An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

I felt like my back was on fire.

The smoke poured throughout the apartment and into my mouth, deep into my chest. Each breath got harder. Even though I was touching Eden I was barely able to see her. True panic began to set in.

Attacking the MC was one thing. Taking out one of the guys was another. But to come after Eden and her unborn baby? Her unborn daughter?

“Help!” I screamed. “Someone!”

My mind demanded to know who did this. I wanted to face the attacker and see the man who was going to kill us.

I heard a large crashing sound.

I tried to pull at Eden one more time and felt our grips slip away. I toppled back and knew I’d never see Eden again. I reached my hands out, wondering what I could grab onto. I touched something and then I saw something through the heavy smoke.

It was a face.

The person behind the attack. The fire. The smoke.

The person who wanted me, Eden, and her unborn child to not see tomorrow.

The face got closer and I knew exactly who it was.

It was Duke.



Denis sliced the piece of glass to my shoulder, cutting me open. I twisted out of reflex and then saw the bloody shard of glass coming for my throat.

This really had become life and death here.

I half expected the guys to come rushing to the ring to help me, but they knew better. If they fucked with what was happening, we’d lose the cash. No cash meant no guns. No guns meant not settling all the old bullshit so the MC could push forward.

I lifted my arm at the last second and blocked the attack. I grabbed for Denis’s wrist and twisted, driving him back. I brought my other hand up to his hand and grabbed his hand, squeezing the glass. Denis growled and screamed, blood pouring between both of our hands.

I took him back to the ropes and pressed harder, slowing putting the glass to his face. As I dug the jagged tip into his cheek, I gritted my teeth and sliced. It was only a few inches, but it was enough to get Denis off his game.

He turned, throwing his shoulder at my face, hitting me in the jaw. I stumbled back as he rolled into the corner, clutching his face. Everywhere I stepped, glass crunched under my feet. Most of the pieces were too damn small to use as a knife. So I just went forward, fists ready, as normal.

I started to unleash on Denis, fist after fist to his ribs and stomach.

In a moment of complete stupidity, I let it slip my mind that Denis could have still had the piece of glass in his hand. I found out a second later that he did have the piece of glass still in his hand when he reached around and tried to stab me in the back.

I wiggled away and threw a left, smacking him in the eye.

He slashed at me, getting nothing but air.

I punched with a hard right, blood spraying out of the ring.

He stepped forward from the comfort of the ropes and the corner. He was ready to go down and I could see it in his eyes he knew he was fucked. He kept slashing at me, desperate to get lucky and slit my throat.

When we got to the middle of the ring, that was it for me. He tried to stab me one last time and I grabbed his wrist again. I twisted it hard, feeling something pop. I stabbed him in the throat but didn’t get enough to kill him. So I hit Denis with one more left punch and sent his ass to the mat.

He fell face first, down into the shattered glass.

He hit with a hard thud and then it was just me standing there.

The entire place was quiet and it felt that way for about a goddamn hour.

In truth, it was only a couple seconds before the place erupted in cheers.

Cash and Jasper jumped up on the mat and climbed into the ring to get to me. Cash wrapped his arms around me and lifted me.

“Holy fuck, brother!” he screamed. “You did it! We get money. We get pussy.”

Jasper put his hands to my face. “Hey, Trent. Are you good?”

“I’m fine,” I said.

After the fight - or any fight or kill - I was calm. I didn’t let it all get to me. I let it all wash away. That’s what made me the monster. I was already moving on to the next mission. The next fight. Shit, I was thinking about showering and heading back to Daurian so I could get into Harlee’s panties and have that sweet pussy again.

Trev got into the ring as two men entered the ring to tend to Denis. He was moving, slowly climbing to his knees. The guy was completely out of it. He probably wouldn’t be coherent until tomorrow.

We got out of the ring and walked back to the same room where we had to meet with Peter. He stood there, door open, waiting for me. His hands were out and a big smile grazed his face.

When he tried to touch me, I knocked his hands out of the way. “Don’t fuck with me.”

“Whoa, whoa,” Trev said, slipping between us. “Let’s give Trent a few minutes here.”

“How about a shower?” Miller asked. “Guy needs to be patched up here.”

London Casey & Karolyn James's books