Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

“Taylor,” Jesse said, reaching out to comfort her sister. “It might not be that easy.”

“It’s not fair, Jesse,” Taylor said, with a hiccup. “Why did we have to leave? Why did all this have to happen? I wish dad was still alive. He would never have let this happen. He would have taken us to the cabin and we would still be back home.”

“Taylor,” Jesse said again in frustration. “Dad isn’t here. There is no use wishing for things we can’t change.”

She groaned when Taylor pulled away with a shake of her head and ran out of the training room in tears. Jesse glanced at Jordan who murmured a quick word of support before she went after Taylor. Jesse felt like the weight of the world had once again settled on her shoulders.

“She is young. Give her time,” Dagger said coming up behind her.

Jesse turned and looked at the tall warrior who was good friends with Hunter. He was slightly darker than Hunter and his eyes were the color of mocha. He was as tall as Hunter but there was an air of barely controlled violence that clung to him that she didn’t feel with Hunter or with Saber.

“I’m not sure she is the only one who is having a hard time with us being taken away from our world,” Jesse admitted. “I wish…”

Dagger looked intently at Jesse as her voice faded. “You were wise when you said there is no use wishing for things that you cannot change. It will only fester like an unhealed wound inside if you do.”

“It isn’t easy,” Jesse said softly. “Humans weren’t ready to find out they weren’t the only ones in the universe.”

Dagger reached out and ran his fingers down Jesse’s cheek before letting his hand drop to his side. He could smell her pain just as he could hear the fear and confusion in Jordan’s voice when she asked about finding a mate. His eyes moved to the door and he nodded as Hunter came through the entrance.

“No world is ever ready to find out they are not the only ones,” Dagger replied. “But they always wonder if there are others out among the stars. That is why there is always a touch of amusement to the Alliance when they rebel when we answer the calls they send out.”

Jesse frowned as Dagger nodded briefly before turning and walking back over to the weight bench. She started when she felt warm hands wrap around her waist. She glanced over her shoulder at Hunter before sighing and leaning back against him.

“What happened?” Hunter asked. “I was informed that Taylor was crying.”

Jesse turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his waist. She needed the comfort he was giving her. She buried her face in his chest and breathed in deeply. She finally released a sigh and leaned back to give him a rueful smile.

“I never realized how difficult it was to be a parent,” Jesse admitted. “Saber got mad at Taylor and she wants to go home. So does Jordan.”

Hunter stiffened and his hold on her tightened. “What about you, Jesse? What do you want?”

“I’m not sure,” she admitted reluctantly. “I’m not ready to call it quits. I know what our life would be like back on Earth. I think it might be nice to see where this takes us.”

Hunter stared intently down at her before he bent and rubbed his nose along her cheek. She smelled so damn good. When he was told that Taylor was crying, he had panicked. He had been afraid that Jesse and her sisters would want to return to their world. It was to be expected. He just needed time to convince them that his world could be a good place for them. Jesse was giving him that time.

“Hunter,” Jesse murmured as he continued to rub her cheek with his nose.

“Yes, Jesse?” Hunter whispered.

“Why haven’t you kissed me yet?” She asked, threading her fingers through his hair. “Don’t you want to?”

Hunter pulled back just far enough so he could look down at her in confusion. That was what he was doing. It was a male’s way of kissing a female by rubbing his nose along the female’s cheek. It left scent markers to the other male’s that she belonged to him.

“I… how do humans kiss?” He asked instead.

Jesse looked up at him with a raised eyebrow before her eyes dropped to his lips. She began massaging her fingers along his scalp. A low rumble escaped him as her fingernails heightened his desire to fever pitch.

“Like this,” she whispered before sealing her lips over his.

Chapter 11

Hunter’s fingers curled in surprise when Jesse covered his lips with hers. He had wondered what her lips would taste like and it was beyond anything he had dreamed. They were soft and full against his own.

S. E. Smith's books