
Chapter 12


I started waking earlier and earlier. I usually was awake before Denny now, and considering how late I went to bed at night, that also usually meant I needed a nap in the afternoon after school, but I couldn't seem to help myself. The thought of Kellan awake and downstairs all alone seemed to be a natural alarm clock for me. That worried me a little, but the allure of his warms arms was too strong. I was too addicted. I couldn't stop myself from rushing downstairs to see him every morning.

One morning, while we were waiting for the coffee to finish brewing, his arms slipped around my waist, my hands folded over his, my back resting against his chest, and my head resting on his shoulder, completely relaxed in his arms, I asked him a familiar question. "If I ask you something, will you promise to not get mad?"

I spun in his arms to face him and placed my hands on his chest. He chuckled and nodded, smiling peacefully at me. I paused, wondering if I really wanted to know the answer to my question. "Will it bother you if Denny and I sleep together?"

His face paled but he kept his smile. "You sleep with him every night."

I jabbed him lightly in the ribs. "You know what I mean," I said, blushing.

"Will it bother me, if you have sex with your boyfriend?" he asked softly.

I blushed again and nodded. He smiled softly but said nothing. "Just answer the question." I smiled and raised an eyebrow at using his phrase against him.

He laughed softly and looked away. Sighing, he finally answered. "Yes, yes it will bother me...but, I understand." He turned to look at me again. "You're not mine," he said wistfully.

Sudden emotion swept through me. I felt a surge of sympathy for him and I desperately wanted to hold him tight, to stroke his cheek and kiss his lips. I pulled away from his embrace and he frowned, trying to keep me close to him. "Just a minute... " I whispered.

He let go and looked at me confused. "I'm fine, Kiera."

I looked at him sadly. "I need a minute, Kellan."

"Oh..." he said softly, looking surprised.

I had to stay away from him for quite a while... the urge to kiss him was so strong. That worried me. We were staring at each other across the kitchen, leaning on our respective counters and sipping on our coffees, when I heard the shower start running. I glanced up to where the bathroom was at and then back down to Kellan. He had an odd look on his face. I couldn't even begin to place it. Eventually, I finished my coffee and putting my hand across his arm, I set down my mug. He looked down at me when I touched him and my breath caught at the look in his eye. Forcing it back, I gave him a quick squeeze and then made my way back upstairs to where Denny was getting ready for work.

Denny smiled when he came back from his shower to find me sitting in bed. "Hey, good morning," he said warmly as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled softly, but I was still thinking about the conversation Kellan and I had just had downstairs. Denny sat down next to me, still just wrapped in a towel. He looked over at me with a goofy grin. That made my smile wider. Then he frowned and I did too. "I'm probably going to be late tonight."

My heart dropped a little. "Oh...why?"

He sighed and stood back up to get dressed. He tossed his towel on the bed and I watched him with a small smile on my lips. Noticing my attention, he sighed again. "I wish I had more time with you," he said wistfully. I looked away and bit my lip while he laughed softly. "Max. He's got me finishing this project for him that apparently his uncle wanted today, but he was too busy escorts, over the weekend to do it himself."

My mouth dropped open as I turned back to look at him. He had his boxers on and was pulling up some black slacks. He looked at me wryly and shook his head. "I guess I should be grateful we got the weekend together and he didn't just call me in to finish it then." He sighed and shook his head again as he buttoned his pants.

Tiny guilt washed through me at what his job now entailed and I swallowed it back. He noticed my expression and forced a smile on his face as he grabbed a shirt from the dresser. "I'm not trying to complain, Kiera. I'm sorry."

He was sorry. I swallowed more guilt back. " have a right to complain. Max is an ass."

He laughed and slipped on his shirt. Walking over to him, I stopped his hands from buttoning it. He smiled warmly at me as I finished with the buttons for him. When I was done, I tucked his shirt in and he smiled even wider. "I love you so much for putting up with your crappy job to stay here with me," I said to him when I was finished.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I would put up with much worse to stay here with you."

I knew he meant those words as endearing, but they pierced my heart. If he only knew. I was quiet while he finished dressing. I was quiet when I kissed him goodbye. I was quiet when I decided to forgo cuddling on the couch with Kellan, to get ready for school early.

