Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

He pulled his rock-hard erection out of her, more than willing to comply with her request. As he reached for the ties which had taken up permanent residence on his nightstand and proceeded to tie her wrists above her head, Bianca impatiently rocked her pelvis against him.

“Yes, show me how powerful you are. Make me submit to you.” Her words were interspersed by heavy breathing, her voice sounding almost delirious. And her eyes watched him with untamed lust, her tongue licking her lips the way she always did when she wanted to suck him. God, he was one lucky son of a bitch having Bianca in his bed.

Once he’d secured the restraints around the headboard, he lowered himself over her again, playfully sliding his cock over her pearl. She hissed out a breath and arched against him, but he withdrew too quickly for her.

“Oh, no, my sweet, I’m your master now. I’ll control your pleasure.”

She lowered her gaze to his cock. “Let me suck you. I know how much you like that.”

Despite the fact that she was right about how much he enjoyed his cock in her mouth, he shook his head. “It’s your pleasure I want.”

Then he reached for the black scarf. “Now be a good mistress and close your eyes.”

There was a glint of surprise in her look before she lowered her lids and let herself be blindfolded. He’d never deprived her of her eyesight before, but he’d never seen her acting with such abandon as tonight. If she ever agreed to this, it would be tonight.

“What are you going to do?” she asked. He heard no fear in her voice, only excitement.

“Do you remember when I told you that on occasion I would want somebody else to watch us?”

Her breath hitched as her muscles tensed. “Who is it?”

Lorenzo smiled. “You haven’t met him. And it doesn’t matter who he is. All that matters is that you know that a stranger is looking at you while I’m pleasuring you.”

He rose and swung his legs to the side of the bed. “He’s waiting downstairs. I will go and fetch him now.” Then he stood and walked to the door and opened it, glancing back over his shoulder. He noticed how Bianca’s chest rose, her breathing more uneven than before. “Don’t be concerned, my love. He may only watch, not touch.”

Then he walked into the corridor and closed the door behind him.


Bianca felt her heartbeat escalate. The thought of another man watching them both scared and excited her. But it was too late to do anything about it. She was tied up, willingly at that, and unable to move. Maybe it was best this way: she could live out her wildest fantasies, things she would have never dared before.

When she heard steps on the stairs, she braced herself. Moments later, the door opened and closed.

“I’m back, Bianca. My friend here will stand to the right side of the bed so he’ll have a good view of what I’m doing. I’ve asked him not to speak so that you won’t be able to recognize his voice when you meet him in polite society in the future.”

The notion that one day she might face this man suddenly made her panic. “Lorenzo, maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

“Nonsense. Just forget he’s even here.”

When Lorenzo’s hand stroked over her thigh, Bianca jolted.

“Easy, my love, easy. I thought you wanted to do something new. And look—” He paused, trailing his fingers to the apex of her thighs, dipping one digit into her wet cave. “—how wet you are at the thought of this.” Then he inhaled audibly. “I need to taste you.”

Lorenzo pushed her thighs further apart, then settled between them. His hot breath blew against her moist flesh a moment before his tongue swept against it, lapping up the juices that oozed from her throbbing cunny. His moans reverberated in her body, driving any sane thought out of her passion-clouded mind.

“Oh, God,” she let out. “More.”

Lorenzo lifted his head from her flesh, cold air wafting against it in the process. But it didn’t douse the fire that was already burning inside her. “Can you smell that, my friend? Yes? She tastes even better. Shame really, that you can’t have any of it. Isn’t that right, Bianca? Or do you want him to lick you too?”

Shocked, Bianca pulled on her restraints. “NO!”

She heard the grin in Lorenzo’s voice when he answered. “Good answer, because had you said that you wanted him too, I would have had to kill him, friendship or not.” Then he drove one thick finger into her, making her muscles clench around him. “Because you’re mine alone. Not to be shared. Not to be touched by anybody else.”

“Yes,” was all she could whimper as he continued to finger-fuck her, adding a second digit to the first. But the contact left her wanting, not giving her enough friction, not filling her the way she needed to be filled. “I need more.”

“I know that, my love. You’ll have to learn to ask for what you want. So, ask for it.”

She swallowed, apprehensive about another person besides Lorenzo hearing her voice dirty words. “I want you inside me.”

“I am inside you,” Lorenzo emphasized and drove his fingers in knuckles deep.

“Your cock!”

“Ah, you want my cock.”

“Yes, fill me with your cock!”

Folsom, Tina's books