An Outlaw Monster (Back Down Devil MC #10)

I put my hands at her waist and grabbed her. I shook her and she grabbed my wrists. Her left middle finger was slippery, fresh with her own wetness. Her tits jiggled so perfectly. My mouth was starving. I was like a man who had just survived the desert for a month with no food and water.

Ana touched my neck with her hands. Her tits pressed together. My cock started to fill up even more. Once I got hard, that was it. There was no letting go. No shut off switch. I wouldn’t stop until I was fucking done and emptied out.

“Yes,” Ana whispered. “Trent. Anything, okay? Whatever you want.”

I felt the moment of hesitation. The second to make my final choice. Push her away or pull her close.

My hands opened and I let out a growl that echoed off the tiles.

“I’ll do everything myself,” she said. “You just stand right there.”

Her hands were back at my chest. As she slid them down, she also started to slide down. All I could think about then was her thin lips wrapping around my thick cock. She could take it all, I knew it. She had that look in her eyes that she wanted to surprise me with her abilities.

“Fuck,” I whispered.

I took a step back from her.

Goddammit. I was in love with Harlee.

It went deeper than the old lady bullshit. It was…

“Trent!” a voice boomed.

A second later Trev appeared in the doorway. He ran right at me, not even giving a shit that some woman was halfway down to her knees to suck me off.

“Prez,” I said.

“We have to go right now,” he ordered.

Then he turned and started to charge away.

“Prez!” I yelled.

“I said right now!” Trev screamed.

Then he looked back with a look in his eyes I’d never forget.

“What is it?” I asked.

I reached forward and pushed Ana away.

Sorry, darling, but you were already dead to me to begin with.

“Just get dressed and get ready to ride like hell,” Trev said.

“Tell me right now,” I said.

“Eden. Harlee.” He shook his head. He swallowed a big lump in his throat. “Someone attacked your apartment… set it on fire… I don’t know what to expect when we get there…”


The last place I wanted to go was a hospital. Hell, if I was at a hospital, it should have been for myself. But it wasn’t. I scaled the hallway, charging forward like a bull ready to attack. The lights above me were almost like strobe lights as I moved so fast. I called out Harlee’s name as I ran. Behind me, I heard Trev and the other guys only a couple steps behind.

Goddamn Trev… I couldn’t imagine what it must have felt like for him. Not only was his old lady in the hospital, but she was pregnant. Fuck whoever did this to Harlee and Eden. They were going to pay…

I turned another corner and I saw Duke standing there.

He looked like a wall, like he wanted to block me.

He stood outside a hospital room and when our eyes met, something snapped inside me again. It wasn’t his fault but he was the easy target.

I put on the brakes and made fists.

“What the fuck happened?” I asked.

“The apartment was on fire,” Duke said. “I got there just in time. Found them both…”

“Where’s Eden?” Trev growled.

“They have her in a different room,” Duke said. “The baby…”

“What were you doing there?” I asked.

Duke looked at me. “Excuse me?”

“What the fuck were you doing there, Duke?” I asked.

“You’re kidding me.”

“You’ve wanted her dead because of what she did to you,” I said. “You didn’t realize Eden was there, did you?”

“Bite your tongue, asshole.”

“I’ll rip yours out,” I said.

I lunged forward, shoulder first. I collided with Duke and took him back to a wall. We hit a picture and it fell, shattering. I grabbed his leather cut and spun him, slamming him against the wall behind us.

“What is wrong with you?” Duke bellowed. He swung a hard fist and got me in the jaw.

I absorbed the punch and then pushed at him, taking him to the wall again. I pulled my fist back and felt an arm hook around my arm.

“Fuck!” I yelled.

“Not here,” Cash said. “Brother, stop this. Why would Duke hurt us?”

“He’s a fucking asshole,” I yelled.

“Both of you!” Trev growled.

I turned and saw Trev’s hand fly at me. He had me by the throat and pushed me away. Truthfully, I could have killed Trev. I was the enforcer. I was the muscle. I was the monster. But he was the President. And I could see the terror in his eyes.

“Go, Prez,” I whispered. “I’m sorry.”

The hospital door opened as Trev turned and ran. Xavier and Max went with him. Cash slipped behind me and Duke. I saw the rage in Duke’s eyes.

Who the fuck else would do this though? It made sense, right? Duke plotted a way to knock off Harlee while I was gone. He attacked the apartment but didn’t realize Eden was there. So then he fucking saved them…

“Everything okay out here?” a nurse asked.

“We’re great,” Cash said. He walked right to the nurse. I felt bad for the pretty little thing. “Hey, can you help me with something?”

“Uh, sure,” the nurse said.

“Do we have an open room somewhere? I have this cramp…” Cash gritted his teeth and gently placed his right hand between his legs. “It’s down here. I need some attention…”

“Is she awake?” I asked, pointing to the door. “Harlee?”

London Casey & Karolyn James's books