Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

“Gods, Jesse!” Hunter roared so loud the walls felt like they vibrated. “Jesse! Jesse! Jesse!” He called out again and again as he emptied his seed deep inside her.

Hunter looked down at Jesse’s closed eyes. Her head was turned to the side, exposing her creamy neck. Her eyelashes lay like soft crescents against her flushed cheeks.

Hunter’s eyes moved down to her neck again. He struck before he had time to think. His teeth sank deeply into the tender flesh pulling a cry of surprise from Jesse. He knew the chemical he was releasing into her skin would numb the pain she felt from his marking.

His cock instantly jerked back to life. He felt Jesse struggle briefly but he was locked to her. Her hands were captured in his, her lower body still impaled by his cock and his teeth were buried in her throat.

He began moving his hips again as he continued to hold her. His hips moved faster and faster. He drove deeper and deeper as her breathing increased. He knew the minute she came again. Her body bowed and stiffened.

He drove into her, holding still as he pulsed his seed deep inside her womb. Only when she went limp under him did he release her. He ran his tongue over the mark he had left on her neck. It would leave a scar. That had been his intention. He wanted every male to know she was his.

He pulled back staring down at her relaxed face. He grimaced as he pulled out of her. He scowled down at his cock when it twitched again. He needed to give Jesse time to recover. He carefully positioned her on the bed before he went into the cleansing unit to clean up. He returned and gently cleaned Jesse with the warm, damp cloth he held before covering her. He gathered up their clothes and shoved them into the clothing refresher before he climbed back into bed and gathered Jesse in his arms.

He brushed her hair back from her face before rubbing his nose along her brow. With a frown, he pressed his lips against her skin and gave her a human ‘kiss’ to it. He found he liked the sensation of her skin against his lips. He pressed another, then another, then another to her skin.

“Oh, little human,” Hunter murmured as he rubbed his cheek against her hair. “You have me so confused I don’t know which way I am going. I’ve never felt this way before. What do all these strange things going on inside me mean? I can understand the feelings of protectiveness and possession but not the tightness in my chest when you look at me. I have never felt fear until you came into my life,” he whispered, staring up at the ceiling. “What happens if I can’t make you happy?”

Hunter laid awake until it was time for his shift. It took every ounce of his self-discipline to slide from the bed and Jesse’s arms. He stood by the bed staring down at her after he had dressed. He knelt by the bed and tenderly curled a strand of her hair around his finger.

“You are an amazing female, Jesse,” Hunter whispered. “Thank you for saving my life.”

He rose reluctantly and turned. He programmed a message for his door that Jesse was resting and should not be disturbed. Once he felt confident he had done everything he could for her, he headed to his scheduled shift.

Chapter 12

Jesse jerked awake several hours later. She pressed a hand to her neck as the last of the dream she was having faded until she couldn’t remember what it was. She sat up and reached for the pillow beside her. It was cold. She blushed when she saw that she wasn’t wearing any clothes.

Her hands moved over her body and she flinched at the tenderness of her nipples. Pushing the covers down, she rolled from the bed and stood on shaky legs. Her fingers went to her neck again and she frowned when she felt a series of bumps along the column.

“Lord, he is lethal,” Jesse murmured as she walked unsteadily to the bathroom. “If that’s how he makes love to me every time, I won’t survive a month.”

Jesse quickly showered. She noticed the mark on her neck but decided to ignore it for now. She wasn’t sure what time it was but she suspected her sisters were probably wondering what happened to her. She blushed as she looked at the rosy color of her cheeks and her swollen lips.

“They won’t wonder for very long,” she laughed.

A pounding on the door pulled her back to the present. It would appear her sisters were tired of waiting. She stepped into the other room. She quickly pulled the bed covers back over the bed before she gave the command for the door to open.

“Are you alright?” Taylor asked. “You’ve been asleep half the day. Jordan and I were getting worried about you.”

“I’m fine,” Jesse said with a smile at her little sister’s worried tone. “I’m starving, though. Would you and Jordan go with me to get something to eat?”

“Yeah,” Taylor said glumly. “Might as well since I can’t go to the training room anymore.”

“Why can’t you go to the training room?” Jesse asked in surprise.

S. E. Smith's books