Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

Lorenzo took the sleeping Bianca into his arms and carried her to the bathing chamber where he’d prepared a hot bath for them. He lowered himself into the large tub and arranged Bianca on his lap so she straddled him as he cradled her head against his chest.

Physically, he’d never felt better in his long life. Fucking Bianca while she was tied up had been an amazing experience, fucking her while she had the metal cock inside her sweet ass had almost killed him. Every time he’d thrust into her, he’d felt the other cock grating against him, adding to the intoxicating sensation of her muscles gripping him. His orgasm had been more intense than ever before.

But while he felt fully satisfied physically, his emotional state was another matter. He didn’t know what to make of Bianca. Despite the things he’d thrown at her, she’d played along. Was she really that desperate to attain part of his wealth that she was prepared to engage in any debauched act he could think of? Yet she hadn’t simply endured the act. He’d seen the desire in her eyes, the lust, and the pleasure he’d given her despite the apprehension he’d noticed in her at first.

Was Bianca what he needed? Did it really matter that her motives weren’t pure? That she wanted him for his money? Didn’t any woman hunting for a husband have the same motives? Few people in Venice married for love. It was either for status or money or both. Little else mattered. And frankly, he couldn’t even blame women. They had no means of earning their living and depended on a husband to provide for them. So why shouldn’t they try and sell themselves to the highest bidder?

Maybe he should even feel honored that Bianca had chosen him. After all, she wasn’t stingy with her affections or offering her body to him more completely than any whores had. Could a man really ask for more? He could do worse than have this hot-blooded vixen in his bed. And so far, she hadn’t demanded marriage despite the fact that he’d continued to leave his seed inside her. Maybe all she wanted was a comfortable roof over her head.

Lorenzo reached for the soap and lathered his hands, then started washing the beautiful woman in his arms. He’d never felt so tender toward anybody, except Elle. At the thought of her, he paused. Everything had gone well until he’d told her what he was. He wouldn’t make the same mistake with Bianca. If he decided to keep her, he would make sure that she never found out.

So far, he’d managed. He’d had food delivered to the house so she could eat, but he’d never partaken himself, always finding an excuse to briefly leave on an errant while she ate. He’d fed plenty on the nearest street person he could find so his hunger wouldn’t overwhelm him while he was with Bianca. As much as he wanted to bite her and taste her blood, he knew he could never allow himself that pleasure. Once she knew that he was a vampire, she would become a danger to him, attempting to kill him like Elle had. And wiping her memory every time he bit her was not an option. The memory of Elle in an insane asylum served as a strong enough deterrent.

He would just have to suppress the overwhelming desire to taste her blood. It was the only way he could at least slake his lust with her.

Lorenzo eased Bianca away from his chest, holding her firmly with one arm while he let his soapy hand sweep over her breasts, washing her. As he scooped water over her generous globes, she stirred.

“You’ve pleased me very much tonight,” he whispered and palmed one globe, enjoying the weight in his hand.

“My love.” Her whispered endearment was both encouragement and approval.

Lorenzo pulled her back against his chest, tilting her sideways so he could continue to caress her luscious tit. “Sleep, I’ll take care of you now.”

Bianca’s breath ghosted against his wet skin as she relaxed back into sleep. And for as long as the water stayed warm, he kept her cradled in his arms. Safe, for now.


Lorenzo had told her that he had business to take care of and would be out most of the evening. Bianca gave him one of her sweetest smiles and sent him on his way, assuring him that she was perfectly fine spending an evening on her own.

As soon as the door closed behind him, she breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she had a few uninterrupted hours during which to continue her search. This would be her first real occasion to search her father’s old bedchamber, which she and Lorenzo had been occupying. Even though officially she stayed in her mother’s bedchamber, the bed there had remained unused except for that first night.

Folsom, Tina's books