Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

The explosive fragrance of her arousal scented the air like the wild perfumes from the flowers of the forests near his home. Hunter rolled away from Jesse. His hand gripped the top of her leggings as he sank down on the floor next to the bed. He pulled them and her shoes off then tossed them to the side.

His mouth watered as he buried his face in the soft curls that covered her mound. He wanted to drink from her. He felt like a man who had lived a lifetime denied a drink from the nectar of life.

Her wild cries drove what little control he had beyond his reach. He gripped her thighs between his palms, forcing her open. He purred when she wrapped them over his shoulders and pulled him forward.

The first taste of her damn near made him come in his pants. The only thing that prevented him was a lifetime of training and discipline that told that once he had an Amate, she was in control of his seed. He could only come when she allowed it.

“Hunter,” Jesse cried out again as he ran his tongue along her swollen folds. “Please! That feels like nothing I’ve… ever… Oh, God!”

Hunter pushed his fingers deeply into her as she shuddered. Her sweet taste wrapped around him as she climaxed. He pushed deeper, wanting to stretch her as much as he could while she was locked in her pleasure. The sweet crème of her left him shaking but her pleasure came first. It would always come first.

He drove his tongue into her, pressing down with his sharp teeth just enough to hold her still while he drank deeply from her. Her loud cries and thrashing back and forth told him she was still locked in her orgasm. He reluctantly released her so he could rise.

He quickly kicked off his boots and shed his pants. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor to join the pile of clothes scattered across the room. Leaning over Jesse, he gripped his throbbing cock in his hand and aligned it with her slick entrance. The muscles in his shoulders were straining as he held himself still.

“Jesse,” Hunter bit out in a dark voice. “Jesse, say yes. Give me permission to give you my seed. Give me permission, little one, before I explode.”

Jesse looked up into the blazing yellow eyes looking down at her with such a stark possessive gaze that she knew he would never leave her if he could help it. He would do everything he could to protect her and her sisters and care for them. She forced her body to respond to her demands. She felt like she was boneless but she forced her legs up until she hooked her ankles around the back of his thighs so she could pull him forward.

She continued the pressure, pushing his cock further into her. She ignored the slight discomfort. Instead, she embraced the feeling of fullness. She moaned as he stretched her. Her eyes began to droop as he pressed deeper. She felt his hands reach for hers, pulling them upward until she was stretched out under him.

“Say yes, Jesse,” Hunter demanded in a voice that was almost unrecognizable. “Say it, Jesse.”

“Yesssss,” she groaned out a he pressed a little deeper. “Yes, Hunter.”

Hunter covered her mouth with his as he sheathed his cock as far as it would go inside her. The tightness of her vaginal channel surrounding his thick, long hard length drew sweat to his brow. He forced himself to remain still as he gave her a chance to adjust to him. He felt the shudder that ran through her body before her hips began to move.

He jerked back with a cry as she pulled back along his long length before burying him back inside her. His head bowed and he locked his knees to keep from collapsing on her. That was a mistake when he looked down and saw how their bodies were connected.

“Jesse,” Hunter whispered in a strangled voice as he watched her pull back before rocking her hips upward. “Jesse, little one. I don’t… I don’t… think… this is such… a… good… idea,” he hissed out in a tortured voice.

“It feels so good,” Jesse said, rotating her hips as she continued to rock back and forth slowly along his cock. “Oh Hunter. This feels so very, very good.”

“Oh Gods, Jesse,” Hunter whispered.

He was mesmerized by the sight of their joining. His eyes moved upward where the soft swells of Jesse’s breasts moved up and down with her movement. Her nipples were hard beacons, begging for his mouth.

Hunter leaned down, driving his shaft into her as he gripped her left nipple between his sharp teeth. He made sure he didn’t apply too much pressure, just enough to sting and make her aware of his assault.

She bowed into him. He braced his legs and began driving his hips harder and faster into her while sucking on her nipple. His hands tightened around her wrists, keeping them high above her head while he continued devouring her.

Sweat coated their bodies as each fought to hold off their orgasms as long as possible. Jesse shattered first, coming apart as Hunter continued to drive into her. Her loud cries filled the air, igniting Hunter. He pressed in, pushing through her swollen folds and against her clenching vaginal channel before she fisted him so tightly he couldn’t pull back out.

S. E. Smith's books