The hot water cleared my head and my swirling emotions washed down the drain with the soapy water. I picked out my favorite clingy, long-sleeved blouse and khaki cargos and took time to curl my already wavy hair. I wasn't sure why...maybe because I had the time. Maybe because looking better had a way of making you feel better. Either way, after my relaxing shower and looking my best, which was probably just slightly past passable really, I felt okay again.

And I was rewarded with a dazzling smile from Kellan as I made my way downstairs. That made my day a little. He seemed to be fine from our earlier conversation as well. He grabbed my hand and my bag as he led me to his car. He begged me to let him walk me to class, so I conceded. Really, it wasn't necessary, but who was I to deny a gorgeous begging boy? I suppose it was worth another potential quiz session to walk with him through the halls.

He lightly held my fingers as he walked me to Econ and we talked about my parents and the last reluctant phone call I had placed with them. They weren't too happy that Denny was so busy and I was alone so much. I made the mistake of telling them that Kellan was home a lot, which had started the 'doesn't he have a job' conversation, which led to the 'he's in a band' conversation, which turned into the 'I'm really not comfortable with you living with a rock star' conversation. Kellan was laughing pretty hard by the time he opened the door to my classroom. The sound of his laugh stayed with me all throughout that class.

Afterwards, Kellan met me in the hall with an extra large espresso in his hand for me. I immediately threw my arms around his neck, careful to not spill my precious drink. "! I love you!"

I froze after I realized what I'd just said, but he started laughing, and was smiling warmly at me when I pulled away. "What is it about me and coffee that drives you over the edge?" he asked playfully, biting his lip and raising his eyebrows suggestively.

I blushed and smacked his shoulder, knowing exactly what incident in a certain coffee stand that he was referring to. I grabbed my cup from his hand and stormed off down the hall. He easily caught up to me, still chuckling.

I glared over at him and he laughed even harder. "Oh, come on...that was kind of funny?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're a little twisted."

He smirked. "You have no idea..."

I raised my eyebrow at that and he laughed again until I finally joined in with him. He grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers as we left the building and walked casually to his car. I tried to ignore the stares he drew around us; none of these people knew Denny...right?

Denny did work late that night and Kellan had a show at a small bar I'd never heard of, so I was alone for the evening and took advantage of the fact that I had the night off from Pete's by doing something I very rarely got to do - I went to bed early.

The next morning I woke up early, feeling rather refreshed. I was surprisingly alone in the kitchen, filling my coffee cup with creamer, and idly wondering when Kellan was going to saunter into the kitchen and slip his arms around me. It was so unusual for me to beat him downstairs and in my anticipation I could practically already smell him. Lost in warm thoughts, suddenly arms did slip around me, and I snuggled back into his embrace while stirring my coffee.

"There you are Ke-"

I immediately froze my words when lips started trailing up my neck - warm, soft lips, followed by a flick of a warm, soft tongue, and occasionally brushing against my sensitive skin, the light hair of his jaw line. My heart raced. I had been about to say Kellan's name and it wasn't Kellan embracing me.

My heart leapt into my throat, effectively cutting off all speech. Denny murmured good morning into my neck, apparently not catching my nearly disastrous mistake. My breath sped in a nervous panic as his lips trailed up my jaw. I couldn't calm down...that had been so close.

His lips ran up to my ear and sucked on an earlobe. "I missed you," he said huskily, as he pulled me tight to him. "Our bed was cold without you." His accent curled delightfully around the words.

My breath started to speed for another reason and I turned around in his arms to kiss him. His mouth eagerly met mine and I forced myself to push all thoughts of Kellan to the very back of my mind; it was surprisingly hard to do.

Abruptly Denny's lips stopped moving and sighing, he pulled away from me. Guilt flashed through me and again panic clenched my throat. I tried to keep my face from betraying any of my inner turmoil as he ran a few fingers down my cheek. "I wish I could stay." He sighed heavily. "Max needs me to come in early today. I have to go get ready."

Suddenly he gave me my favorite goofy grin and I instantly started relaxing. He playfully grabbed my hand and led me from the kitchen, back up the stairs. Laughing softly as he held both of my hands and pulled me into the bathroom, I asked, "I thought you had to get ready. What exactly are we doing?"

