Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

Lorenzo dismounted and knelt next to her, using his hand to spread her legs in the next instance. She let it happen, unable to fight her own desire. She needed to be touched, and if he wanted to touch her with that toy as he called it, then it was better than not being touched at all. Humiliation be damned.

He led the metal cock to her sex and stroked it against her moist flesh. It was cool and smooth, and the cold metal somewhat eased the fire in her. But then he moved upwards to her pearl. Now coated in her dew, it slid easily against her, the contact sending a flame of heat through her body.

“Oh, God!”

Lorenzo lowered his head to her stomach, trailing open mouthed kisses along her skin. She bucked toward him and toward the metal cock he was holding, wanting more. As if he understood her, he moved the smooth metal rhythmically up and down. Bianca exhaled, allowing the pleasure to spread in her body. Finally, Lorenzo would soothe the ache that had built.

“Yes.” It was less word more moan that left her lips.

“Not yet, my sweet,” he answered and withdrew the cock.

Frustrated, she pulled on her restraints, rattling the headboard.

“Shh, you’re impatient. Have you forgotten that as my mistress you’re here to pleasure me? And I decide what gives me pleasure.”

An instant later, she felt the metal cock at the entrance to her channel, probing gently, before he drove it into her. Her muscles clenched around it, welcoming the foreign intrusion. Smaller than Lorenzo’s cock it nevertheless filled the void. But already, he withdrew it, not allowing her to enjoy the pleasurable sensation for long.

“No! Please, don’t stop!”

“I’m not.”

Then he pulled her legs up and slid the object further back toward her buttocks. Panic gripped her when she realized what he was about to do. She tensed and tried to push her thighs together, but Lorenzo pried them apart.

“Bianca, I warned you once. These are the things I expect from my mistress.” Then he looked at her, his eyes blazing with lust. “If you don’t want to be my mistress, tell me now.”

Warring emotions collided inside her. But she couldn’t give in now. She was too close to her goal. If he dismissed her now, she’d be virtually destitute. Slowly, she eased her legs apart further, pulling her knees up to set her feet flat on the mattress.

Surprise flitted across his face. Then one hand came up to stroke her cheek. “I’ll be gentle.”

Bianca closed her eyes, steeling herself for what was to come. Instead of pain, she suddenly felt his hand on her pearl, stroking it in a leisurely rhythm, relaxing her further. She arched her hips toward him, and he complied and caressed her with more pressure.


When he guided the metal cock to the entrance of her dark passage, the moisture it was coated with made the contact smooth and pleasant. Slowly, the cock pressed against the tight ring of muscle. A sense of discomfort spread, but was instantly drowned out by Lorenzo’s finger on her pearl.

Gently, he pushed the toy into her, the invasion creating a sense of fullness she’d never experienced. It stretched her. She took steadying breaths to push back the temporary pain.

“That’s good, my sweet. Take it slowly.”

She should feel embarrassed about what he was doing to her. But when she noticed him watch with rapt fascination how the item disappeared in her dark channel, her pulse flared.

“So beautiful.”

Bianca expelled a moan as pain made room for pleasure, the cock in her passage sending sensations through her body she’d never felt.

“I’m ready to fuck you now.”

Lorenzo let go of the metal cock, keeping it deeply lodged inside her and rose above her, settling between her thighs. With one swift move, he drove his shaft into her cunny. The dual penetration robbed her of her breath. Her heartbeat stuttered.

His head lowered to hers, his eyes boring into hers. “Yes, my sweet, I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll faint.”

His lips landed on hers before she could reply, kissing her more passionately than he ever had. And as he continued kissing her, he rode her. With every stroke of his hard length, the metal cock in her ass moved, driving her higher every time. It was useless to fight the sensations that crashed onto her like an ocean wave against the shore. So she let herself go and surrendered to him, allowed him to take her and pleasure her without restraints. And despite the restraints that still held her arms captive, she’d never felt more liberated in her life.

“I’m yours,” she whispered, her voice echoing amidst his heavy breathing.

“Oh, Bianca!”

His cock jerked inside her, pulsating as her muscles contracted around him, gripping him harder until her body joined his in orgasm, the waves engulfing her until the last one crashed over her and drew her into darkness.

Chapter Fourteen

Folsom, Tina's books