Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

He sucked in a quick breath when she shyly caressed his lips with her tongue. She took advantage when his lips parted to slide her tongue into his mouth. A loud groan echoed around the training room as she ran her tongue carefully along his sharp teeth. A shudder ran down his length and his arms tightened, lifting her up so that she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist.

He took over the kiss, exploring her mouth with his tongue. He ran the tip of it over her smooth front teeth before tangling with her as they danced back and forth. He almost snarled when she pulled back and pressed light kisses along his lips and jaw.

“That is how humans kiss,” she panted out breathlessly.

“Jesse,” Hunter started to say before a low growl broke from him as several males came to stand closer to them. “Back!” He snarled, showing his teeth.

“Hunter,” Dagger said hoarsely. “I think you should take this to your quarters. You can’t expect us not to be affected by what we are seeing and….” Dagger glanced at Jesse with an apologetic look. “… smelling. It has been a long time for many of us.”

Hunter pulled in a deep breath and Jesse’s sweet arousal washed through him like a huge wave crashing to shore. A rumble of answering desire was yanked from deep inside him. He swelled to the point he felt like he was about to expend himself right there in his pants.

“Done,” Hunter muttered, wrapping his arms tightly around Jesse. “My apologies.”

“You are forgiven as long as you get her the hell out of here while you still can,” Dagger grounded out.

Hunter nodded and turned sharply on his heel. It was time to court Jesse in a much more personal and private way. He was ready for his Amate. He just hoped she realized what she had started with her ‘kiss’.


Jesse kept her face buried in Hunter’s neck as he carried her through the corridors. She didn’t complain about him carrying her because she seriously doubted her legs would support her. The kiss had literally knocked them out from under her.

She was also very, very embarrassed. She had never been into public displays of affection. She had totally forgotten where she was when Hunter asked her to show him how humans kissed. She had been lost the moment their lips touched. It sounded like something out of a romance novel or a movie but it was true. The world ceased to exist the moment they kissed.

She pulled back when she felt herself being lowered onto the soft surface of their bed. She gazed up at him before her eyes dropped to his lips again. Her hands moved up on their own violation until she had buried them in his hair again.

“Do you have to go back to work?” She asked huskily.

“No,” he said hoarsely. “I switched with another.”

“Good,” Jessed breathed out before she captured his lips again.

Hunter groaned loudly and pressed his throbbing cock against her. The brush of material along his swollen length pulled a shudder from him. His hands moved to the neckline of Jesse’s tunic. He gripped the material between his hands and ripped it.

“Hunter!” Jesse cried out in surprise as he leaned over her.

“I need you, Jesse,” Hunter grounded out. “Please, please do not turn me away. I…” He paused to look down at her with blazing yellow eyes. “I hurt, Jesse. I have never hurt like this before. Being near you, holding you every night, touching you… it is killing me.”

Jesse’s eyes softened as his words sunk in. She saw something more in his eyes than just desire. She saw confusion and a vulnerability that he wasn’t even aware he was sharing with her. Her fingers trembled as she tenderly outlined his face.

Her eyes caught on the tattoos around her wrists. She had been upset about them when she had originally discovered that they would not wash off. After a few days, she had forgotten all about them.

“What does it say?” She asked, looking at the strange marks.

“I am Jesse. I belong to Hunter as he belongs to me. Forever will I tie my life to his. I will care for, protect and cherish him as he cherishes me. He is my Amate. He is my life,” Hunter’s deep, husky voice said.

Jesse noticed he didn’t even look at the tattoos. He had memorized what it said. She cupped his face so he could see that she had understood what he was saying.

“I am Jesse,” she whispered. “I belong to Hunter as he belongs to me. Forever,” she stumbled for a moment as doubt filled her. A shaky smile curved her lips as she continued. “Forever will I tie my life to his. I will care for, protect and cherish him as he cherishes me. He is my Amate. He… he is my life,” she finished with a shy smile. “Forever,” she added again before pressing her lips to his.

Hunter’s heavy breaths echoed in the room as his trembling hand reached up to cup her right breast. His thumb flicked the tip causing Jesse to jerk under him. Her own pants filled the air and her eyes dilated as he tenderly pinched her nipple.

S. E. Smith's books