Chuckling, he shut the bathroom door. "I am going to get ready." He moved past me to turn on the water for the shower. "And you're going to help me." He winked adorably at me.

"Oh really?" I laughed, as I started to sit on the toilet to watch him.

He grabbed me just as I was sitting down, pulling me back up. "Oh yes," he said suggestively, with a glint in his eye that I knew very well.

"Oh," I said, suddenly understanding what he wanted. He made himself even clearer the next instant, by stripping off my tank top. I laughed again as he kissed my neck and started pulling down my pants, underwear and all.

He pulled back and stripped off his clothes and we gazed at each other for a moment. Love for this beautiful, wonderful man filled me, dissolving the enormous guilt built up in my heart. He smiled warmly and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

He stuck his hand in the shower to feel the water, then scooped me up, making me laugh again as he stepped us inside. It was heaven - the water was warm, his hands were soft, his lips enticing. The water streamed off his beautiful, tanned body and I relaxed into the rightness of being with him. It felt natural and easy and good, and for just a few moments, I let myself enjoy him with no guilt, no feelings of betrayal.

I ran my fingers back through his dark hair, making sure it was completely soaked through. He smiled and closed his equally dark eyes. I grabbed our cheap all-in-one shampoo and massaged it into his hair as he sighed happily. He spun me around and moved out of the way of the warm water, so he could do the same for me. I giggled and relaxed into his amazing fingers. He rinsed out my hair, kissing my forehead in the process, and then rinsed out his own while I kissed his chest and grabbed the bar soap.

While he rinsed, I rubbed every area of his chest and abdomen with the soap, the bubbles trailing down his body suggestively. I bit my lip watching those bubbles slide down his thighs and he smiled, taking the soap from my hand and putting it back on the shelf. Then he pulled me tight to him, the soap on his body transferring to mine. He used his hands to make sure every square inch of my flesh was coated in suds, lingering on my breasts and my rigid nipples before moving around to my backside. I gasped when his hand moved between my thighs.

He smiled at me so seductively, that my breath sped instantly. His lips parted as he watched my reaction to his fingers circling around my most sensitive flesh, before dipping inside me. I groaned and arched my back against him as he inserted first one, then a second finger, moving languidly inside of me for a few heavenly moments before pulling back along my wet skin teasingly. I nearly whimpered and sucked on his bottom lip as he removed his hand and carefully pushed me back against the shower wall. The water surged around us, most deflecting off his broad back, so that only a light mist sprayed on me. His body pressed firmly against mine, the soap still lingering between us making him slippery against my skin. He bent to kiss me deeply and I eagerly returned it, moaning into his mouth.

The hard length of him pressed up against my body and I tentatively reached down to curl my fingers around him. He let out a groan in my ear as my hand squeezed around the base of him. I stroked my hand up and down his thickness a few times, while he panted heavily in my ear. His chest rising and falling against mine, he suddenly lifted me up against the wall slightly and then slid himself perfectly into me. He was so strong that the move was effortless for him, and surprising comfortable for me. I groaned loudly with the pleasure of it, as my legs wrapped around him, pulling him even deeper inside me.

My hands moved up to grasp his neck as he used his hands to urge my hips into a euphoric rhythm against his. My head drifted into a pleasant fog as Denny became my entire world - every smell, every touch, every breath, and every movement. It was intoxicating and beautiful and heartwarming...and maybe, if at that moment I allowed myself to feel it, a little sad.

Within moments, his breath increased to a quick pant and he clenched my hips satisfactorily with a deep groan as he came. He never stopped his rhythm though, and moments later I arched against him and cried out as the intenseness ripped through me. We both caught our breaths as the water started to cool along with us, and then he gently lowered me and moved aside so the tepid water could wash away any remaining bubbles between us.

"I love you," he said, as he shut the water off.

He stepped out of the shower and handed me a towel to dry off with. I smiled warmly at him as I stepped out of the shower to stand next to him on the fuzzy bath rug. "I love you too."

He helped dry me off a little with his towel, making me giggle, and then he dried himself off and we left our cozy, steamy little bathroom to finish getting him ready for work. It wasn't too much later that Denny, dressed in his khaki slacks and blue button-up shirt (he did look amazing in blue) with still slightly damp hair that, of course, he let me style for him, and me, in my basic jeans and blouse, my hair also damp and combed through, which Denny lovingly did for me, made our way back down to the kitchen.

