Leo (A Sign of Love Novel)

He changes the subject. "I met with my new adoptive parents again today. Looks like I'll be moving in with them by the end of the month. Two weeks."


I turn to him, resting my head on my hand, my elbow propped on the roof. "Yeah? You still like them as much as you thought?"


"Yeah. They're… yeah, they seem real nice. He doesn't talk a whole lot but he seems like a nice guy. She's kind of nervous, but nice too. She touches me a lot, trying to be motherly. I don't think they've been around teenagers a whole lot."


He's silent for a minute and then, "They also told me that it's a good possibility that he's going to take a new job in Southern California." He glances at me nervously. "It's not set in stone but… they say it's likely. They went on and on about how fun it would be to live near the beach."


I feel my heart plummet to my feet. "What?" I whisper.


"Listen, it's not for sure, yet, okay? I just wanted to tell you now so that it won't come as a shock if it does happen. Listen, Evie, it might not be the worst thing in the world. I mean, one of us having a stable family… it will give us that much more of a chance for a successful start once you turn 18. We won't be so alone."


"Yeah, but that's in four YEARS, Leo! We're going to be apart for four years?"


He sighs, "I don't know. I hope not. But I'm trying to look on the bright side here, okay?"


We both stare up at the sky for long minutes before he turns to me and says, "Do you know the quality all lions possess, above all else?"


"No," I nod.


"Loyalty," he says, smiling and showing me that adorable gap in his teeth. No matter how far apart we are. No matter the distance or time, I will never love anyone except you. Not ever."


I nod at him sadly.


He gets a teasing glint in his eyes, "Also? They really like to maul their women!" Then he play tackles me, rolling me and growling in my ears.


I laugh and squeal but hiss, "Leo! You'll wake everyone else sleeping inside!" rolling away from him. But I laugh again when he gives me a vicious look, crossing his eyes.


"You're crazy," I say, as we lie down next to each other again, holding hands. But I feel better. He's mine, and he always will be.









The next couple of days are pretty uneventful. I stay at my own place Sunday and Monday, feeling like a little space in a new relationship is probably a good idea. Jake doesn't seem to agree but he doesn't push.


He has to fly to the office in San Diego again for work and he leaves on Tuesday morning so he can be in the office for meetings all day. I feel slightly anxious about him leaving because of what happened on his last trip, but I put it out of my mind as best as I can.


He calls me several times while he's traveling and between meetings and seeing his name on my phone gives me butterflies each time. God, I really need to get a hold of myself. I think several times about how my relationship with Jake has traveled so far out of my safety zone. If (when?) he decides I'm not enough for him, how will I survive that? I stop and take deep breaths when these thoughts assault me and somehow, I am able to resist talking myself into returning to my safety cocoon. Instead, I keep busy with work, running and catching up on the book I was in the middle of reading and have neglected recently.


I go to lunch with Nicole on Tuesday afternoon and catch her up on my suddenly interesting life. We giggle like schoolgirls and it feels great to share my happiness with her and ask her questions about her relationship with Mike, things I never would have had the courage or the need to ask her about before now. Is it normal to want sex all the freaking time? Nicole: In the beginning yes, after five years of marriage and a three year old, not so much. Can you fall in love with someone after less than a month of knowing them? Nicole: More likely lust than love, but enjoy it all the same.


We look at our calendars and she asks if I can come over for dinner a week from Saturday. We plan it and as she hugs me outside the restaurant, she says, "Invite Jake!" "Okay," I say, smiling, looking forward to introducing him to three more of the people I love most in the world.


I call Jake at his hotel room that night and we talk for an hour before I'm so tired I can't stay awake any longer.


On Wednesday, I clock into work at ten a.m. and make my way up to the top floor to clean the penthouse suite. I knock three loud raps on the door and wait a minute and when no one answers, I use my key card to let myself in. I wheel my cart in and look around confused. The place is immaculate. Clearly no one has used the room which is weird because I know they wouldn't have me scheduled to clean it unless someone had rented it the night before.


I grab my walkie talkie and am about to press the button to connect to my manager in his office downstairs when I hear a sound from the bedroom. I frown and call out, "Hello?" No one answers and so I take a few steps towards the room. Seriously, if there's some serial killer in there, I will totally bash him over the head with this heavy ass walkie talkie. Wait, those sound like really bad famous last words. I grab the spray bottle of bleach too just in case I need extra ammunition.


Mia Sheridan's books