Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

Jesse stood in the doorway separating the bathroom from the bedroom. There wasn’t a lot of room in the cabins and they had been bumping into each other since they returned from the dining room. Jesse had suggested that she get her shower first.

Now she stood in indecision as she looked at where Hunter was leaning back against the headboard of the bed reading. She glanced at his long body then the door leading out of the room. She flushed with guilt when she glanced back and saw him studying her with a tight look.

“The door is sealed,” he commented, rising from the bed. “I am the only one who can unlock it.”

“I…” Jesse turned red and bowed her head so her hair would hide her face. “I still think it would be best if I stayed with Jordan and Taylor.”

“And I think you will be more comfortable here,” Hunter said, standing in front of her. “The rooms are small.”

Jesse nervously pushed her hair behind her ear and stared at the bed. They had already had this argument – twice. Each time, Hunter had insisted that she stay with him.

“We’re used to small areas,” Jesse argued again. “They can have the bed. I’m used to sleeping on hard surfaces. The floor will be fine. I can lay a blanket down and…”

“No,” Hunter retorted firmly. “You are my Amate. You will stay by my side where you belong.”

“I never agreed to be your Am-Amate,” Jesse stammered out. “I never agreed to any of this.”

She waved her hand around in aggravation. She was so far over her head she was past drowning. She had sunk to the bottom and couldn’t even see the top. Unable to deal with the uncertainty shaking her, she wrapped her hands around her waist and hugged herself.

“Get in the bed while I use the cleanser,” Hunter ordered gently. “Scoot next to the wall. I need to be near the door.”

“Why?” Jesse asked, tilting her head to look up at him.

“A warrior always sleeps near the door,” he said in exasperation.

Jesse stepped aside so he could walk into the bathroom. She waited until he closed the door before she muttered under her breath. She squeaked when he opened the door and glared down at her before closing it again.

“Stupid alien super-hearing,” she cursed out before growling in aggravation when she heard his deep chuckle.

She climbed into the bed thankful for the long tunic that she wore. It covered her from her shoulders to her knees. She scooted under the covers near the wall and turned her back to the bathroom door. She just hoped he stayed on his side of the bed.


Hunter grimaced as he stepped under the cold flow of mist. He really needed a long, icy cold shower in the waterfalls near his home. He couldn’t keep the grin from his face as he thought of her muttered comment.

“I’m a warrior too, you know,” she had snorted out under her breath.

She was right, he thought as he rubbed cleanser through his hair. She was a warrior. But, no longer, he thought fiercely as he rinsed the solution out of his long hair and ran his hands over his body. It is my turn to protect her from now on.

He leaned forward for a moment before turning off the cleansing mist. He breathed deeply through his nose, trying to calm his mind and body. He wanted her. He wanted her badly. A shudder went through him as he gripped his hard cock in his hand.

So much for a cold mist, he thought in frustration. I cannot even seek relief from my own hand.

A shudder went through him as he released his throbbing length with a low hiss. He stepped out of the unit and reached for a drying cloth. Once he was done, he looked with regret at the training pants that she had laid out on the counter for him. He knew that was her way of saying she wanted him to wear a cover to bed. He glared at the offending material. His hands clenched as he resisted the urge to shred them.

He muttered a dark curse before he grabbed the pants and slid them on. He stared back at his reflection. Dark, repressed passion had changed his eyes to an almost gold color. He reached up and ran his fingers through his damp hair. His eyes froze on the two bands of tattoos circling his wrists. He slowly lowered his arms and stared at them, reading their meaning.

I am Hunter. I belong to Jesse as she belongs to me. Forever will I tie my life to hers. I will care for, protect and give my seed only to her. She is my Amate. She is my life.

Doubt filled him as he touched the dark markings. It was true, she was his life, his future. When he said he would give his seed only to her, he was saying that she was the one who would decide if his lineage would continue. A shudder went through him as he thought of what life would be like if she were to deny him his claim. It would be a bleak, cold and very frustrating existence.

S. E. Smith's books