Leo (A Sign of Love Novel)

Footsteps come towards the door and I panic. Shit! What should I do? Before I can even come up with any sort of plan, the door is flung open and I'm staring into Jake's seriously livid eyes. He sees me and a look of shock runs over his features before he says under his breath, "Shit. Evie. What the fuck are you doing here?"


It feels like a rock drops into my stomach. I stand there gaping at him like a stupid fish, when a woman walks out his door. She's seriously gorgeous, with thick, light brown hair to her shoulders and big, green eyes. She's older than me and Jake, probably in her late 30's. She looks at me and then looks at Jake and then looks back at me with a look of scorn on her face.


"Really, Jake? Already?" she clips out.


Jake closes his eyes for a second and then repeats in a barely controlled voice, "Get out."


She ignores him and walks over to me and extends her hand, "I'm Lauren," she says, but the way she says it, I can tell she's anything but happy to meet me.


I have no idea what to do and so I take her hand, whispering, "Nice to meet you, I'm… "


"Mom!" Jake yells. "If you don't get out, swear to God, I will call security to haul you downstairs." Jake is clenching his jaw and his hands are fisted at his sides.




I'm flabbergasted, and my mouth opens and closes stupidly again. I guess I really underestimated her age because she looks seriously not a day over 35. I guess that's what money can do for you.


A look of hurt passes over Lauren's face but she pulls herself taller and says, "Fine, Jake, have it your way." Then as she's stepping on to the elevator, she turns and looks at me and says, "You're just one of many. You should know that."


I gasp as the elevator door closes and I lean to my right so that the wall will hold me up.


What the… ?


Jake is standing just outside his doorway, staring straight ahead, unmoving except the continued clenching of his jaw.


I walk over to the elevator and push the down button and that seems to snap him out of it because he takes three big steps over to me and puts his hand on my arm and says, "Evie! Where are you going?" He looks desperate now.


"I'm leaving, Jake. Obviously you don't want me here. I'm sorry, I got off work early and I thought, I mean, I thought it would be okay. I called you… " I trail off, my eyes filling with tears because I feel stupid and confused.


"Evie, baby, please. Let me explain. I'm so sorry. So fucking sorry. I keep messing up." He runs his hand through his hair and looks like such an uncertain little boy, I crumble, again. I let him guide me into his condo so he can tell me what the hell that was. I leave my jacket on and my bag by the door though in case I need to leave quickly.




Jake closes his door and leads me to his living room area, pulls up a leather upholstered ottoman and pulls it in front of the couch and pulls me down to sit knee to knee with him. He takes both my hands in his. "First of all, I'm so sorry I made you feel badly for coming here. You can show up here anytime you want to. I never expected my mom to…" He sighs, "We're… estranged, things are not good between us, which I guess you could tell." He lets out something that sounds like a strangled laugh. "I had no idea she was coming here today. The last time I saw her I told her I didn't want anything to do with her, and I meant ever."


"It's complicated, but, my mom has issues. Serious issues and she made my home life a living hell. She's the reason that I acted out the way I did when I was a teenager and she's the reason for the stilted relationship between me and my dad.


"When I saw you standing there, I couldn't believe that you were even about to share her air. She's a ruthless bitch and she'll do or say anything that she thinks will further her own agenda. I wasn't mad that you were here, I was mad that you were even in the vicinity of that pit viper. And that was not your fault, but I lost it, and I'm so sorry." His eyes are pleading.


"She only made that comment to you about being one of many because she was being vindictive since I was throwing her out. She doesn't even know you, Evie. And she sure as shit doesn't know anything important about me."


"Jake," I say, squeezing his hands. "I feel like when you're talking about yourself, you're talking to me in code. I get the gist of what you're saying but you really haven't told me anything."


He sighs, "I'll give you some examples, just give me some time, okay? This is stuff I've never talked about to anyone and it's hard for me to get into. I've spent so many years trying to pretend it doesn't exist. I know that's not the healthy thing to do. But just… trust me, okay? Can you do that?" He's looking at me desperately, like my answer means his life or death.


I say the first thing that pops into my head. "Okay, Jake. I trust you." And despite all my doubts, I do, I honestly do, and that makes me happy as much as it scares the shit out of me. Nothing makes sense anymore.


He's holding back. Questionable things keep coming up. I shouldn't feel safe with him. And yet, I do. I have to wonder about my own judgement.


"Can you just tell me one thing, though? Why is she in town?"


"Part of it is because my father changed his will in the hospital and left me the company and she's not happy about that. She's here in part to make an appeal to the board. It won't work, but she'll give it her best. Mostly, it's a way to control me and she's angry that she's lost that."


We're both silent for several seconds before he continues. "Forgive me for talking to you like that, for making you feel that way? God, for that whole fucked up situation?" His looks at me sadly.


I take a deep breath. "Yes, I forgive you. And you don't have to apologize for your mom, Jake. I know better than anyone you can't help who your parents are."


He looks into my eyes and nods. "Thank you," he says, looking down at our hands and then bringing them up and kissing my knuckles one at a time. "I never want to do anything to hurt you, Evie. Everything I do, it's because my feelings are so strong for you… I … Christ, I'm so out of my element here and there are all these fucked up things… Just, be patient with me?" I wonder for a minute if he's going to tear up but he just looks at me sadly and finally, I do the only thing that feels right. I put my arms around him and hold him close.




Mia Sheridan's books