Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

“You’re not dismissing me that easily. If you’re thinking about whether to make her child half-vampire, I urge you to reconsider. You don’t know this woman. In fact, you know that she’s devious and scheming.”

Despite everything he’d heard about Bianca, he couldn’t believe that there was nothing good in her. In his arms, she’d felt better than good. She’d felt like a treasure to him.

“You have no idea how far she will go!”

Something in Nico’s words made him listen up. “What did you say?”

“You don’t know what she’ll do!”

As an idea formed in his mind, Lorenzo’s lips curled up in a smile. “I suppose, I’ll have to push her to her limits then.”

“I don’t like the sound of that,” Nico replied, his voice filled with doubt.

Lorenzo looked toward the door, imagining himself walking into his bedchamber. “Oh, but it’s going to be extremely pleasurable to find out how far my soiled dove will take it before she gives up and runs as far as her feet will carry her.” Even though secretly he hoped that despite what he was planning to confront her with, she’d stay. It was a crazy thought, yet he couldn’t stop it from taking residence in his mind.

Chapter Thirteen

Lorenzo eased the door to his bedchamber shut, not wanting to make any noise to wake his sleeping vixen. He approached his dressing room which only held a minimal amount of his clothes at this point. His valet had delivered one trunk the night before, wanting to arrange his master’s closet at the same time, but Lorenzo had sent him on his way and asked him to take a few days off, wanting to be alone with Bianca. Just as well. He needed no audience or interruptions to what he had in mind now.

He opened the trunk, rummaging through its contents until he felt silk caress his fingers. He pulled on the material, freeing a scarf from the stack. A silk necktie followed. Perusing the two items in his hand, he contemplated adding two more, but dismissed the idea. Two would be sufficient for what he needed.

Lorenzo was about to lower the trunk’s lid when his eyes fell onto a small rectangular box. He closed his palm around it, well aware of its contents: French letters. His valet made sure that he always had an ample and ready supply of the pesky skins. For a moment, he contemplated availing himself of one, but quickly dismissed the idea. He’d been fucking Bianca for three days and nights straight without taking any precautions. And while it was possible that she hadn’t conceived during those times, and all could still be saved if he used his French letters now, he was in the mood to tempt fate even more.

Maybe it was to punish her for her deception, or maybe it was simply because his gut told him that the deed had already been done and there’d be no use in taking any further precautions—precautions, which frankly would impede his pleasure. The thought of filling her with his seed once more ignited him to the point of unbearable lust, his cock already tenting his robe, eager to comply.

He released the box that contained the French letters and palmed the one next to it instead. It was larger and heavier.

As he strode back into his chamber and approached the bed, his senses filled with everything that was Bianca: her scent, the soft rustle she made on every exhale, and the way her face looked so peaceful while she was sleeping. There was something about this woman that spoke to him, that told him that she wasn’t all calculating and cold. But the things Nico had found out about her spoke against that. Therefore, he had to push her to the brink, so she’d break and confess what her motives were.

And if Lorenzo was good at one thing, it was how to lay secrets bare. With Bianca, he’d use his favorite method.

Placing the box on the nightstand, he bent over Bianca. He reached for one of her arms, easing it from underneath the tangled sheets and bound her wrist tightly with the scarf, then pulled her arm up over her head and looped the other end of the scarf through the sturdy wood carving of the headboard, attaching it firmly. Lorenzo tugged on it, making sure it was secured.

Then he proceeded in the same fashion with Bianca’s second arm and stepped back to look at the enticing tableau she now represented. By pulling her arms over her head, the sheet covering her breasts had slid down, revealing her naked beauty. Her tits had pulled up, the firm peaks proudly pointing up, moving slightly with every breath she took.

Lorenzo snagged the sheet between his thumb and forefinger and pulled it down to her feet, exposing her nude form to his hungry gaze. Hell, would he ever get enough of that sight? A light sheen of sweat covered her creamy skin, and dew still glistened on her mound. One leg was angled to the side, giving him a full view of the pink flesh between her thighs he’d licked and sucked and fucked relentlessly. And still, he wanted more.

Folsom, Tina's books