Hunter's Claim (The Alliance, #1)

Jesse blinked when the crate she was in opened and light poured in. She and Jordan had hidden in two supply crates while Taylor had slipped into one of the racks up high. They figured she was smaller and more nimble then they were and could open the crates to let them out.

“We’ve got to hurry,” Taylor said looking over her shoulder at the open platform. “They are unloading and returning for more supplies.”

Jesse bit back a groan as she rolled out of the container. Jordan was rubbing her hip. The crates had been filled with boxes of supplies and the hard edges didn’t make for a comfortable journey, especially as they went through the rough atmosphere.

“Come on,” Taylor said anxiously. “They are really moving things fast.”

“Let’s go,” Jesse nodded. “I’ll go first.”

Jesse peeked around the edge of the transport they were on. Warriors were all shouting and moving rapidly. Explosions could be heard in the distance. Jesse had a sense of déjà vu. She shook it off and jumped from the back of the transport, waving to Jordan and Taylor.

Glancing around, Jesse picked a dark alley that ran along the area where they had landed. With a nod, she took off running as fast as she could. A startled shout behind her showed that they had been seen.

Jesse heard Jordan’s screams coming from behind her. She turned in time to see one of the Trivator warriors wrapping his arms around her. Jordan was fighting to break free but the commotion had attracted additional attention. Jesse felt eyes swivel to where she and Taylor were standing.

“Go,” Taylor said, pressing the backpack she had into Jesse’s hands. “Find Hunter and bring him home.”

“Taylor,” Jesse started to say.

“I’ll lead them away from you, Jesse,” Taylor said with a determined smile. “You’ll have to do this alone.”

“Thank you,” Jesse whispered as Taylor ran out into the open waving her arms.

“Hey, slow pokes!” Taylor yelled as she ran back to help Jordan.

Jesse turned and disappeared into the dark alley. The years of running and navigating debris quickly came back to her. So did the need to move like a ghost. She slid between some slabs of fallen stone, becoming one with the shadows. She would wait until dark. She lay silently and closed her eyes as she focused on her breathing as the sounds of light footsteps ran past her hiding place.

Jesse concentrated on the items that she had with her to help keep her calm. She had a couple of knives including the one that had belonged to her dad, several cylinders of spray that would hide her scent, water, food, the tablet with the map of city with possible sites where Hunter and the others might be held and some medical supplies. She also had Taylor’s bag now. She wasn’t sure what was in it but if she knew her little sister, it was probably something useful.

Now, she thought as another explosion shook the ground under her, now comes the hard part.


Jordan winced as the bonds holding her hands behind her back tightened. Her eyes moved to where Taylor was sitting. Her little sister looked very young and very scared as the commander of the Star Raider paced back and forth in front of them. Furious didn’t quite express how he was feeling.

“I should...,” he started to say glancing first at Jordan then at Taylor. A low frustrated growl rumbled through the room before he drew in a deep breath. “Where is the other female?” He asked instead, looking at the two warriors standing on each side of the two females.

“She escaped into the city. We haven’t located her yet,” one of the warriors replied.

Jag turned to look at Jordan. “You not only endangered your lives with this stupid little stunt, you’ve endangered the lives of my warriors,” he bit out harshly.

“I’m sorry,” Jordan started to say quietly. “We didn’t mean...” She stopped speaking when the huge warrior in front of her waved his hand, cutting her off.

“I don’t care what you mean or didn’t mean,” he snarled out. “You jeopardized a mission. You endangered lives through your recklessness and you attacked a commanding officer. All those offenses are punishable by prison or death.”

“Then do it,” Taylor said suddenly.

“What?” Jag said, turning to stare in shock at the tiny alien female who barely stood to his chest.

“I said do it,” Taylor whispered before her voice grew louder. “Because if we got the chance to do it again, we would. Do you think we didn’t know we could get killed? Do you think we don’t know what it is like to be hunted or to have bombs exploding around us or people trying to kill us all the time? Do you think we don’t know what it is like to have someone promise to come back but they don’t?”

“Taylor,” Jordan exclaimed in concern. “Don’t...”

S. E. Smith's books