An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

And Trent wouldn’t have let me slow down anyway.

He pulled away from my pussy with a wet lip slapping sound. He kissed my inner thigh, grabbing tight, sucking hard, pulling away. I screamed and knew he had left his mark on me there.

Both of his hands slithered up my body to my breasts, covering me. I hurried and put my hands to his hands. His mouth attached to my slit again, drawing me the hottest picture I would never see… but I could feel.

My hips were quivering as my belly lifted and lowered with such force that I started to ride up and down against his tongue. Trent stayed right there with me, his tongue teasing a depth I didn’t know a man’s tongue could possibly go to, leaving me unable to fight the urge to come. My entire body tensed for what felt like a lifetime. I lifted my lower body off the bed. My body then kept going, lifting, all the way to my neck. If anyone burst into the room it would have looked like some crazy yoga move, but it was just my body on the brink of the greatest orgasm of my life.

When I finally did let go, I did so with a wild scream. My ass crashed to the bed and I quickly drove myself back up. I came down again and lifted again. I couldn’t stop myself, the way my insides pulsed and squeezed, it was so fucking intense. My body wanted Trent to get the hell away from me but that was impossible.

Trent then grabbed my ass and held me in the air. I came so hard that I lost my breath a couple times. My stomach started to hurt from breathing so heavy, like I had done a thousand crunches.

Goddamn, Trent wasn’t a monster… he was a God…

Slowly, he lowered me to the bed and took his beautiful mouth away from between my legs. Then he stood up before me, looking ten feet tall. His cock looked the same sticking straight out at me.

That’s when he looked like a sexy monster again.

He reached between my legs with his right hand, touching me with all his fingers. He then put his hand to his hard dick and wrapped his hand tight. He stroked himself once, twice, three times, then held himself at his thick root. A small bead of liquid appeared at the tip of his dick and my mouth was insatiably thirsty.

I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. I put a hand to his chest, my fingertips touching his left nipple. The definition of his muscles were unfair. Between my legs I was still gushing. I could feel myself pouring all over the bed sheets.

“Don’t make me wait,” he said. “We don’t have time, darling. I’m going to fill you up. But before that, you get a little taste.”

The word little with me facing his cock didn’t go together. There was nothing little about Trent.

I kissed the tip of his dick and licked my lips, tasting him. I opened my mouth and welcomed in, feeling my mouth forcefully stretching to accommodate him. As I eased down his cock, his steel rod felt like it was getting even thicker. His other hand touched the back of my head and pressed, wanting more of me. I slowly kept going until my lips touched his hand as he held his cock still. He then started to move his hand, jerking himself while he was in my mouth. I couldn’t help myself as I groaned, my body aching for him to have me.

When he took his hand from the back of my head I slowly eased back and off him. I then grabbed the head of his cock with my hand and started to stroke him. Feeling the wicked definition of his tip made my pussy quiver. I then went at him again, repeating the same move.

As he jerked himself into my mouth for a second time, I saw the way his stomach moved. He liked it. He liked me. Fuck that. He loved me.

When I pulled off him again, I hurried to lean back on the bed. My right hand grabbed for his cock and I pulled.

“I need you inside me,” I said. “I need it. Fill me, Trent. Please.”

Trent leaned forward and placed his hand to my lower belly. He then guided his cock to my slit and wasted no time thrusting at me. I watched his cock disappear inside me as a wild fullness overtook my body. His hands grabbed at the top of my legs as he stood at the edge of bed, buried deep inside me.

“Ah, fuck, darling,” he growled.

He pulled back and thrust again, his body colliding with mine. The sound was wet, thanks to my body, thanks to his capabilities.

He held me right there at the edge of the bed and fucked me. Each thrust was full, hard, deep, and noisy. I grabbed for my breasts to keep them from bouncing so much and that only seemed to turn Trent on even more. He sped up and never slowed back down.

He pounded me into another orgasm and pounded me until he started to come too.

He fucked me so hard and wild and then suddenly stopped, letting himself go. I felt the way his dick throbbed and shot into me, over and over. Trent started to move again, gently fucking me, allowing me to move my body against his pulsing dick, squeezing every last drop out of him.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books