Venice Vampyr - The Beginning

Lorenzo didn’t seem to mind her sleeping in his arms. Her former lovers had preferred to sleep alone once they’d rutted on her, and frankly, she’d preferred it too. But strangely enough, she enjoyed being with Lorenzo. Even in his sleep, he seemed to be aware of her and sought an intimate connection. A day earlier, she’d woken only to find that he was sleeping soundly, her back tucked into his front, his hard cock deep inside her channel. None of her lovers had ever done that. Besides, she didn’t know any man who’d held an erection for as long as he did.

Only when she’d started to move had Lorenzo awoken and grinned sheepishly, saying that he’d wanted to be connected to her when he slept. It was the sweetest thing anybody had ever said to her.

But Lorenzo had many sides, and she never knew which side she would be confronted with from one minute to the next. Not that it mattered much: she enjoyed each one in its own right. His tender and sweet side made her relax, and his passionate side made her feel wanted. But his dominance unleashed something in her that she never knew she harbored: the need to lose control, the need to surrender and submit. It scared her, yet at the same time, she craved it.

As she swept her gaze around the bedchamber, her eyes caught on the box that still lay on the nightstand, its content back in its velvet cushion. A shiver raced through her body at the memories of what he’d done with the metal toy. She’d never thought she’d take to such debauched acts, but whenever he opened the box to use the implement in every way possible, her heartbeat accelerated and her center of pleasure throbbed uncontrollably. Then his knowing look rolled over her trembling body, and his cock jerked, oozing with moisture.

Even now with the lid closed, she felt her body prepare itself for the pleasure it was expecting. She should be ashamed of her depraved thoughts, but her heart couldn’t fault her for what her body needed. In Lorenzo’s arms she felt free even when he bound her and made her submit to his will. And with this freedom came ultimate bliss and a glimpse of what happiness tasted like.

Bianca shook her head, trying to banish the feelings from her mind. Whatever she and Lorenzo had was temporary. It would only last until she found the treasure or until he tired of her, whichever came first. And she hoped to God that she’d find the treasure in time.

As she set about her task to search her father’s old room, she worked methodically starting in one corner, moving along the walls, peaking behind paintings, crawling under furniture, and opening every drawer. Many of her father’s things were still there: his grooming implements, a drawer full of ties, another of stockings and garters. With difficulty, she lifted the heavy mattress of the bed and examined the space underneath, but there was no hidden compartment to be found.

She let the mattress slip back into place, the quick movement creating a dust cloud which settled onto the intricately carved headboard. Bianca took a piece of cloth and wiped it over the carved letters in the center of the wooden piece, removing the dust before she focused her attention on the next area.

The dressing room only held some of Lorenzo’s garments. The servant who’d briefly visited a few days ago, had brought his trunk and moved her father’s clothes to another unused chamber to make space for his master’s garments.

Bianca stared at the trunk. Drawn to it like she was drawn to its owner, she sunk to her knees and opened the lid. An assortment of scarves, ties, and smalls greeted her. She should have blushed at the sight of a man’s undergarments, but she felt no such sentiment. The intimacies they’d shared had eradicated all embarrassment she could ever feel.

She let her hand run over the soft fabric, caressing it as if she was touching him instead. Her eyes closed, making her remember his touch more intensely when her fingers encountered a hard object. Bianca opened her eyes and looked at the item: a box, smaller than the one that held Lorenzo’s favorite toy. She lifted it out of the trunk and opened the lid, curious to see whether it held any other toys. To her surprise, the box contained French letters.

Stunned, she closed the box. Why hadn’t Lorenzo used them? After his valet had delivered the trunk, there’d been no reason to continue their carnal pleasures without protection against conception. Did it not bother him that she could soon be with child? And for that matter, why didn’t it bother her that she could soon find herself in an untenable situation having to support not only herself but an illegitimate child?

Bianca shook her head and rose. Was she playing with fire, secretly hoping that there could be more between her and Lorenzo than just a fleeting affair? Was that why she was taking unnecessary risks? She pushed the thoughts aside, not wanting to examine the emotions that drove them.

Folsom, Tina's books