An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

And even then… he didn’t stop.

Still inside me, Trent pushed me back and climbed up on the bed. He carried me to the pillows and placed his body down to mine. Slowly, Trent started to fuck me again. Gently thrusting though, easing out and easing back into me. I was far from done and I could feel that he was the same way.

He kissed my chest and trailed a line up to my mouth and started to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him and we held each other. The kiss broke long enough for the two of us to meet eyes. I realized right then he was making love to me. I quickly bit at his bottom lip, pulling and grinning. He did it to me. His dick thickened back to its steel touch and I thrust my hips at him.

We didn’t speed up. We didn’t slow down.

We were together.

We loved each other.


“Are you sure about this?” I asked as we stood at the door.

Behind us, the guys were all ready to go. I was the only problem in the situation and apparently Trent’s father was the solution somehow.

“Listen to me,” Trent said. “I just need you to sit here. That’s it. Don’t talk to him. Don’t look at him. I have to settle this shit right now, okay? As soon as we’re done, I’m coming back to get you. Then we’re free.”

“Then you’re going to kill him,” I said, knowing I was going to touch a nerve.

Trent’s lip curled. “That’s my fucking problem, darling, not yours. You need to be safe. This is the only place I could take you. Okay?”

I nodded.

Trent pounded on the door and when it opened, I was faced with Trent’s father. They really didn’t look too much alike, which was good. Trent towered over his father and was easily three times his size.

“Come on in,” his father said.

“Harlee, this is Tom, my father,” Trent said. He then pointed to a chair. “I want you to hang out there, darling. I’ll be in touch no matter what, I promise.”

He walked me to the chair and sat me down. I stared up at him. I grabbed the opening of his leather cut and bit my lip. I couldn’t help but think about him opening his zipper and taking out his beautiful cock. I wanted to stroke him, suck him, and ride him until he came inside me.

“It’ll be okay,” he whispered. “I promise you.”

“Do what you need to do, Trent,” I said. “Don’t worry about me. Be the monster. Be the enforcer. Save your club.”

Trent grabbed my left hand and ran his hand across the diamond.

“You know, I wanted to give this ring to someone that mattered to me,” he said. “I wanted to try and make some sense of normalcy out of the madness I lived in. The thing is… watching her walk away… I never went after her. I always thought it was because I was doing the right thing. I was letting her go and letting her live her own life. But you know what? That was all bullshit. She wasn’t the right one. She wasn’t the one who was supposed to wear this ring. Or wear my ink. Or become my old lady.” Trent slowly turned the diamond ring on my finger, spinning it. He looked at the ring and then at me again. “Now I get it, darling. You’re supposed to wear this ring. This ain’t no joke for me anymore. This ain’t about saving your ass either. This is about us being together. Got that?”

I shuddered and slowly nodded. I held back tears as Trent brought my hand to his mouth. He kissed the diamond ring and leaned down. His lips grazed my cheek and he said he loved me.

I said I loved him too.

He then addressed his father, who stood with a can of beer in his hand.

“Got that money?” his father asked.

Trent reached into his back pocket and took out an envelope with cash. He slammed it to his father’s chest. “Don’t fuck this up for me, okay? You’ve fucked up so much in my life. I’m asking just once…”

“Okay, son,” his father said.

Trent then looked back at me. The sight I didn’t like. I knew Trent was lying to his father. Saying anything he needed to protect me.

I knew at the end of this… Trent would come back to get me.

And then he’d get rid of his father for good.



We cruised up the dirt road, a massive cloud of dust all around us. Austin was at the tail end of the group, driving a little stolen car. We were going to ditch the car at the meet and have the numbers scratched off and leave it to rot. Shit, even if someone found the car, there was no tying it to us. It was a beater car registered to someone who passed away three years ago.

Garvan and Bryant were waiting for us, along with a black van. Inside that van was what held the future of the MC. It would set forth a tone and purpose in the new reign of Back Down Devil MC. I knew every single patched in member who voted on the deal was uncomfortable and they had every right to feel that way.

Trev and Jasper climbed off their rides. I followed suit. I was the enforcer and my personal life was tied to this deal.

Trev and Garvan shook hands.

“Aye,” Garvan said. “We ready?”

“As ever,” Trev said.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books