Kellan was finally downstairs, drinking his coffee and looking casually perfect, if a little pale. Denny nodded to him, smiling happily. "G'Day, mate."

Kellan, although wan, managed an effortlessly casual smile. "Mornin'...mate."

Denny kissed me one last time, cupping my cheek. "Now I am going to be late." He grinned at me suggestively, making me blush horribly. "You're worth it though," he whispered.

I glanced over at Kellan. He paled a little more, studiously drinking his coffee now, and I knew that he knew what that meant. Maybe he'd even heard us in the shower. I couldn't remember if I was quiet or not...probably not. Denny gave me a final hug, cheerily said goodbye, and then left for work. I stood, rather stupidly, in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do.

"I put your coffee in the microwave," Kellan whispered from the table. I looked over to his pale face, his soft eyes. "It was cold..." he finished.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and went over to the microwave, starting it for one minute. I turned back to Kellan while it reheated. "Kellan...I'm-"

"Don't," he interrupted softly, staring blankly into his cup.

I blinked. "But..."

He stood up and walked over to me. He stopped a ways from me and didn't touch me. "You don't owe me an explanation..." he looked at the floor, "and you definitely don't owe me an apology," he looked back up at me, "so just....don't say anything, please."

Guilt and sympathy for him washed through me, and I held my arms open for him. "Come here." He hesitated a moment, a torn look on his face, then he slipped his arms around my waist and buried his head in my neck. I held him tight and rubbed his back. "I'm sorry," I whispered in his ear. He may not want to hear it, but I needed to say it.

He exhaled softly and nodded in my shoulder, clutching me a little tighter.

He was still pale and a little quiet when he drove me to school. Guilt surged through me. It had bothered him. I wasn't sure why, I wasn't sure what I was to him, but he had told me it would bother him, and it did seem to, and I did feel bad about that. But I wasn't his. We were just friends...and Denny was my boyfriend and it was going to happen again. I watched his silent face as we drove the short distance to school. I hoped he wasn't hurt too badly.

He walked me to class again and seemed to perk up on the way there. He wanted to discuss my Lit class, and had some amusing theories on Austen's view of society...most of them linked with my earlier Psych lesson on sexual repression. This time, I was laughing pretty hard by the time he opened the door to the room, and I'm pretty sure my face was bright red.

I decided to skip out on Psych class. I know, not the best idea, but I was anxious to get home and spend a little free time with Kellan before work, and it was more on Freud, which I just couldn't take today. When I walked through the door, I saw Kellan playing his guitar on the couch. The song was beautiful, and I smiled at him warmly as he looked over and gave me a look that quickened my heart. He stopped playing and started to set down his guitar.

"No, don't stop," I said as I walked over to sit beside him. "It's beautiful."

He looked down, smiling softly, and then shook his head slightly. He put the guitar on my lap instead. "Here...try again."

I grimaced, the last time he had tried to teach me, I had been atrocious. "It's beautiful when you play it. Something seems to happen to it when I try."

He laughed and twisted me on the couch, so that he could put his arms behind me and his hands over mine. "You just need to hold it right," he whispered in my ear. His breath sent a shiver down my spine and I closed my eyes for a second, inhaling his scent deeply, while he adjusted our fingers on the guitar.

"Okay...hey." He nudged my shoulder with a short laugh when he noticed that my eyes were closed. Embarrassed, I blushed and opened my eyes and he laughed again. "Here...your fingers are perfect, right under mine." He lightly held my fingers in an awkward position on the neck of the guitar. "Now," he showed me the pick in his other hand, "lightly strum it like this..." He did it once, the guitar humming beautifully.

He placed the pick lightly in my fingers and I tried to copy his move. The sound was not a beautiful hum, it wasn't beautiful at all. He laughed and grabbed my hand, basically doing the strumming for me. With him doing all of the work, the guitar was once again, beautiful. He idly moved our fingers across the neck, while strumming our locked hands together on the body, playing a simple rhythm. Eventually, I picked up the feel for it and relaxed into him.

He smiled and gazed at me, still playing for us without even looking. "This really isn't so hard. I learned this one when I was six." He winked at me and I blushed again.

