An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

These men trusted me and what I wanted to do.

Trev looked at me and nodded in approval. “Votes are in. This is how we settle this shit up. No outside contact from anyone but me and Jasper. We will handle the O’Nuall family and get in contact with Rocco when the guns are ready. Until then, we stay close and we stay focused.”

The meeting was called.

We opened the door and as we piled out, three nurses were standing there, their eyes going wider by the second. A bunch of dirty and wild outlaws pouring out of their storage closet had to be a crazy sight to see.

When Trev shut the door, the three nurses still hadn’t moved. He smiled and said, “We were just looking for some coffee.”

The nurse in the middle pointed to the left. “It’s down there. There’s a cafe room.”

“Got it,” Trev said. He slapped Jasper in the chest. “Let’s go.”

I trailed behind a little, my mind stuck on Harlee. Shit, she was still stuck on me. My fingers were smothered with her sweetness. I couldn’t see it, but I could smell her.

The votes, the orders, it was all happening.

The only thing left was to protect Harlee.

Trev dispersed the guys throughout the hospital and back to the clubhouse.

“I’m going to be with Eden,” Trev said.

“I’ll be right with you,” Jasper said.

“Duke is hanging back for you,” Trev said. “Glad you two patched things up.”

“Prez, can we talk?” I asked.

“I don’t have time.”

“It’s about Harlee. She needs protection.”

“She’s got us,” Jasper said.

“But she doesn’t,” I said. “The clubhouse isn’t safe. Daxton wants her. Not Eden. Not you, Prez. Or you, VP. He wants Harlee. He bit off more than he could chew but that doesn’t mean he won’t be back.”

“What do you suggest?” Trev asked me.

There was only one thing that I could think of. And it would do two things at once. It would protect Harlee and it would give the MC the upper hand in the power struggle between us and the O’Nuall family.

“My father,” I said. “He’s our only shot…”



Trent touched my bare shoulder and kissed the spot a second later. His teeth and tongue touched me next. His hands touched my sides and slid around, moving up, cupping my bare breasts. My legs trembled and I flexed my muscles, trying to keep my balance. He was devouring me, just as I had always wanted him to do. We were in his room in the clubhouse, noise outside, but just us together inside the room.

I reached for my hair and pulled it up and out of the way, exposing my neck.

His fingers rolled over my nipples, make them even harder. I felt his bare muscles against my back, his cock thickening and pressing hard to my lower back. I gently rocked my hips left to right, feeling his steel shaft between us.

“Easy, darling,” he said, his breath spreading across my neck. “I’m saving it for inside you.”

I shivered and wanted it all.

Trent kissed my neck and then started to descend my back with his lips. His hands moved down from my breasts but only by a few inches. His hands were so massive and protective, holding me tight. My lower back curved, giving way to my ass, and Trent just kept going. He kissed the dimples of my back and my left ass cheek. That’s when his right hand started to move down. The tips of his fingers peeled back at my mound, exposing my pussy, leaving it all for himself.

When his fingers touched me, I jumped and let out a cry.

His lips kissed down my cheek to the back of my leg. His hands moved to my waist and he spun me around like I was a feather.

Trent was on his knees before me. The monster. The enforcer. And he stared up at me, the look in his eyes mixed between romance and lust. I touched his hair and then his face. My fingertips ran along his neck to his massive shoulders. His hands moved around to my ass, gripping tight. He gently pulled me forward and kissed against my smooth skin. I opened my legs and felt his tongue cut between my wet folds, tasting me. The way his tongue curled made my toes curl. I started to lift up and lost my balance. Trent prevented me from stumbling with his fierce grip on my waist.

After just a few licks between my legs, Trent pulled away. His hands moved down my legs to the back of my knees. He pulled, forcing me to lose my balance. I crashed down to the bed, legs, open, grabbing for the sheets. Trent lifted my legs up over his shoulders and went to work.

His tongue savored bottom to top, flickering his tongue so hard, the wet sound echoed in the bedroom instantly. I was soaking wet, dripping for him, already on the peak of orgasm. I pressed my ankles to his back, pulling at him.

“Fuck, Trent,” I groaned.

He slowly turned his head and began to suckle me, thirsting my wetness. He engulfed me, the pressure against my clit making me thrust at him. His tongue darted into me, making me cry out. I grabbed his hair, put my head back, and just lost myself to him.

The pressure was already too far mounted to try and calm down.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books