Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

“I… what are you doing?” Jesse asked confused.

She pushed her hands up between them and spread her fingers across his chest intending to pushing him away. She felt like she was caged under him. His hair fell forward like a curtain on each side of her face. The soft strands brushed against her cheeks, cocooning them.

“You knocked me out,” he said with a curve to his lips. “I have never had a female do that to me before.”

Jesse stared up into his eyes for several long seconds before she flicked her tongue out over her lips again. She wasn’t sure what was going on. She frowned up at him trying to remember how she had ended up in this position.

“Where am I?” She asked.

Hunter sighed and shifted until he was sitting beside her. He swung his long legs over the side of the bed and stretched, unconcerned that he wasn’t wearing any clothes and he was giving her an amazing view of his tight ass. Her eyes widened even larger when he turned and gave her an even more impressive view of his front.

His lips curved when he saw her mouth drop open and her eyes grew huge. His cock appreciated her attention. He grew even larger and thicker the longer she stared. A shudder coursed through his body when he saw her tongue caress her bottom lip.

“If you continue staring at me like that,” he warned in a husky voice filled with barely restrained desire. “I cannot promise I will not take advantage of your attention.”

Jesse’s mouth snapped shut. She ran her eyes slowly up his body until she finally blinked when she encountered amused yellow eyes staring back at her. He was… magnificent. There were no other words to describe him. She had seen a few nude guys in the art appreciation class she took in college and the one summer when some of the boys decided to go skinny dipping during high school and she and some of her girlfriends stole their clothes. But, none of the guys looked anything like this.

“You… never said where I was,” she finally choked out in a strangled voice determined not to look above his nose and below his mouth. That seemed like a safe place to keep her eyes. “My sisters?” She asked in a husky voice.

“Are healed,” Hunter said kneeling by the bed so that Jesse was forced to see the sincerity in his eyes. “They need you, Jesse. They are worried about you.”

Her eyes filled and her bottom lip trembled. “I let them down,” she said in a small voice. “I promised…”

Hunter laid his fingers on her lips. “As did I. If there is blame for what happened, it lies on my shoulders.”

Jesse frowned and shook her head. “How can you say that?” She asked.

Hunter sighed again. His cock was rubbing against the bed cloth and it was so sensitive he had to force himself to count backwards. The feel of her soft lips against his fingers was not helping. The warmth of her breath and the touch of her tongue against his fingers were doing strange things to his insides that he had never felt before.

“I promised to protect you,” he reminded her.

“With your life,” she added shyly. “But we left you. You couldn’t protect us if we were the ones who left.”

He leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers with a chuckle. “Yes, I know you left. I figured that out when I woke the next morning on the floor covered by a blanket. How did you get one of our injectors?” He asked sitting back on his heels again.

“Taylor lifted it while we were in medical,” she said proudly. “She is so smart.”

“I’ll have to remember that,” he muttered. “I need a cold shower,” he suddenly bit out, standing.

Jesse’s breath swished out of her as she caught an up close and personal view of why he needed a cold shower. Her face flared with color as she found herself at face level with the evidence of his reason. Her gasp echoed in the small room.

His laugh echoed in the room as he turned. “You are on the warship Star Raider headed back to my home world of Rathon,” he called out over his shoulder as he walked through the door into the bathroom.

Jesse blew out the breath she had been holding as she watched the sexiest ass she had ever seen walk through the door and out of sight. Only when he had disappeared did she fall back on the bed and lay staring blindly up at the ceiling. She was in trouble. Major, catastrophic, out-of-this-world trouble and it had nothing to do with being on a spaceship heading to an alien world.

No, she thought in despair. It has everything to do with an alien warrior hot enough to melt every bit of resistance I have inside me.

Chapter 9

S. E. Smith's books