Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

Turning in a circle, she finally sank down to the ground. She sat staring down at the hunting knife in her bruised and bleeding hands. Soft rain fell around her, soaking her hair and clothes. Her breath fogged as she panted as pain swept through her body. It wasn’t the pain from her physical wounds that pulled the choking sobs from her. It was the pain in her heart.

She began rocking back and forth as the sobs racked her body. Ragged breaths tore from her as she tried to breathe past the agony of losing Jordan and Taylor. She closed her eyes and raised her face to the sky, letting the rain mix with her tears.

“Why?!” She sobbed. “Oh God, why? I love them so much. Why couldn’t I protect them? Daddy, why? Why?” She cried out quietly as she fell over and curled up in a ball as the pain overwhelmed her. “Why?”


Hunter stood in the shadows of the alley. He had quickly caught up with Jesse. He had waited silently when she had stopped in the center of the road. He started forward when she sank down to the ground, concerned.

Now, her pain radiated out from her in waves that scorched his soul. He had never heard such agony coming from the soul of a living creature before. He could smell and taste her pain in the air.

Unable to bear the terrible cries any longer, he gently knelt next to her before scooping her body up in his arms. His fear that she would resist melted when she turned into his warmth and continued to cry. The violent shivers racking her body worried him. He feared she would make herself sick.

“Hush, little one,” he murmured softly. “It will be alright.”

“It’s all my fault,” she sobbed quietly. “It’s all my fault. I should have protected them. It’s all my fault.”

“Your sisters will be fine,” Hunter assured her as he cradled her tightly in his arms. “Soon, you will see they will be as good as new.”

“It’s all my fault,” Jesse continued to repeat over and over.

Hunter looked up as the transport they were using began to lower. A moment later, Dagger lowered the loading platform. Hunter nodded to Dagger as he strode up the ramp. He held Jesse tightly against him as he settled into one of the seats. Jordan sat leaning her head against the storage cabinet with Taylor’s head on her lap. Her fingers caressed her little sister who was very pale but breathing steadily from the rise and fall of her chest.

“Saber gave her a sedative,” Dagger said as he moved to kneel next to Jesse. “I think it would be a good idea to give Jesse one as well. I can smell the distress on her. She is close to breaking.”

“Do it,” Hunter said, stroking Jesse’s hair as she continued to cry silent tears and shake.

Dagger nodded and reached into the medical kit they carried. He pressed a new cartridge into the injector and held it against Jesse’s neck. She flinched slightly as he depressed it. Within seconds, Hunter felt her body relax as the medicine coursed through her system. He looked over at Jordan who was staring at him with dazed eyes.

“Thank you,” she whispered before looking down at Taylor’s bruised but peaceful face. “Thank you,” she whispered before her eyes widened in surprise when she felt the cold metal of the injector against her neck.

“Now it is time for you to rest, little fighter,” Dagger said as he pressed the injector. He glanced at Hunter with a grim expression. “You have your work cut out for you, my friend. I suggest keeping them sedated until you have them safely aboard the Star Raider and are on your way back home.”

Hunter gave Dagger a sharp-tooth grin that held no humor. “That is exactly what I plan to do,” he said, resting his head back against the wall. “I do not plan on giving her a chance to ever escape me again,” he added quietly as he shifted her in his arms so he could hold her even closer to his body.


Jesse froze as she slowly came awake. She blinked several times to clear the fuzziness in her brain. Something was holding her down. The weight across her stomach felt heavy but… good.

She turned her head toward the source and her breathing accelerated in alarm. Hunter’s relaxed face was facing her. She blinked several times wondering if she was dreaming. She started to move away but the arm tightened around her and a low growl rumbled from the man holding her.

She froze again when she realized that heated golden yellow eyes were staring at her with an intensity that caused her to flush. She licked her lips, unable to look away. She gasped as the arm around her pulled her closer and his eyes followed the movement of her tongue.

“You,” she started to say.

“Yes, me,” he said in a husky voice.

She shook her head in confusion. “You… aren’t supposed to touch me,” she whispered.

A soft chuckle escaped him as his eyes lit with amusement. He rolled until she was trapped under him. He kept his weight up off of her but let her know that he was not about to agree with her.

“I never said I would not touch you,” he pointed out, bending his head to rub his nose along her cheek. “Your skin is very smooth and soft.”

S. E. Smith's books