An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

I was leaned forward, hands folded, staring at the wall across from us. “Look, brother, I don’t do this situation too well.”

“No fucking way,” Duke said. “We could have been done here ten minutes ago.”

“I’m taking it all in, man. I really care about her.” I looked at Duke. “And I’m well aware she was supposed to kill you. I’ve been torn up about it since it was going to go down.”

“You put a ring on her finger to save her ass,” Duke said. “That’s when I had to respect what was happening. Listening to everyone talk, I was taking it in myself. I’ve always been the kind to observe and act. That’s what kept my ass out of the flag draped coffin, got it?”

“Got it, soldier,” I said.

“Don’t call me that, Trent. You don’t know the fucking shit I saw. The way I feel on a daily basis. When someone at home wants to take my head off, it matters. But I get it. She was pushed into this shit. That’s why I apologized to her already. And that’s why I went to your place. I had a feeling.”

I looked at Duke. “A feeling?”

“Yeah. I didn’t like the idea of prospects over there. Daxton was like me. Except it was all a game to him. He was in basic training with me. He couldn’t get through it. Too wild and crazy. And throughout his years with Night Soul, he was always the same. One thing he loved? Fire. I can’t explain it, Trent. Maybe it’s good instincts. Just like the feeling I had over in the desert… that goddamn convoy going down that road… I just had that feeling. I pulled back, tried to radio it in…”

Duke lost his words. I saw the visions climb across his eyes. Shit, if he went back there, things would get dark.

I reached out and grabbed his shoulder. “Stay here, Duke. Don’t go there. You don’t need to go there.”

“I got there and saw the fire. Two of the prospects were freaking out, trying to call it in and find a way in. Me? I went to the front door and kicked the son of a bitch in. It was a cloud of smoke. I went into survival mode. It wasn’t the first time I had to do that kind of shit. I found Harlee first. I hovered over her and for a second… I thought about leaving her. But I knew she was your old lady, Trent. I wouldn’t want you to face that pain. Then I saw Trev’s old lady. I got her out then got Harlee out.”

“You saved this entire MC,” I said. “If Eden went… and Trev’s unborn baby… and Harlee… this entire thing would have imploded in seconds.”

Duke and I then stared at each other.

After a few seconds, he asked, “Was that an apology?”

“Jesus,” I said. “What the fuck do you want…”

“An apology.”

“I’m sorry, brother,” I said. I offered my hand. “I’m sorry I just assumed. I’m sorry I didn’t have the trust in you as I should have. And thank you for doing what you did.”

Duke’s hand collided with mine.

No love lost between us at all, but we were brothers and we needed to act that way. We both stood up and hugged. I sure as hell knew we’d get into plenty more fist fights in our time together, but that’s what brothers did.

“You two done hugging?” Cade asked as he appeared in the hallway.

“We’re solid,” I said.

“Good,” Cade said. “Trev got a storage closet for us to meet.”

“Seriously?” I asked.

“No choice. He won’t leave with Eden.”

I looked at Duke. “I told Harlee it would be either you or me outside her door.”

“Little white lie won’t kill her,” Duke said.

“Daxton will. We have to get that prick.”

“Meeting,” Cade said. “Now.”

So we followed him to a storage closet that wasn’t too far from Harlee’s room.

We were all crammed into the small space, a collective smell of smoke, booze, pussy, leather, sweat, and the building rage from a bunch of outlaws hell bent on revenge. The tension was so thick it felt like a bomb was going to go off.

Trev stood at the back of the wall, arms crossed.

I shut the door behind me and the meeting was on.

“We’re at war,” Trev said. “Not that I’m stating the obvious. Daxton tried to kill Eden. Tried to kill my unborn baby. Tried to kill Trent’s old lady. All lives in this family are equal and if anyone in this room isn’t pissed enough to spend life behind bars for revenge, then walk out right now. Drop your fucking cut on the floor and get out.”

Nobody moved. But everyone looked at me.

It meant a lot to get that kind of respect from the men I considered brothers.

“Which brings us to this meeting,” Jasper said. “We’re not going to offer a plan to fix this.”

Everyone started to murmur.

Trev stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled. “You all shut the fuck up right now.”

The room got quiet.

“We’re not handling this,” Jasper said. Then he pointed right at me. “Trent is. Trent has a plan and you’re all going to fucking listen. We’re voting right here, in this closet, and when we leave, everything is going to change.”

All eyes were on me. I was better with my fists than my words.

But I had a plan that would work.

So I stood there in front of the MC and said what I had to say…


“Yes,” Cash said, casting the final vote.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books