"'re just more talented with your fingers." I blurted out, momentarily distracted by his easy smile.

He stopped playing and laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed with him. "You have such a dirty mind. You and Griffin are a lot alike." I blushed again.

He grimaced, then laughed again. "I can't help it if I think that way around you." He gazed at me intently and then took his hands off the guitar. "You try."

I put my hands back where they had been and tried again to strum like he did. Amazingly, after the third or fourth time, it sounded okay and looking back at him I giggled. He smiled and nodded, then he showed me a different chord, and after a few tries I managed to make that one sound sort of decent. After quite a bit of fumbled attempts, I could finally sort-of play the song he had learned when he was just a boy. I played for awhile, him adjusting my fingers every now and then or showing me a new chord when I finally got one down.

Eventually, I sagged against him and flexed my hand. He laughed and put the guitar on the ground, pulling me back into his chest and grabbing my hand to massage it. I was careful not to make any noises to distract him. It was heaven.

"You have to build up the strength for it," he murmured, as he rubbed out my aching fingers.

"Hmmmm..." I closed my eyes, enjoying the closeness of him.

Eventually he stopped and held me against him. I felt like I could stay there all night, warm in his arms. "Can we try something?" he asked quietly.

I stiffened automatically in his embrace, and turned to look back at him smiling softly at me. "What?" I asked cautiously.

He laughed at my reluctance. "It's innocent...I promise."

He abruptly lied back on the couch and held his arms out to me. I looked at him, confused, and then snuggled into his shoulder, nestling into the space between him and the couch. He sighed happily and wrapped his arms around me, stroking my arm lightly.

I pulled back and looked at him, still confused. "This is what you wanted to do?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, it looked...nice when you did this with Denny..."

I nodded and laid my head on his chest, fighting back the sudden guilt at the mention of Denny's name, and at the simple affection that Kellan wanted from me. I carefully put a leg over his and an arm over his chest. He sighed again and leaned his head against mine. His heartbeat was steady and strong. I felt like mine was all over the place.

"Is this okay with you?" he whispered into my hair.

I forced myself to relax. This simplicity was all he wanted, and I was enjoying his closeness. "'s nice. Are you okay?" I absentmindedly traced a circle on his chest.

He chuckled softly. "I'm fine, Kiera." He gently rubbed my back.

I sighed and truly relaxed, clutching him tighter with my arm and my leg. He pulled me tighter in response and we simply held each other. I watched his shirt rise and fall with his even breathing. I gazed at the skin of his neck. I watched his throat move when he swallowed. I lingered over the near right angle at the corner of his strong jaw. Finally, I closed my eyes and nestled into his neck, letting the warmth of his presence wash over me.

All too soon he stirred beneath me, and I realized that I had fallen asleep in his embrace. "Sorry...I didn't mean to wake you."

I sat bolt upright and stared at the front door, his familiar words stirring a memory in me. "Denny," I whispered, glancing down at his confused face.

He sat up and hooked some hair behind my ear. "You weren't asleep long. It's still early. He won't be home for an hour or so." He looked away thoughtfully. "I wouldn't let him..." He looked back at me. "I won't let him see this, if you don't want him to."

I was immediately shaking my head. No, Denny wouldn't understand. I wasn't sure that I even did. He nodded and looked at me intently. Needing a break from his intenseness, I spat out a question that had been jostling in my head for awhile.

"Where did you go when you use to disappear? When you didn't come home all night?" I settled back into the couch sitting side-by-side with him. He smiled at me, but said nothing. I frowned at his reaction. "If you were...if you are seeing someone, you should just tell me." He really didn't have an obligation to tell me anything, but I was insanely curious.

He cocked his head to the side endearingly. "Is that what you think? That when I'm not with you, I'm with a woman?"

I cringed and regretted even asking him. Quietly, I made myself say, "You're not with me, you have every right..." I grabbed his fingers and held his hand, avoiding his gaze, " date."

"I know," he said softly, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand. "Would it bother you, if I was seeing someone?" he asked quietly.

I swallowed and turned my head away from him, not wanting to answer. It slipped out anyway. "Yes," I whispered. He sighed, and when I looked back, he was staring at the floor. "What?" I asked cautiously.

