Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

“What are you scared about?” Jesse asked.

She looked at her sister and realized she was changing a lot. She had never thought about how pretty Jordan was with her brown hair streaked with blond highlights from the sun. She had inherited their dad’s hazel eyes. Right now they looked greener as the color of her tunic reflected them.

“Everything,” Jordan said, watching Taylor moved to the corner of the mat and raised her arms. “We don’t know anything about the world they are taking us to. We don’t really know anything about them. What about school? I had hoped to become a graphic artist, maybe go into animation. Taylor had hoped to go to the Olympics.”

Jesse watched as Taylor did a simple floor routine. Several warriors stopped to stare in wonder as she did a set of flips and tumbles before turning at the far corner. Life was definitely going to be different from what they were expecting but hadn’t it been already?

“Things had already changed,” Jesse commented. “Life on Earth is much more unpredictable, I think. I’m sure they have schools where we are going. I can ask Hunter about it. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be the first graphic artist-slash-animator.”

Instead of smiling, Jordan looked down at her hands. “What about finding a husband and having a family?” Jordan asked softly. “I know Hunter has claimed you as his Amate. Bree says that is the same as being husband and wife. Have you…” A slight blush rose in Jordan’s face and she refused to look at Jesse. “Have you and Hunter… you know?”

“No!” Jesse said sharply, turning bright red when two warriors walking by glanced at her. “No, we haven’t… you know,” she whispered.

Jordan looked at Jesse in confusion. “Why not? Is there something wrong with him? Can’t they…?” She stopped when she saw Jesse’s face turn a vivid red. “You’ve seen him naked?” Jordan asked with a curious smile.

“I… yes… he is…,” Jesse groaned and covered her face with her hands. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with them. He is built like a sex god!” Jesse looked at her sister and scowled. “Don’t you dare say a word to anyone about this!” She hissed under her breath. “He is giving us time to get to know one another.”

“Don’t you find him attractive? I mean I think he and… some of the other guys are pretty cute,” Jordan said turning her face away and biting her lower lip.

Jesse’s eyes narrowed on Jordan. “Jordan, has one of the warriors come on to you? If one of them are bothering you, you know you don’t have to put up with it. Tell me and either I or Hunter will take care of it,” Jesse said reaching for Jordan’s hand. “I mean it. You don’t have to be pressured or harassed.”

“No one is pressuring or harassing me,” Jordan whispered, paling as Dagger turned to glare in her direction. She hadn’t noticed that he was in the training room. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

Jesse turned her head and scanned the area to see what had shaken Jordan. Her eyes paused on Dagger who was standing across the room. He was holding a large set of dumbbells in each hand. His eyes were glued to Jordan who had withdrawn again.

“Jesse!” Taylor called out. “Watch this!”

Jesse turned to watch as Taylor started to run across the mat, breaking into a tumbling routine that was more difficult than the ones she had been doing. Jesse’s breath caught in her chest when Taylor did a double flip barely landing on her feet. Jesse had been sure her little sister was about to break her neck.

“Yes!” Taylor crowed out in delight before letting loose a loud squeal as she was turned around and shaken. “What the fuck!”

“Taylor!” Jesse called out sharply before she glared at Saber. “Let her go!”

“She almost broke her neck with that little stunt!” Saber snapped out. “What the hell do you think you were doing?”

“You aren’t the boss of me!” Taylor bit out, pulling back and stepping behind Jesse. “Jesse, tell him!”

“Saber,” Jesse began.

Saber glared over Jesse’s head at Taylor. “You are an immature child who needs to have her ass spanked for being so reckless.”

“Saber!” Jesse said sharply. “Taylor is very skilled in gymnastics. She has trained since she was a toddler.”

Saber glared at Jesse before muttering a dark curse under his breath. He sent one last angry look at Taylor before he turned sharply on his heel and stormed out of the training room. All three girls watched as he left.

Jesse swiveled to admonish Taylor for her bad language. Jordan had wrapped her arms around Taylor who was shaking. Angry tears glittered in Taylor’s eyes as she stared at the door.

“I am not an immature child,” Taylor whispered stubbornly before she looked back at Jesse. “I want to go home, Jesse. I don’t want to go to this new world. I want to go back to Earth.”

S. E. Smith's books