by, stepping into her house. I drop the bags to the floor and hit the light in a robot motion before I run my hands over my face in frustration, trying to decide how to handle this conversation. I’m still so damned pissed I can hardly form a sentence, and somehow I need this stubborn, gorgeous woman to know I love her with everything in me, but I will not sacrifice her safety on a mission like this. My brother is a monster and would love nothing more than use ammunition like her against me.

I look into her eyes and try like everything to say something that could possibly touch the surface of explaining my love for her. She has me completely choked and I can’t speak around the chaos going through my mind. I grab my bag and start walking to the bathroom, hoping a fucking shower will calm me enough to talk to her.

Her voice stops me in my tracks when what she says crashes up against my chest like a roaring wave slamming into you out of nowhere. She’s speaking incredibly softly, talking so tenderly through her own restricted voice, and just knowing she’s struggling hits my heart instantly.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books