An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

“I take good care,” Peter said. He whistled and pointed.

I turned my head and saw a woman slowly walking down the hallway. Everything on her body was too tight. Her tits were huge. Her face, eyes, everything were wildly put together.

Not a single person made a sound as she walked right by all of us.

“That is nurse,” Peter said. “She take good care of you, fighter. Stitch you and suck you.”

“Fuck,” Cash said. “Someone give me a knife. I’ll cut my leg off right now to get a piece of that ass.”

“Easy now,” Trev said. He then looked at me. “Go get cleaned up, okay?”

“No, Prez,” I said. “We’re not done here yet.”

“You won the fight,” Trev said.

“You’ve earned that,” Miller chimed in. “That was a hell of a showing out there.”

I looked at Peter. “What the fuck was that about?”

“What?” he asked.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” I said. “The fucking window. That was on purpose. You stalled the fight out. Why?”

Peter let out a deep laugh. He put up a finger and stepped back into the office. I felt my heart starting to race again. Adrenaline pumped through my veins like fresh gasoline. The pain in my shoulder subsided, along with all the other other cuts and bruises.

Peter grabbed a wad of cash and brought it to me. “Take all, fighter. Take all.”

“Whoa,” Cash said. “That’s double of what you said.”

Peter nodded. “You help.”

I looked at Trev.

“Give us the reason,” Trev said. “We have to know what we were part of.”

Peter nodded. “Fair, fair. Let’s say…” He puckered his lips. “Diversion. Everyone is here, nobody is over there. Understand?”

“Christ,” I said. I slapped the wad of cash off Trev’s chest. “We were pawns for their attack.”

“Anyone we should worry about?” Miller asked. “Friends of ours? Enemies of ours?”

“No,” Peter said. “Nothing to care for. The extra is showing of good faith.”

“That guy wanted to slit my throat and kill me,” I said to Peter. “What was that?”

“Entertaining,” he said with a grin.

I pushed forward and locked up my left fist. I was going to hit him until Xavier and Max grabbed my arm to stop me from hitting the Russian guy. If I had actually hit him, things would have taken a serious turn for the worse.

“Calm now,” Peter said. “Go shower. Clean up. Then we all go home happy.”

“That protection in Nevada,” Trev said, pointing at Peter, “comes with an understanding that we know the truth of what you’re up to.”

“Deal,” Peter said. He put up a finger and walked back to the desk again. He grabbed another smaller wad of cash and gave that to Trev. “Trust money.”

“Yeah, trust,” Trev said. He then handed that money to Miller. “For riding up here, brother.”

“Our ride was easier than yours,” Miller said.

“That’s solid cash for pussy,” Blaine chimed in. He put his hands up. “Not that I’m going near that stuff. No way.”

“Jesus,” Miller said.

“So… are we doing this?” Cash asked. “I’m very thirsty.”

“Want some water?” Peter asked.

“No,” Cash said. “I want beer and pussy. Together.”

“Have at it,” Peter said.

Peter led the way and I hung back. So did Jasper and Trev.

“Go have fun,” I said to them. “I’ll be there in a few.”

“I’ve got enough waiting back at the clubhouse,” Trev said. “I don’t need anymore headaches or women in my life. Right now I need to get on the phone with Garvan and set up our next meet.”

“I’ll look for Bryant,” Jasper said. “Then I’ll reach out to Rocco.”

“Hey, about the guns,” I said. “I won the fight. I got the cash. It’s time for my plan.”

“Why the fuck do you think we’re standing here?” Trev asked.

I saw Jasper’s eyes go wide. “Hey, maybe you should get that shoulder checked out.”

I looked and saw the open gash. It wasn’t all that bad. But from the corner of my eye I saw the woman standing at the end of the hall. Sleek and beautiful, now wearing a white top that didn’t cover up much of anything.

“Shit,” Trev said. “Let me go make my calls. You go get patched up and cleaned up.”

Jasper winked at me and I took my leather cut, shirt, and rings from him. He patted me on my good shoulder and gave a nod.

“Don’t fuck me on this,” I said. “I have a way out of it all.”

“I know you do, brother,” Jasper said. “Go take care of yourself.”

I turned as Jasper and Trev walked away. The woman pointed at me and then wiggled her finger.

I walked toward her, right into the eyes - and arms - of a bad temptation I didn’t need.


Her name was Ana and her slight accent was as cute as she was. She knew how to patch me up though, cleaning up the gash, putting in a couple stitches, and then a nice bandage that she insisted was waterproof.

“You sure about that, darling?” I asked with a grin.

“Totally,” she said. Her eyes were a wicked amber color. “Go take a shower and find out.”

“How the hell did you fall into this mess?”

“Same way anyone does,” Ana said. “Money.”

London Casey & Karolyn James's books