Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“Sorry about that. My old man can be a pain in the ass. He doesn’t want me on the road with the snow lurking so he’s waiting for me outside.”

Cara smiled. “I’m sorry to keep you then.” There was something oddly familiar in the girl who stood before her, yet she couldn’t put her finger on what it actually was. She studied her for a moment. Her auburn hair, straight as a pin, was cut to her shoulders. She wore glasses, but behind those glasses were the prettiest eyes. They were golden brown with flecks of emerald green. The girl’s brows furrowed and Cara snapped out of her trance, realizing she was staring.

She cleared her throat. “I called earlier, you’re holding…” Cara was cut off by the young girl.

“Ah yes. Cara right?” She reached behind the counter and handed over the merchandise that Cara had put on hold. “This is the right one, right?”

Cara took the box in one of her hands and then reached for her phone again. She scrolled through her pictures until she came up with the one she was looking for and compared the box in her hand to the picture she had found on the internet. She lifted her eyes to the girl and smiled.

“Yes. It’s perfect. Thank you for holding it for me.”

“Not a problem.” She said as she snapped her gum. “Alright then, let’s get you rung up so we both can go home and sit this one out.” She said motioning towards the window. Cara glanced outside and saw the snow was beginning to fall.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she handed her credit card over to the girl. She stared down at the text message Luke had sent her.

Cara not playing around. Call me.

Her fingers busied themselves typing out her reply…

Miss me don’t you?

She smiled and tucked her phone back into her pocket as the girl slid a slip a piece a paper across the counter for her to sign. Cara scribbled her name and took the bag she handed her.

“Thanks again for holding it. Merry Christmas.” Cara said with a wink.

Another snap of her gum and the girl with the pretty eyes smiled. “No problem. Right back at you.”

Cara looked at her for another moment before turning on her heel and walking out of the hobby shop. She pulled her hood up and crossed the street. She spotted a coffee shop right by where her car was parked and decided to grab a latte for her drive back to Riverdale. She stepped into the coffee shop just as another text came in.

Call me

She sighed and dialed his number while she mentally pictured him pacing with that all so serious look on his face, the look that always left her hot and bothered.

“Well, it’s about damn time.” He answered.

“Well, hello to you too.” She said with a smile and then covered the phone with the palm of her hand. “Can I have a caramel latte with skim?”

“Where are you?” Luke asked curiously.

“I’m in Pine Bush. I had some last minute Christmas shopping I wanted to knock out of the way.” She paid for her latte and waited for the barista to make it.

“Cara, we’re having a blizzard and you’re Christmas shopping.” He said incredulously and shook his head.

“Okay, to be fair, they said it wouldn’t start to snow for another hour and I would’ve been back by then.” She took her coffee and headed out of the coffee shop. “I will be back in an hour. It’s not even that bad yet.” She paused as she dug into her purse for her keys. “Please don’t worry about me.”

“I can’t help it.” He admitted honestly.

“That’s sweet.” She said softly as she got into her car, shoving her purchase, into the back seat and her coffee into the cup holder. She turned her key in the ignition and glanced across the street. The young girl who had helped her was pulling the gate down to the shop when an older man came around and shooed her hands away then started to do it himself. She squinted as the man turned around and draped his arm over the young girl’s shoulders. Cara remembered the girl saying her dad was waiting for her because he didn’t want her on the roads by herself. The doting dad walked his little girl to the SUV that was parked just out front of the hobby shop.

“Spunky, you there?” Luke asked into the silence.

“Oh my God.” Cara whispered as she got a good look at the man who was walking around the truck to the driver’s door.

“Cara, what’s the matter?” Luke asked, instantly not liking this game she was playing with him for one minute.

Cara swallowed the lump in her throat. It couldn’t be. The man lifted his head as if he felt her staring and she was able to take a better look. She hadn’t seen him in nearly fifteen years, but there was no mistaking him. The man who broke her spirit and neglected her after her mother passed away. The man who raised his hands to her, who never had the decency to be a father was standing across the street being a father to someone else.

“Cara? I’m not fucking around, answer me. Where are you?”

“Luke.” Cara whispered, remembering he was still on the phone.