Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

“Of course, then you’ll have to leave my house.”

Reality slammed into her. She couldn’t leave. There were still areas in the house she hadn’t searched, and under no circumstances would she leave without her treasure.

Bianca swallowed her pride and gave him a coquettish smile. “If you want me to suck you, my master, then you’ll have to come a little closer—” She jerked at her restraints. “—given that I can’t put my hands on your ... very ... very impressive ...” She licked her lips, bringing much needed moisture to them. “ ... cock.”

She couldn’t interpret the look Lorenzo gave her. Was it approval? Surprise? Or a bit of both? But whatever it was, he nudged forward another inch and, holding his shaft at the root, he guided it to her lips.

“Yes, my sweet Bianca, taste me.” His voice had dropped an octave, huskier than she’d ever heard him speak. And his eyes had turned darker, the white in them almost completely disappearing. In its stead, the light from the candle on the nightstand seemed to throw an orange glow onto them, making them sparkle in the dark.

Bianca parted her lips and extended her tongue to swipe it over the purple head, gathering his pre-cum with it, all the while watching his expression. When she pressed her tongue flat against his slit, Lorenzo’s eyes closed and his head fell back, his chest releasing a most animalistic groan. She’d never seen a more tantalizing site.

Her mouth rocked forward, and she engulfed his length in her moist heat, widening her jaw as much as she could. But he was too big. Only half his shaft fit. Slowly, she moved her head back and forth, making him withdraw, then slide back into her while she swirled her tongue around its underside.

With every slide, her own body responded, sending charges of heat to her center of pleasure. She pressed her thighs together in the hope of alleviating the need that boiled up there, but it was no use. She needed to be touched, needed his hand on her to take away the ache.

When she looked back at Lorenzo, his dark eyes were watching her intently.

“God, I love fucking your mouth.”

Raw emotions played on his face: desire, lust, and the knowledge that his control would snap soon. His hips flexed as he drove deeper into her, forcing her head back into the pillow. He braced his arms against the headboard above her and thrust in a steady rhythm, his strokes slow and measured, careful not to make her gag, yet deep enough to push her boundaries of comfort.

“See, Bianca, how good it is when you can’t get away, when you have to endure everything I want you to do. Does it excite you?”

She wanted to protest, but the lie wouldn’t cross her lips. Despite the vulnerable position she found herself in, she couldn’t deny the appeal of it. Lorenzo was in charge, and for the first time in her life she felt the need to surrender.

On his next withdrawal, she made a demand of her own. “Touch me.”

There was a smile on his lips before he drove back into her. “Not yet, my sweet. Your need isn’t great enough yet.”

She wanted to protest, tell him that she would burn up if he didn’t stroke her pearl and released the tension there, but his relentless cock didn’t give her the freedom to speak. So she closed her eyes and concentrated on his body and the beautiful flesh that was hard and soft at the same time, hoping to distract herself from the ache between her legs.

When she thought she couldn’t take anymore, Lorenzo suddenly pulled back, breathing hard. Her eyes flew open, their gazes colliding. “Don’t stop,” she whispered.

He scooted down her body. “I’m not ready to come. But when I am, it’ll be in your sweet cunt.”

As if wanting to shock her, he lashed the crude word at her. But all it did was excite her further. He would fuck her and give her relief. It was all she could think of.

Lorenzo leaned toward the nightstand. Bianca followed his movement, watching as he retrieved a box there and opened it. “But first,” he announced, “I’ll be exploring your body.”

When he took a shiny item from the box and turned back to her, she tried to focus on what it was.

“Have you ever seen something like this?”

Shocked, Bianca stared at his hands, which held an object made of a smooth metal. Its shape was unmistakable: it looked like a man’s cock, only it was smaller than Lorenzo’s and slimmer as well. She shook her head, both in response to his question as well as to push away the suspicions of what he wanted to do with it.

“No? Well, then I think I have to introduce you to this toy.” The wicked grin on his face told her he wouldn’t stop until he’d done whatever he wanted.

Folsom, Tina's books