Leo (A Sign of Love Novel)





Jake grabs a menu from a chinese restaurant down the street and I look it over and then tell him what I want, chicken with broccoli and an egg roll.


He calls in the order and I ask him if he'd mind if I took a quick shower before dinner. Cleaning hotel rooms all day doesn't exactly make me feel all fresh and clean.


"Of course," he says, "You don't have to ask. My home is your home, okay?" He looks at me like it's really important to him that I understand that.


"Okay, Jake."


I take a quick shower and change into a light pink tank top with lace straps and a pair of white cotton shorts. I brush out my hair and leave it down.


I walk back out into the kitchen/living area and don't see Jake. The door leading to the balcony is open though and so I go there and peek out. Jake is standing against the low wall with his hands on the ledge looking out to the city.


I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, laying my head against his back. He takes my hands in his from the front and inhales a deep breath. As much as I’m rattled by my run in with his mom, I feel like he needs me more than I need him right now. I'm not new to feeling sorry for people for the parental hand they got dealt. I grew up in the foster care system. But I never expected that Jake's situation was so extreme that he had to kick his own mom out of his life, literally and figuratively.


After a couple minutes, I give him a gentle squeeze and then slide my hands up the bottom of his shirt, leaning down and kissing the base of his back, and licking up his spine a little ways. I smile against his skin.


As I start lifting the back of his shirt a little more, his body tenses and I pause, wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I realize quickly that I've never actually seen his back and I wonder briefly if maybe he has scars there too… but I don't remember feeling anything when we were in bed…


Then the moment passes as he draws in air and turns around so that my face is now at his stomach, which I press my lips against. “Evie,” he breathes.


He leans back against the half wall and I go down on my knees in front of him, unbuttoning the top of his jeans. I smile up at him and his eyes are dark and filled with need.


Jake’s lips are parted and at the look of blatant lust on his face, I feel wetness between my legs. I press my thighs together, relishing the sensation.


Along with the butterflies that take flight in my stomach are wisps of excitement, thrilling and heady. Am I really about to do this?


I unzip his jeans and drag them down his legs, Next, I pull his boxers down and his beautiful cock springs free, rock hard. I look up at him and his arms are spread, braced on the wall as he leans back, resting his ass against the stone. I must look a little unsure because he says, “Put your mouth on me, please, Evie.”


He's perfection, his body taut with desire, heavy with arousal and my mouth waters at the sight of him.


I don’t know if I’m going to be any good at this but I decide to go for gusto. I’m so turned on that when I lick up the underside of his erection, I’m the one to moan. I breath in his scent, clean and woodsy but also something muskier down here. It’s all Jake and I love it.


My lips stretch over the wide crown, sucking gently. I flutter my tongue across the underside, loving the feel of his soft skin. Jake rewards me with a loud moan, rolling his hips gently.


I fist the base of him with one hand and draw him deeper into my mouth and start sucking rhythmically.


“Oh, fuck! Evie… your mouth… Like that!” Jake grinds out. He pushes his hands into my hair, pulling at the roots. It should hurt but strangely, I love the feel of it and it spurs me on.


I keep sucking and stroking him with my mouth while my hand jacks him from below, like he showed me.


I feel him swell in my mouth and I let out another moan, as he starts thrusting his hips, fucking my mouth, directing my movement. I love that he's lost control. I love that I've done that to him.


“Oh God! I’m gonna come, baby,” I keep sucking him though, working my lips and tongue hungrily, desperate to bring him to orgasm.


I feel the first spurts of semen in my mouth, thick and salty and I swallow all of it, milking him with my mouth until his last shudder.


"Holy fuck," his voice is still hoarse with passion.


I tuck him back into his pants just as the buzzer from the front desk sounds. It’s our food.


We both look at the door at the same time and burst out laughing, him running his hand through his hair and muttering, “Holy shit. Seriously, unleashed a sex demon.”


I giggle and he pulls me up, kissing me quickly on the lips and I follow him back into the condo.




We eat our takeout on the floor in the living room. Jake has a game on t.v. but he’s not paying much attention. We laugh and share bites and he's sweet and flirty, my Jake again. The shadow of his mother’s visit seems to have faded. I guess a blow job can distract a man from some of life's most disturbing events. Noted.


After dinner, Jake tells me he's going to take a quick shower. I bring the dishes into the kitchen and load the dishwasher. As I'm straightening his pile of mail, Jake comes up behind me and turns me around, lifting me easily onto the counter. His hand grips the back of my neck and my legs open for him, allowing him to press his body fully into me. He smiles and then kisses me slowly and deeply as my hands run up and down the hard muscles of his back.


"Well, hello," I say, smiling, when he breaks the kiss. "How was your shower?"


"Good," he says, nipping at my lip. "I missed you though."


"We'll have to schedule a shower for the both of us then. I look forward to getting wet with you Jake Madsen," I smile my best saucy smile.


A strange look passes over his face but he schools it quickly, smiling and saying, "Oh, I have a whole spreadsheet of things I plan to do with you."


Mia Sheridan's books