An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

“I guess that’s straight forward.”

“I like what I do,” she said. “I help clean up guys like you.”

“Nurse Ana,” I said. “Thank you.”

She leaned down and put her nose dangerously close to mine. “Try… Dr. Ana.” She then kissed the tip of my nose and stood up and turned.

Her ass was killer tight in her pants.

I felt my cock pulsing and that’s when I stood up. I grabbed my shirt, leather cut, and rings. The showers were through the next room. They were open showers, like a men’s locker room in a gym.

I got to the doorway and looked back at Ana as she finished cleaning things up.

“Hey, Doc,” I said.

She smiled at me. “Yes?”

“Thank you. You’re good at what you do here. Now do me a favor and go find a guy named Cash. Take care of him with your mouth.”

I walked into the shower feeling almost shameful. The monster had given up on some fresh, delicious pussy for what? For Harlee? For a woman that I saved because I thought she could be of use with the club? For a woman I threw a ring on her finger to save her ass a second time?

I stripped out of jeans and turned on the water. I purposely stepped into the cold water and felt my body tighten up. When it turned warm, I put my hands to the tile and stood there, letting the water wash away dirt and blood. My shoulder still ached but Dr. Ana had really patched me up good.

I shut my eyes and took a few breaths.

I had to stay in the moment, right there in reality. The fight was over. Trev had the cash. He and Jasper were already making the calls. My plan would be presented to the table and we’d enact on it. My role of enforcer would be pushed to its limits but the MC would prevail.

Piece by fucking piece it seemed it was all coming together.

The only lingering issue was Harlee and what to do with her. I couldn’t pull back on the engagement and disrespect Trev. I couldn’t send her ass packing from the MC and town either. I cared too much. Fuck me, I really cared about her. Not just her body but her… like her mind, her heart, shit, even her soul.

Maybe I loved her.

That thought jolted my eyes open.

Love her? Me… the monster… the enforcer… in love…

Before I could assess the thought again to make sure I hadn’t gotten hit too fucking hard in the head, I felt something touch my back.

Two hands. Nails.


My back tightened and I saw two feet appear next to mine. Small, cute feet, with hot pink toenails.

I swallowed hard and gritted my teeth.


“It’s okay,” Dr. Ana whispered. “I’m here to take care of you and nobody else tonight…”


I saw her hand slide around to my stomach and inch down. I tore my hands away from the tiles and spun around. The water pounded against my back and splashed at Ana’s naked body. She was built to fuck. That’s the only way to describe her. And she stood with a sense of confidence that she knew she was built to fuck.

Her hands touched my chest and I grabbed her wrists. She stuck her chest out at me, starting to breathe a little heavy. Everything on her body was smooth and clean, like ripe fruit primed for picking. Yeah, my mouth was hungry, that was just instinctive nature kicking in.

“Trent,” she whispered. “I was paid a lot to make sure you were taken care of. Whatever they had arranged, they knew you would win. I’m ready and willing to do anything you want. There’s nothing you could say that would make me say no to you.

Ana pulled at her left hand and I let her go.

I felt my cock gently throbbing. My brain and heart were in a fearless battle, competing against lust and love.

Fucking love.

Ana put her middle finger to her bottom lip and pulled. She then drew a straight line down to her throat and to her tits. She had super small nipples, killer tight, and when she ran her finger over the left nipple, it tripled in size, pointing right at me. She then kept going down, her skin breaking out in goosebumps. The line traced down to between her legs. Her middle finger disappeared for a few seconds as she put her head back, groaning.

I took a small step toward Ana, knowing I was damn well within my right and need to have her. Fuck anything around me. If Harlee couldn’t stand the life, then she could get out. Being my old lady was about being mine. If I wanted my dick sucked, I’d get it sucked. If I found a piece of pussy that was ready for my dick, I’d fuck it. That was how it was in the world I called home. We were out on a ride. I had just won a fight where some asshole tried to kill me. The rage, the anger, the reaper breathing on my back…

London Casey & Karolyn James's books