He put an arm around my waist and pulled me close, rubbing my back. "Nothing."

"I'm not being fair, am I?" I asked, melting into his tender embrace. "I'm with Denny. You and I are...just friends. I can't ask you to never..."

He shifted uncomfortably and then chuckled. "Well, we could solve this little problem, if you relaxed your rules." He grinned over at me devilishly. "Especially that first one."

I kept my face serious and he stopped laughing. Quietly, I said, "I'll understand. I won't like it, anymore than you probably like me with Denny...but, I'll understand. Just don't hide it. Don't sneak around on me. We shouldn't have secrets..."

I realized how absurd that sounded, and a part of me didn't want to know, didn't want to see it, but I didn't want to be in the dark either. I knew that we were border-line friends, occasionally drifting into something more. I realized that what we were doing - flirting, being so close all the time - was dangerous and stupid, like we were tempting fate. I knew it, I just couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop thinking about him, wanting to be near him, wanting to touch him, hold him. But, it couldn't be anything more than that, and it wasn't right to ask him to deny himself...anything, for this small piece of myself that I was allowing him. That wasn't fair.

He looked at me wistfully for a full minute before finally nodding, once.

I gazed at his sad eyes. "So, where do you go?" I whispered.

His expression changed and warmed, his eyes sparkling at me. "Where do I go? Well, it depends. Sometimes its Matt and Griffin's place, sometimes its Evan's. Sometimes I drink myself into oblivion on Sam's doorstep." He grinned devilishly and chuckled at that, with an odd amused look in his eye.

"Oh..." The answer was so simple, that it should have been obvious to me. I had just assumed that he had been out "sowing his wild oats" as they say. I reached up and stroked his cheek, feeling that I could finally ask him the question that I really wanted an answer to. "Where did you go after our first time? I didn't see you all day, all night? And you came home..." Completely wasted, I thought, but didn't say.

Abruptly he stood up and held out his hand. "Come on. I'll give you a ride to Pete's."

I stood and took his hand. "Kellan, you can tell me, I won't..."

He smiled at me, his eyes showing no humor. "You don't want to be late."

I knew our conversation was over and it irritated me. His avoidance also filled my stomach with dread. We shouldn't have any secrets, but apparently we did. "You don't have to give me a ride everywhere you know." He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. "I managed just fine without you," I pouted.

He rolled his eyes and smiling, led me upstairs so I could get ready for work. He stayed with me at the bar for most of the evening. I chided him about missing rehearsal with the guys, and he laughed and rolled his eyes at me again. It made me feel equally nice and equally worried, that he'd rather spend the time with me.

During one of my breaks, he attempted to teach me how to play pool better. That was pretty amusing, since our skill level was virtually the same. Honestly, I think he just liked helping me line up shots and honestly, I liked having his body stretched across mine as he helped me line up shots. We played a quick game while I ate a small meal. Well, for anyone else it would have been a quick game. After the both of us repeatedly missed shot after shot, my break was over, my meal was done, and I went back to work, leaving him to finish up the game with Griffin, to whom he lost terribly.

I snuck my head in the pool room as their game was finally finishing. Laughing that he'd predictably lost, I said, "Better keep your day job, Band Boy."

He raised an eyebrow and twisted his lips derisively. "Band Boy?" Smiling, I nodded and walked away. From behind me I heard, rather loudly, "Band Boy? Really, what are we in the Fifth Grade?"

I laughed at his remark as I headed up to the bar to place an order. Jenny smiled when she joined me. "You and Kellan seem better?"

I frowned at her after relaying my order to Rita, who moved to the other side of the bar to fill it. "What do you mean?" Kate joined me on my other side and gracefully sat on a stool to wait for Rita to get back.

Jenny cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brow slightly. "Well, he seemed a little cold towards you awhile ago."

Kate chimed in, "Did he? What, did you use all his shampoo or something?" She sighed dreamily. "God, he's got great hair."

I laughed nervously at the both of them. "Yeah...just stupid roommate stuff. We're fine now." Luckily, I didn't have to elaborate as Rita came back with my order. I left the three of them discussing the virtues of Kellan's hair as I finished up my night. I needed to be more careful around Jenny. She noticed too much.

S.C. Stephens's books