Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

Lorenzo divested himself of his robe and carelessly dropped it to the floor before he slid onto the bed beside Bianca. It was time to wake her and show her what he expected from his mistress.

With his hand, he lightly brushed over her nipples, the globes they topped moving in the process. So responsive, yet she didn’t wake, her body clearly too exhausted. It didn’t stop him from enjoying a quick lick against her flesh, then a soft tug together with a grazing of his teeth against her breast. But playtime was over.

Lorenzo swung his leg over her, mounting her, his buttocks resting on her upper thighs, so he still had a view of her neatly trimmed triangle of curls. Bianca’s breathing changed as he sank part of his weight onto her, her legs behind him trying to find a more comfortable position. He reached for her face and bent down to her, pressing his lips to hers. With his tongue he nudged her lips open and slid inside.

Her gasp told him that she was aware of him, so he eased off and pulled back an inch. Her face lifted from the pillow to follow his lips, and a moment later, she jerked her arms as if trying to reach for him. But she was rudely pulled back by her restraints.

Bianca’s eyes flew open, her head instantly twisting, her eyes searching for the unknown resistance. Her eyes spotted the bindings that held her trapped, and she snapped her gaze back to him, staring at him in shock. “What? Lorenzo?” The hint of panic in her voice pleased him. He wanted her off kilter.

“Yes, my sweet Bianca?” he asked innocently.

“What are you doing?” There was annoyance in her tone now. She tugged at the ties but couldn’t loosen them. “Take these off me!”

Lorenzo smiled down at her and trailed his hand over her breast until he reached her nipple. “I can’t do that.”

“Untie me!”

He ignored her demand and took her responsive peak between thumb and forefinger, pinching it. A startled gasp was her response. “It’s time for you to learn what I expect my mistress to do. And you’re my mistress now, aren’t you?”

“Lorenzo, please.” Even though she was pleading now, her lips pouting like a debutante’s, it wouldn’t change anything.

“If you remember, we agreed on this when I let you stay here. I warned you about the things you would have to do for me if you wanted to warm my bed. Or have you already forgotten about it?”

Her eyes blinked as her jaw dropped. Yes, she remembered what he’d told her that first night when she’d begged him to let her stay. He would make good on it now.

“I see, you remember.”

“But I thought you simply tried to shock me, so I’d leave,” she protested in vain.

Lorenzo kept the chuckle that was building inside him where it belonged: hidden from view. The devious vixen was trying to talk her way out of it. Maybe her previous protectors had been so gullible, but it wouldn’t work with him.

He tsked before he lifted himself off her thighs. Her relieved smile died an instant death when he merely scooted up her body so his inner thighs were touching her breasts and his heavy cock nudged toward the valley between them.

“I think I should warn you that in my house my word is law. Whatever order I issue will be followed. And right now, I’m going to have you suck me.”


Bianca tugged on the restraints once more, but they were holding, not quite biting into her wrists, but nevertheless firm enough to prevent her from escaping them. What had gotten into Lorenzo? During the last days and nights, he’d been the most passionate, yet considerate lover, and she’d almost forgotten why she was with him in the first place: to find the treasure. Only during those hours when he’d slept deeply had she snuck out of bed to continue her search.

But now as she looked at him looming over her, his body as beautiful as ever, and his cock just as hard and tempting as the many times before, there was a different glint in his eyes. As if a predator lurked in its depths.

She’d never allowed any of her lovers to tie her up, yet despite the dominant position Lorenzo had taken above her, she felt no fear. Her heartbeat kicked up nevertheless, but a much more powerful emotion was its catapult: lust. As she trailed her gaze down from his strong chest muscles to his flat stomach, and then lower still to his hard length, her mouth went dry at the beautiful sight. Like a stalk it jutted out, purple veins snaking around it like vines crawling up a castle wall. Its head glistened with moisture coming from the slit on its tip.

Bianca inhaled his scent, so male and more virile than that of any man she’d ever known. During the many hours they’d spent together in his bed, he’s shown her over and over that his sexual prowess was limitless.

“Time to fulfill your duties as my mistress,” he continued and scooted up her body, bringing his cock closer to her mouth. “Or have you decided you don’t want to be my mistress anymore? If that’s the case, say the word, and I’ll release you.”

Bianca breathed a sigh of relief: he was only teasing her. But with his next words she realized that escape was not an option.

Folsom, Tina's books