An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

Trent kissed down to the top of my hospital gown and then paused.

He pulled at the gown, sliding it down my shoulder. I watched as he began to expose my left breast. His mouth then latched to me, making my whimper as I looked to my left, knowing the door was right there. It was unlocked. Anyone could come inside the hospital room.

As Trent’s tongue sliced left and right against my nipple, I thrust my chest at him, wanting more. I craved more. I couldn't imagine not having Trent’s mouth and body pleasuring me. I couldn’t accept death, ever. Trent gave me a purpose to live and want to live.

His other hand moved down and went right up my gown. A moment later, his fingers touched between my legs. I bent my knees and inched down, offering everything to him. He curled his fingers around the top of my panties and pulled them down as far as he needed. The second his fingers touched my wet skin, I shivered and grabbed for the railings on the bed. Of all things in all the places, I never thought…

Trent’s teeth clamped tighter against my nipple. I gasped and whimpered, desperate to scream, but I didn’t want to give us away.

Two fingers eased against my folds, making circles until he pressed against my center. So slow he pushed, his two fingers entering my body. The first inch was calm but then he thrust hard and deep, sinking his fingers into me. I bucked at him, bouncing on the bed.

Trent took his mouth from my breast and looked at me. “Easy, darling. Don’t press the nurse button or else this is going to turn into a threesome.”

“Asshole,” I whispered.


I felt his thumb graze my clit and I jumped again. He repeated the move over and over teasing the hell out of me. Finally, I grabbed his wrist and sank my nails into him like they were venomous fangs.

“Please,” I begged. “I couldn’t imagine not having you anymore, Trent. I don’t want to die. Not with you in my life.”

Trent lowered his mouth near mine again. “You never have to worry about that, darling. I’ll always protect you. I’ll always save you. I’ll always… take care of you.”

With that, he kissed me.

His two fingers were back inside me, twisting, opening the floodgates, literally. His thumb pressed to my clit and I felt myself almost instantly ready to explode.

Trent was now my world, the only world I needed and wanted.

But for us… the fire in the apartment wasn’t the end of death chasing us down…



Trev closed the phone and turned and threw it against the wall. He then stomped on it, over and over, until it was shattered into pieces. When he looked at me I saw a man who had a little bit chipped off him. The last thing this club needed was another broken President.

“Prez,” I said. “Tell me something. How’s the family?”

“Eden is fine,” Trev said. “So is the baby. Harlee and Duke saved her.”

I nodded. “Good. I can’t believe this shit.”

“It was Daxton,” Trev said.

I had the confirmation. I made fists. “He’s got to be killed.”

“He will be killed,” Trev said. “I’m trying to figure out if Night Soul knew or not. Right now Rocco isn’t talking much. He’s cut off all conversation until we get his guns.”

“We have the cash,” I said.

“I talked to Garvan too. The Russians were playing games with them. Long story but they’re not happy with the money now.”

“Fuck them,” I said. “Money is green. Green is good.”

“They’re taking the cash,” Trev said. “But they still want you to do what they asked.”

To kill my own father.

“Fair enough,” I said. “I’m not pulling back on that.”

“Garvan is trying to dictate how this all goes down,” Trev said.

“He’s got to meet us halfway at some point. We’re the ones out there. Prez, we need a table meeting. I have to speak my mind on all of this. It’s gone too far. Fuck, we almost lost our old ladies. Your baby…”

Trev put a hand to my shoulder and grinned. “Shit, brother. You really love her, huh?”



“Yeah. Yeah, I do. I love her.”

“I knew you were fucking with me,” Trev said. “The ring and all that. You were covering her ass. I get it. But you do love her. You crossed a line, Trent, that you can’t come back from.”

“I know that,” I said.

“The monster… tamed.”

I ripped Trev’s hand off my shoulder. “No. I’m not tamed. I’m more irritated than I’ve ever been in my life. This is beyond the thrill of killing or to help out the MC. This is about family. My family. Your family. Life outside the MC. And I cannot believe I’m saying that.”

“Okay. I’ll call a meeting. But before that, Trent, you have to take care of something for me. Man to man.”

“Name it,” I said.

Trev gave a nod for me to turn around.

When I did, I saw Duke standing there.

The message was loud and clear.

I had to settle my shit with Duke.

Maybe we could do it without fists.


“Want to fight again?” Duke asked as he sat next to me.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books