Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

He glanced back in the mirror. Determination glittered from his eyes and his mouth tightened. He wanted her desperately. He knew she wasn’t immune to him. He felt her heart increase when he was close to her and he didn’t scent it being caused by fear. His eyes warmed as he remembered her eyes darkening as she stared at him.

No, he thought with satisfaction. She is not immune to me. I just need to drive her to the point of madness that she will beg me to take her. I will court her until she melts in my arms. I will show her that I am the only male that she wants touching her. And I hope I survive it long enough to enjoy the rewards. Feeling more confident, he gave the command for the lights to dim.

All of his plans flew from his mind the moment he stepped out of the door to the cleanser and caught the sweet scent of Jesse. If that wasn’t bad enough, the sight of her lying in his bed, one shoulder bare as the tunic she wore slipped down and the covers curled around her waist, were enough torture. He stepped up to the bed and pulled the covers back just far enough so he could slide in beside her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She stiffened at first before finally relaxing back against him.


“Yes, Jesse,” Hunter responded.

“What’s going to happen now?” Jesse asked, staring at the wall.

Hunter could hear the confusion and uncertainty in her voice. Her body trembled ever so slightly but he could still feel it. He let his warmth surround her. He understood her confusion. He had always dreamed of having an Amate and eventually a family but he had always expected it to be with a female of his own species. He was on unfamiliar ground and he didn’t like it any more than she did.

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “Perhaps we should just take it one day at a time. This is new to me as well.”

Jesse relaxed even more and shyly wrapped her hand over the one he had draped over her stomach. Her fingers threaded through his and she squeezed them. A small smile curved her lips at the slight sound of confusion in his voice.

“I’d… like that,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Jesse,” Hunter murmured burying his face in her hair. “But I hope you do not take too long to learn about me. I really want you, little human. Your scent is driving me crazy.”

He moaned silently when he felt her body shake as she giggled. It was worth the extra pain when he felt her relax even more and her breathing even out as she fell asleep. He lay awake for several hours just enjoying holding her in his arms. She was small and needed to gain some weight but she fit perfectly against him.

He rubbed his chin against her hair and wondered if she would like living on his world. He thought of all the things he wanted to show her and her sisters. Pride flared inside him even as his eyes began to droop as exhaustion pulled at him. He had a family. It was small and strange but it was his and he would do everything in his power to protect it.

Chapter 10

Their days fell into a pattern on the warship. Each day, Hunter would go off to his duty station and Jesse, Jordan and Taylor would spend time with Bree or explore the ship. They were three weeks into their journey when they discovered the training room. Jesse laughed as Taylor’s eyes lit up as they walked in and she saw the huge area where the warriors worked out.

Taylor had been in gymnastics since she could stand. She was always tumbling and rolling on the floor. Their dad had thought it would be a good way for her to expend some of her energy. It had been devastating when the world went crazy and Taylor couldn’t train any longer. She had gone to the National Championship in her age group for years and had dreamed at one time of going to the Olympics.

“Jesse?” Taylor asked, bouncing on the mat.

“Have fun, squirt,” Jesse laughed. “You can tumble to your heart’s content. Just make sure you warm up first so you don’t hurt yourself.”

Jesse and Jordan walked over to the side of the room and sat down to watch. Jesse looked at Jordan in concern. Jordan had always been quiet but she was becoming even more withdrawn than ever.

“Jordan, what’s wrong?” Jesse asked as they watched Taylor stretching. “Are you okay? Those men,” Jesse drew in a deep breath. “Those men… they didn’t… they didn’t…?”

“No,” Jordan replied softly. “No, they didn’t. The… Dagger stopped them.”

“So, what’s going on? You’ve always been quiet but I can feel the change in you,” Jesse said, picking at the fabric of her tunic. “I….” Jesse’s throat closed up and she blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. “I’m sorry for not doing a better job of taking care of you and Taylor. I’m sorry for not protecting you better,” her voice faded as a tear coursed down her cheek and she impatiently brushed it away.

Jordan reached over and squeezed Jesse’s hand. “You did everything you could. Hunter was right when he said not many others could do what you did, Jesse. You are only five years older than me but you’ve always been more of a mother to me than a sister. Right now, I think I need a sister more. I’m just scared, that’s all.”

S. E. Smith's books