Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

Despite everything he’d done, he’d been unable to protect his heart. Even though he knew what she was—a courtesan, a liar, a woman after his money—he couldn’t bring himself to send her away, because whenever he was near her, he felt at peace with his life. And when he was separated from her, a gaping void appeared like the deep chasm of a ravine.

When he opened his eyes, his gaze collided with Raphael’s. There was understanding in his friend’s eyes now. “God help you. For all our sakes.”

Lorenzo nodded, unable to say anything else.

“Guard your back,” Raphael cautioned and strode to the door.

Upon hearing the front door close, Lorenzo let himself fall into his armchair in front of the fireplace. He wasn’t ready to go upstairs yet to join Bianca, his body still too agitated, his control too close to snapping.


Bianca clamped her hand over her mouth in order not to scream. This couldn’t be happening! It had to be a nightmare. But she’d seen it with her own eyes, heard it with her own ears: Lorenzo was a vampire, a vile creature who preyed on humans. She’d heard people talk of them, never truly believing in the gruesome stories herself, but now there was no denying it.

Fangs had protruded from Lorenzo’s mouth, and his eyes had glared red as he’d argued with his friend. Seemingly the loss of his temper brought out his hidden vampire side. What if she did something to provoke him? Would he lose control too? Would he bite her? Harm her? Kill her?

Bianca suppressed the sob that built in her chest and threatened to overwhelm her. As quietly as she could, she snuck out of the room and went to her mother’s bedchamber, careful not to make any noise. Closing the door behind her, she took in a few steadying breaths. She had to get away. It was the only solution. Not even the hidden treasure could keep her here now. She had to run for her life.

Hastily, she stuffed her small bag with her belongings. There was even less now than before: the dress Lorenzo had ripped in half now lay on a chair. She wouldn’t take it. She needed no reminder of what he’d done that day. No reminder of the passion he’d shown.

He could have killed her many times over. Yet, he’d never hurt her, not even when he’d tied her up. All his actions had been those of a passionate and dominant lover, not those of a bloodthirsty beast. But what if he was simply playing with her like a cat played with a mouse before it devoured it?

Bianca shuddered at the thought and gripped her bag.

As she negotiated the stairs, trying to avoid those that creaked, her heart beat so loud she was afraid he’d hear it. A sound from the parlor made her heart stop. Lorenzo was moving, and by the sound of a particularly loudly creaking floorboard, she knew he was almost at the door.

Panicked, she looked around her as she reached the landing, and quickly shoved her bag underneath the credenza and out of view.

A moment later, the parlor door opened and Lorenzo stepped out. He looked utterly crushed, so unhappy in fact that something tugged at her heart.

“Bianca, you’re still awake,” he noted when their eyes met.

She swallowed hard, trying to push back the lump that was rising in her throat. “I couldn’t sleep without you.” Would he know that she was lying? Would he see it in her face?

A small smile stole onto his lips as he extended his hand to her. “Then come, and join me in the parlor for a while.”

Trembling, she took a step toward him and placed her hand in his palm. It was warm and reassuring.

“You’re shaking, my sweet. Are you cold?” Lorenzo instantly pulled her into his arms.

“Yes, yes, I’m cold,” she stammered.

“Then let me warm you.”

He led her into the parlor and sat down on the sofa. Instead of placing her next to him, he pulled her into his lap and pressed her against his all-too-familiar broad chest. His scent brought back the memories of the intimacies they’d shared. And despite what she’d seen only a short while ago, her body didn’t recoil from his touch.

“I’ve realized something tonight.” Lorenzo’s hand stroked over her hair, then he planted a soft kiss on top of her head.

“Yes?” With bated breath, Bianca waited for his response. Had he decided that it was time for him to bite her, that he couldn’t deny his nature any longer and needed to drain her of her blood? Would she have the strength to pull free from him and run? More importantly: would she want to?

“I realized tonight that I need you.”

“Need me?”

“Yes. When I have you in my arms, it feels good.”

“You mean when we have ... relations,” she corrected him. What man didn’t like to fuck? Surely, a vampire wasn’t any different in that way.

His hand nudged under her chin, tipping her face up to look at him. Bianca couldn’t avoid his penetrating gaze.

“It’s not about that.” Then he grinned. “Even though, I’ve never felt a more intense pleasure than when I’m inside you.” As if his body wanted to make a point, Lorenzo shifted her so she suddenly felt the hard outline of his erection against her hip.


Folsom, Tina's books