An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

“Amen,” Blaine said. “That Russian stuff is… oh, man…”

“Easy now,” Miller said. “You’re a well taken care of man.”

“Yeah,” Blaine said. “Fuck.”

“Where’s your old lady, Blaine?” Cash asked.

“Back home,” Blaine said. “I wouldn’t bring her or the baby up here.”

“Exactly,” Cash said. “Every good woman knows a man needs a little foreign taste once in a while. Shit, it’s not like you’re ever going to see her again.”

“You go home with pussy on your breath and Jessa will cut your dick off,” Gaige said.

“I’ll help her,” Miller said.

Blaine hooked his thumbs into his jeans. “Goddamn, she’s lucky she does everything she does for me.”

“Fine then,” Cash said. “More pussy for me. I’m going in until I can’t breath. I should have brought scuba stuff with me.”

“Jesus Christ,” Nate said. “It’s like Blaine has a fucking twin, only dirtier.”

“Hey,” Cash said, “Maybe we have the same mother.”

“Doubt it,” Blaine said. “I’ve fucked your mother already, Cash.”

“What?” Cash asked.

Everyone started to laugh.

Trev and Miller took the lead and we went into the warehouse. Sure as hell, there was a fucking boxing ring in the middle of it. People were lined up all around, ready for a fight. We walked down a hallway to a set of rooms in the back of the warehouse.

That’s where we met up with Peter and Ivan.

Ivan was tall and thick, a dead color looking skin, and was counting up cash on a desk. Peter had some guy in a corner, yelling at him in Russian. The conversation came to a quick end when he saw us.

“Where’s your fighter?” Peter asked, wasting no time.

“Right here,” I said. I pushed forward. “I’m the enforcer for the MC.”

“Yes, yes,” Peter said, with a little laugh that rolled in his throat like his accent. “Then you fight right now?”

“Right fucking now,” I said.

“Yes, yes,” Peter said. “You win, we pay. You then take care of the Irish.”

“We already talked about that,” Trev said. “Peter, this is Miller, from another charter. Our brothers, our club, we stay close. There’s no worry.”

Miller shook hands with Peter. “I know Trev extended the offer in Nevada, but I want to personally tell you that I support it. You need any help there, you let us know.”

“Yes, yes,” Peter said with a nod. “I appreciate the support. Now, let’s go fight.”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Cash said. “Where are the drinks and where are the women?”

Peter raised an eyebrow.

“This is Cash,” Trev said. “He was dropped on his head a lot when he was younger.”

“And now I want some Russian pussy to drop on my face,” he said.

“After fight,” Peter said. He then touched my arm. “He wins, you get pussy.” (It sounded like poo-c.) “All you can eat. Buffet style.”

Peter started to laugh.

“I like him,” Cash said.

“Can we get this going?” Miller asked.

“Big, bad President wants to get home to the wife and kid, huh?” Trev asked with a grin.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Miller said and punched Trev in the arm.

I just stood there and took it all in. That was all I could do. My job as the enforcer for the MC was to do just that. I looked around, I took it all in, and I made decisions. If there was one thing I could give Ripper credit for, he always kept things going forward. He could always stall a conversation long enough for me to get a sense of right and wrong.

Right then, everything was wrong.

The fight was bullshit.

It was a cover.

I could tell by the way Peter ushered us to the door and checked his watch.

By the time we were walking down the hallway, Cash making more comments about pussy, I felt my stomach flip.

The truth?

For the first time ever… the monster… wanted to be home… on a couch… with a movie… with Harlee…


Denis was big, sweaty, and his muscles intricately cut. The kind of guy that spent more time in the gym and the ring than he did anywhere else. His sheer look was enough to get a rise out of the crowd. It was no wonder he was a well known fighter. The surrounding people were all in suits and ties, drinks in hand, all cheering as they sucked on cigars and waved cash like money was free.

Most of them spoke a different language so I had no idea if they were cheering for me or telling me to fuck myself.

There was one thing I did understand. And that was when Denis lifted his two hands, opened them, and then closed them. Come fight me.

London Casey & Karolyn James's books