Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

“This goes no further. The situation on the planet turned out to be a trap,” Jag finally said. “The Alliance Council is aware of what is going on and we have it under control.”

Jesse turned and wrapped her arms around her waist. Her face was calm, devoid of emotion. She didn’t give a damn that the Alliance council was aware of what was going on. She wanted to know where Hunter, Dagger and Saber were.”

“Where is Hunter?” Jesse asked again.

“I told you, we are taking care of the situation,” Jag said coldly.

Jesse flicked a glance at Jordan who nodded. “I’m not one of your warriors,” Jesse said coldly. “I don’t give a shit about your Alliance, your situation or your need-to-know information. I want to know where my husband is,” she said in a low, menacing voice. She dropped her hands to her side, revealing the long hunting knife she held in the palm of her hand. “I’ll do whatever in the hell I have to do to get him back.”

Jag’s eyes narrowed on the weapon she held. “Are you threatening me, female?” He asked in disbelief. “I could snap your neck at the very least. You’ll be lucky if I just throw you in the detention cell!”

“Where is my husband?” Jesse asked, taking a step closer.

Jag’s eyes flashed with fury. He should have refused to bring these damn alien females aboard his warship. If it wasn’t for the fact that Hunter had claimed this one as his Amate and her sisters were his family, he would have. He did not need this type of disobedience on-board.

“Not that it will do you any good but we lost contact with him and the two warriors with him over a week ago. There was heavy fighting in an outer province. We believe they were captured after they defended several wounded members of the ground force that were being evacuated,” Jag snapped. “Is there anything else you would like to know before I throw your ass in detention until they are recovered.”

Jesse’s face relaxed a little. He had said they were captured, not killed. She could handle that. She could live knowing Hunter was still alive.

“Just one thing,” Jesse said. “Do you know where they are being held?”

Jag’s eyes glanced at the screen up on his desk. Jesse glanced at it and realized it was a map of the city. Her eyes moved back to his before she smiled at him.

“Thank you,” she said. “That is all I needed to know.”

“Good, because your ass is going to be warming one of the detention cells in two minutes,” Jag bit out.

“No,” Jesse said as she waved the knife at him. “In less than thirty seconds, you are going to be dreaming on the floor.”

“What the fuck…” Jag’s eyes widened as Jordan stepped up quietly behind him and pressed the injector into his neck. “You…” His eyes widened as his knees gave out under him and he fell face first into the floor.

“Ouch,” Taylor said, poking her head in the door. “That is going to leave a knot. Did you get the information you wanted?”

“Yeah,” Jesse said as she drew in a shaky breath. “We need to get off this ship before he wakes up. If he was pissed before, he is going to be livid when he wakes. Are you sure you want to do this? It is going to be dangerous and I… I think it would be better if you two stayed here.”

Jordan was already shaking her head. “We’ve already been over this, Jesse. We make our own decisions for now on. We know how dangerous it is. We’ve lived dangerous,” she said as she moved over to the screen and started typing in commands. “If we do this together we have a chance of finding Hunter, Dagger, and Saber.”

Taylor grinned. “Besides, we warned them we’d come get them if they didn’t come back,” she reminded Jesse.

Jesse watched as Jordan’s fingers flew over the tablet in her hand. Her sister had always been good with computers but she had been spending extra time learning the programming on board the ship. It had been Taylor’s idea to go after the guys. Jesse shook her head.

“What’s wrong?” Jordan asked.

“How did I ever get so lucky to have two such wonderful sisters?” Jesse asked in a husky voice filled with emotion.

“I think we are the lucky ones,” Taylor said coming up and wrapping her arms around Jesse’s waist. “Now, are we going to go kick some ass or not? I have an old fuddy-duddy to rescue.”

Jesse snorted as she gave Taylor a quick hug back. “He’s going to strangle you if you keep calling him that.”

“Yeah, but he has to catch me first,” Taylor said cheekily before looking at the unconscious captain of the Star Raider. “Do you think he might be nicer when he wakes if we cover him up and put a pillow under his head?”

“It couldn’t hurt, squirt,” Jesse chuckled. “Just hurry.”

“On it,” Taylor said.

Chapter 14

S. E. Smith's books