Leo (A Sign of Love Novel)

"A whole spreadsheet, huh?" I say smiling back, convincing myself that I imagined the strange look.


"Mmm," he murmurs, rubbing his nose against mine. "Color coded and everything."


"Well, by all means, then, let's start working our way through that," I grin down at him.


He kisses me again, but now it's harder, more demanding. In minutes, we're panting and gripping at each other, hands everywhere.


I feel lost, needy, my panties already drenched with arousal, my nipples pebbled against his hard chest.


I let out a whimper as Jake pulls the strap of my tank top down one shoulder, looking at me with dark, hooded eyes. He licks his lips as he pulls the other strap down to bare my breasts and the throbbing between my legs intensifies. "Please, Jake," I whisper and I'm not even entirely sure what I'm asking him for.


"What do you need, baby? Tell me."


"More," I say simply and his slow, sexy smile has more moisture trickling down to my core.


His hands cup my breasts and he brushes his thumbs over my nipples and I moan as they tighten even more, shooting a bolt of electricity between my legs, my sex clenching. My head falls back, my mouth opening as he takes turns at my nipples, sucking them and flicking them with his tongue expertly.


Jake's mouth pops off my nipple and he steps back and I whimper at the loss of him, taking in his tented jeans and his lust filled eyes. He scoops me off the counter and throws me over his shoulder. I shriek, laughing as Jake strides to his bedroom. He throws me on the bed and now I let out another little scream, still laughing as he pounces on me, grinning.


But then he leans up off of me and the look on his face becomes serious, "You are so beautiful, Evelyn Cruise."


I smile up at him, thinking that I'm nowhere near as beautiful as he is right now, looking down at me, the moonlight shining in on him.


My thighs open to accommodate him and I stare into his eyes, "Show me."


He kisses my mouth, slow, sexy and tormenting at this point because I'm so turned on. My hips press upwards and Jake reaches down my shorts, between my legs and moans, "God, Evie, you're drenched."


He stands up and I watch him strip off his t-shirt, followed by his jeans and boxers. I take in his hard, male perfection and then he grabs my hips and pulls me to the side of the bed so that my ass is right at the edge. He pulls my shorts and panties down my legs, and then does the same with my tank top which is still pulled down around my waist.


The bed is the perfect height for him to remain standing and when I feel his throbbing cock at my entrance, I whimper with pleasure. He takes himself in his hand and uses his erection to rub against my clit and I think I might come right then and there. He circles his erection slowly against my sex, teasing and torturing me, bringing me close to the edge, but not giving me enough to tip me over.


"Jake," I whine, desperate with need.


He chuckles but then positions himself and surges inside of me. I gasp, my body gripping him, getting used to his size, before relaxing just as he starts moving. He groans loudly, "God, Evie, you're so tight, so hot, you feel amazing."


He starts pumping into me and from this angle, every thrust causes his body to hit my clit.


"Harder," I breathe, tilting my ass so that he can go deeper, giving greater access to his thrusts, completely lost in his possession.


He groans, thrusting harder and I can feel pressure in my core building as he continues to pump into me over and over again. I sit up slightly and grab his contracting ass, amazed at the feeling of his muscles, hard as stone. Then he brings one hand down between my legs and presses his thumb against my clit and that's all it takes to take me spiraling into an orgasm, my sex pulsing around his cock.


I come down slowly, Jake still pumping inside of me and then watch him dazedly as his own orgasm takes over and he rams into me, his eyes closing and his lips parting in pleasure, filling me with scalding heat. And I seriously feel aftershocks just at the expression on his face alone. I’ll never stop loving that look.


Jake falls forward, shuddering as he plants his face into my neck. We both breathe hard for several long minutes until he pulls out of me and kisses me slowly and deeply. Then he rolls to the side so we’re lying next to each other.


That was so amazing, I think I might die. For real.


When I look over at him, he’s smiling up at the ceiling. “What’s that for?” I ask, smiling too.


“I knew it’d be like this with us,” he says, smiling bigger.


“You did, did you?”


“Yup. Knew it the first time I kissed you.”


I smile at him and lean up to kiss his lips gently. “I’m gonna go clean up. I’ll be right back.”


When I finish in the bathroom, Jake is already under the covers, wearing his boxers and t-shirt. I snuggle in against him and we whisper and cuddle until both of us fall asleep.









Evie is 14, Leo is 15




I smile up at the sky as Leo makes his way to me on what I've come to think of as "our roof." I keep staring upwards as I say teasingly, "Hark, who goes there? Is it my lion or is it my boy?"


"If I'm half of each then I can't be one or the other, I can only be both," he says with a smile in his voice.


I ponder this for a minute. "True, I suppose. But just for the record, it wouldn't matter who showed up. I love both equally."


"Aren't you afraid of the lion, just a little?"


"Uh uh," I nod, no. "In fact, the lion is my favorite - he's the side that's fierce and strong. He's the one who fights for those he loves savagely, who is powerful. He's the one who shines through when I see that fire in your eyes."


I look over at him now and there it is, that burning expression that makes my heart beat faster, in excitement and confusion both.


He stares at me for a minute, his eyes wandering down to my mouth. Then he closes his eyes and turns his head to look up at the sky.


Mia Sheridan's books